Meta Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Anybody go to the Jelly Gathering in California recently?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) March 19th, 2022

How’d it go?

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26 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

You mean last night? Reports over here on the original thread:

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Didn’t know about it. Sure would like to attend something like that, just too far to drive. And all the grand kiddy responsibilities precludes things like that.

chyna's avatar

^You need to read the Meta section on occasion.

filmfann's avatar

I drove 250 miles to go, and it was worth it!
saw the grandkids too

Caravanfan's avatar

We had a very nice time. Met filmfann, filmfann’s lovely wife, Jeruba, Zenvelo (where I learned the proper pronounciation of his avatar), janbb, and Raum. Made friends and we talked and laughed for about an hour and a half.

Brian1946's avatar

Which of you lives the closest to Picante?

Jeruba's avatar

@Brian1946, my guess would be raum, but she added an extra two hours to her round trip to meet me at my halfway mark and spare me the complicated part of the drive. That’s what made it possible for me to go. A kindness I won’t forget.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What IS the proper pronunciation of zenvelo @Caravanfan?

Caravanfan's avatar


jca2's avatar

In my head, it’s zen VEH lo. I can’t change that lol.

Caravanfan's avatar

@jca2 The “Velo” is related to cycling.

jca2's avatar

@Caravanfan: I just have it set in my head and it’s that way forever.

janbb's avatar

^^ Mine too

Jeruba's avatar

Well, I was hearing ZEN-vello in my head, but knowing the meaning changed that at once.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They call me mellow vellow.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ok. What does it mean @Jeruba?

jca2's avatar

When I look at videos related to velo cycling, they pronounce it “veh-lo” not “vee-lo” @Caravanfan. I saw a reference to velocity on one of the sites.

Jeruba's avatar

@Dutchess_III, he told an abbreviated version of a Zen teaching story that went approximately thus:

(The story has many variants.)

To “Zen” he added the “velo” for velocipede and chose to pronounce it “VEElo.”

@jca2, I don’t think there’s any dispute over the proper pronunciation of “velocipede.” I’m simply repeating in approximate terms the explanation that Zenvelo gave for his own jelly name.

Brian1946's avatar

I was thinking it was pronounced “vellow”, but by using “vegan (veegan)” as a mnemonic device, I can make the switch with some facility.
As I recall, zenvelo is not a vegan.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I refuse to think of his name in my head any more!

raum's avatar

It wasn’t that far out of my way to get you, @Jeruba! Plus I loved the extra time we had to talk. :)

zenvelo's avatar

@Brian1946 No, I am not vegan, and I am usually omnivorous, but it beng a Friday in Lent, I had cheese enchiladas at Picante! And excellent chips and guacamole!

It was nice to gather with the other jellies, and I hope to see @Caravanfan play his banjo in a live performance soon!

KRD's avatar

Sorry we live far away but I might make another future one.

zenvelo's avatar


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