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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What weird or disgusting thing did an adult tell you that we can fact check together? (really NSFW)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25069points) March 22nd, 2022

My teacher in grade school said that if you leave a glass of milk out that you can see the tapeworms coming out of it.

Is that true?

Also an adult told me that he used to pee in the fruit juice vats 30 years ago?

WTF! is that true?

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13 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

My Gramp’s sister (my Great Aunt) told me that IF I swallowed a watermelon seed that I’d have watermelons growing out of my mouth. I accidentally swallowed a seed & I worried for days until my Mom explained that she had been teasing me.

That same Aunt (a mean old biddy) also told me that by biting my fingernails that the pieces would go into my stomach & turn into worms & I’d die from the ball of worms growing in my stomach. Fortunately, my Mom overheard this one & made her recant it & apologize to me for lying.

After those 2 incidents, Mom told me that IF that Aunt told me any scary stories, to ask her first IF they were true. It seems that mean old biddy enjoyed scaring little kids & I was her latest target!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

A glass of milk will simply curdle. It’s not a tapeworm environment.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LadyMarissa Wow. My family told me that if I rip the ends of my finger nails that I would catch cancer.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Thankfully, that mean old woman skipped that one; however, she did die from cancer!!!

kritiper's avatar

That there was a nozzle attachment on gasoline nozzles that allowed the gas to go back into the pump when your tank was full, and that you would pay double for this “extra” amount. (Probably a splash shield, or vapor control.)

kritiper's avatar

Tapeworms are usually acquired by eating pork that has not been thoroughly cooked.

Forever_Free's avatar

I attended Catholic School as a kid. I have undoubtedly blocked many things I was told during those years. Some I recall are that Red M&M’s would cause you to die, if you swallowed gum it would stay in your stomach for 7 years, girls could get pregnant from a door knob or toilet seat, we would all go to hell if we sinned.
I am a catholic school survivor.

vimead1's avatar

My mom and step dad always told me that calling my brother “boy” (As in “you listen here boy!”) as a white kid is supposedly racist. How is that racist?

kritiper's avatar

^ Is calling a Black person “boy” racist? If so, then, yes, it is.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Calling an adult black male “boy” is racist.

kritiper's avatar

And by the same token, calling a white male “boy” is also racist.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s belittling.

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