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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How many people have died from car accidents?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) March 21st, 2022

Since Henry Ford made the first car? If he had a premonition of so many dying, and destruction, would he have second thoughts about making automobiles?

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13 Answers

rebbel's avatar

My very scientific answer would be: 729.5

SEKA's avatar

Too many! Like many since him, he made his money and I doubt that he thought twice about the casualties

SEKA's avatar

Oops, sorry,add on here—

Was just talking to a neighbor who is getting ready to celebrate her 100th birthday. Mentioned this Q and she informed me that I was a baby. She says that when Henry first invented the car that they didn’t go much over 15–20 mph and so few people had them that there were very few on the road so very few accidents. She feels that it wasn’t until greedy corporations began making them better and more appealing by having them go 50–80 mph and people got to where they could afford one that cars became dangerous and people started dying. She seemed offended that we assumed Henry had anything to do with auto-related deaths

My apologies to Henry Ford for thinking the worst of his invention

gondwanalon's avatar

I guess that likely over 3.5 million people have died from auto accidents in the USA alone since 1913.
Nowadays between 38K and 40K people die in auto accidents per year in the USA. And no one seems to give a damn about it.
It’s like a war zone out there on the roads. People frequently blow through stop signs, signals tailgate, make unsafe lane changes all the time. There’s many out of control people (bad attitude drivers, impaired drivers and distracted drivers) out there who are out to kill someone including themselves.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Too many and people don’t care ,they all think they are the worlds best driver while texting on the cell, among other countless distractions.

elbanditoroso's avatar

This opens the questionto further refinement:

- what percentage of those who died were male? female?

- what percentage… were impaired (drugs or alcohol) and what percent sober?

- what percentage… died as a result of a flaw or breakage of the vehicle itself (i.e. no one was impaired)

- what percentage… involved large vehicles or tricks?

- what percentage… were people naked and doing sexual things?

- what percentage…. involved texting or other distractions?

- what percentage… happen during daylight? Evening?

Forever_Free's avatar

For clarification, Henry Ford did not invent the Automobile. Karl Benz has been credited for the first Gasoline powered Carriage in 1885/86.
I like the second part of this question best. I do not think this knowledge would have changed his desire to move individual travel forward from Horse and Buggy.

chyna's avatar

The first instance of a person dying in a car wreck was Henry Bliss who died in 1899 at 69 years of age.
Figures. The old fool was probably speeding. ~

Forever_Free's avatar

@chyna He was actually a pedestrian and was hit by an electric powered car as he got off a NYC Streetcar.
In fact, the first-ever recorded fatality at the hands of a motor vehicle took place in a steam-powered car in 1869 in Ireland. “Irish scientist Mary Ward was riding in a steam-powered automobile built by her cousins. As they rounded a bend in the road, Ward was thrown from her seat and fell in the vehicle’s path. One of the wheels rolled over her and broke her neck, killing her instantly.”

chyna's avatar

Well google said he was the first in a head on collision, but I’ll trust your research skills.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@chyna This is Wiki’s account
He was stepping off a streetcar when he was hit by a taxi.My 2nd reference was the same as @Forever_Free

SnipSnip's avatar

What Rebbel said.

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