Social Question

flutherother's avatar

What picture are you using for your Desktop wallpaper?

Asked by flutherother (35039points) March 16th, 2022

I change mine from time to time but at the moment it is a Turner painting of a canal in Venice.

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10 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Usually I have a seasonal landscape of some sort, or sometimes a painting such as a Botticelli or one of the Pre-Raphaelites. A few of them are my own photos. Right now, though, it’s a colorful abstract.

chyna's avatar

My dog.

Zaku's avatar

A picture of a couple of fluffy cats looking down at the photographer from atop a glass shelf.

LuckyGuy's avatar

My grandson’s smiling face.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I use Webshots & the picture changes several times a day.

zenvelo's avatar

For my personal computer, a picture I took in 2007 at Lake Padden near Bellingham WA.

For my work computer, a picture of Phoenix Lake in Marin Couinty CA, taken in 2018.

SnipSnip's avatar

Solid turquoise. Sometimes I use a picture but right now, just turquoise. I like it.

kritiper's avatar

A female anime character, in a bikini, floating in a pool on a inflatable raft. And she’s reading a book???

Brian1946's avatar

I’m using the “green tornado” in my avatar, which is actually the aurora borealis.

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