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LostInParadise's avatar

Is it common for animals to stand perfectly still?

Asked by LostInParadise (32310points) March 18th, 2022

I glanced out of a window and saw what appeared to be a squirrel, but it was perfectly still. I walked over to the window to take a closer look, and it was indeed a squirrel. It must have stayed in that position for two or three minutes, not twitching a muscle, staring straight ahead. I am used to seeing squirrels in constant motion, so it struck me as a bit odd.

I have previously seen other animals do this for a long stretch of time, a rabbit one time and a Canada goose in a wooded area near a stream. Is this a way for an animal to rest while remaining alert to predators?

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14 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

Deer will freeze like that if they hear a sound. A minute is not unusual.

Brian1946's avatar

It’s very common for scales and sponges to be motionless. ;)

HP's avatar

Predators are adapted just as their prey to be particularly aware of and therefore focus on movement.

Zaku's avatar

Yes, it is common.

Many animals (including squirrels, and humans) sometimes stop motionless when they’re alerted to something, especially when they’re concerned about whether another animal might notice and/or come after them if they move.

LadyMarissa's avatar

It’s common when they feel threatened!!! I had a squirrel that lived in my pecan tree & a Black Lab that preferred squirrel for her afternoon snack. She’d see the squirrel & freeze in her tracks. After what seemed like an eternity, she’d make one very slow, stalking move. The squirrel would notice her & freeze. They’d stand there frozen staring each other in the eyes. It was interesting to watch the 2 of them trying to out do the other. IF the squirrel’s gaze was distracted even for a second, the dog would take it’s next slow stalking step. The squirrel would look back & the dog would freeze. The squirrel’s body wouldn’t move…ONLY the eyes. This sometimes went on for hours, but it seemed to amuse them & I wasn’t playing their game so I didn’t care!!!

chyna's avatar

Yes, I see deer and squirrels do it al the time.

rebbel's avatar

If you would come to the Netherlands, to where I live, you could be witness to seeing me, doing absolutely nothing, motionless, for six to sometimes nine hours on end.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Yes. Years ago my plants where totally catatonic.

KRD's avatar

Yes most pray will do that if they scene danger.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@KRD…proofread before you click “submit”.

KRD's avatar

Sorry @Dutchess_III I normally catch it but sometimes it get past me.

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