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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why would a resturaunt only offer reduced sugar syrup and fat free salad dressing?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 18th, 2022

We have one resturaunt in town. It’s a mom and pop Mexican but they serve breakfast all day.
The syrup for the pancakes was reduced sugar. I asked if they had any that wasn’t. They did not.
Today I got a salad and asked for blue cheese. They brought the whole dressing bottle, and it was fat free.

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26 Answers

HP's avatar

That is peculiar, but not uncommon. I mean there are a lot of great restaurants with odd quirks. If it’s one you frequent often, here’s my solution. Bring your own bottle of maple syrup with your name on it. Tell them to store it for you in their fridge. There’s a place here that makes wonderful food, but decades ago when those perfect pancakes materialized in front of me topped with a mound of margarine, I knew to be prepared next time.

SnipSnip's avatar

No idea but you wouldn’t find us there.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III Maybe the owners have diabetes or obesity, and are trying to help.

seawulf575's avatar

Because they have bought into the shaming of society. If they offer syrup with a lot of sugar or salad dressing with actual fat in it, someone will squawk that they aren’t health conscious.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

You’re reading into it too much. This may be simply what they got the best deal on, picked at random or thought tasted the best.

chyna's avatar

I personally think reduced sugar syrup ruins the taste of pancakes or waffles. I think you should have a choice.

jca2's avatar

Maybe with supply chain issues, this is what they could get. Maybe the person who orders made a mistake and ordered the wrong thing.

HP's avatar

Every business out there is just as peculiar as its owner. Restaurants in particular are a risk. The “product” is subject to vary considerably for countless reasons. Who’s on the grill this time? The good waitress leaves for a better job. The owner caught a deal on a case of crappy syrup. But this time, the syrup and dressing combined tells me that whoever in control has come down with religion around sugar and fat. My question is how recently has this absurdity in contradictions been established?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Restaurants don’t “fat shame” and stay in business unless it is a health food store. We have a “Smoothie” shop in town that makes “healthy” shakes except some are loaded with sugar and corn syrup!

Supply chain issue would come to mind.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 suppose the owners ARE overweight and have diabetes. Who, exactly, are they trying to “help”?

They also serve the hugest portion sizes I have ever seen. 1 meal is enough for 3 people.

@SnipSnip…it’s the only resturaunt in town!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III PBS has a doctor’s talking about diabesity every year. Maybe the owners are making a statement for healthy eating? Amazon marketplace has book’s on diabesity if you are interested. 50–66% of Americans are overweight. It costs an astronomical amount to the health care system. If we can’t control ourselves then the “Nanny State” will get worse and more strict over time.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If that is their goal then it’s hypocritical to serve GIGANTIC portion sizes.
BTW, I can control myself.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III Excellent reasoning. So it’s not to help anyone. Maybe they are playing lip service to the cause. I think it was just to save money by buying the discount stuff.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Or they think they’re helping, but don’t really grasp the overall idea.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III That makes sense. I’ll go with that for now.

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III : it’s very smart of them to serve huge portions. Then people say “How huge those portions were! We have to go back!” My mom used to say that restaurants serve bread so you’re stuffed from eating your meal at a restaurant. Think about it, same with starch like rice and potatoes. Cheap way to stuff yourself so you come away feeling like you’re so full, and impressed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not. It totally overwhelms me. Plus I hate the feeling of being stuffed. I never eat enough to feel stuffed.
What is smart, from their end, is feeding you enough food for 3 people and charging you for all 3 people.

Forever_Free's avatar

They are trying to provide only health conscious selections. I assume the menu carries that theme too.
If you don’t like it, move on.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s a Mexican resturaunt. They serve a lot of pork and sour cream and cheese sauces and gigantic portion sizes.
I wasn’t complaining. I was just curious.

HP's avatar

It can’t hurt to ask about the contradictions. It has to be an interesting tale.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Maybe I will.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And it’s my responsibility to make health-conscious food decisions for myself @Forever_Free. And to that end I never buy sugar free items that are supposed to be sweet, or low fat food when the base is fat. I figure it requires extra processing and/or the addition of man-made substututes.

chyna's avatar

Or maybe it’s like the people that get a Big Mac, super sized fries and a Diet Coke. They think by getting a Diet Coke, they are cutting back on calories somewhere. So maybe the restaurant thinks lite syrup and lite dressing will cut back on a few calories as they serve massive portions of food.

Forever_Free's avatar

@Dutchess_III I completely agree. What did the restaurant say when you asked them. They would be the ones to ask. It could be anything from a cheaper cost for them to not having supply of other products. We can only speculate, but they might know.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is reading English the issue ?

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. English is not the issue. Well, the brothers who wait on us and answer the phone are bilingual Anericans.

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