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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What sugar laden cereals have you tried?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) March 22nd, 2022

Also are they delicious?

I have Froot Loops, and Frosted Mini-Wheats. As a child I used to have, Grape Nuts, Lucky Charms, Rice Krispies, Frosted Flakes and Honeycombs cereal. I have tried Whole Wheat Shreddies, Apple Jacks, Cheerios, Captain Crunch, Corn Pops, Triple Berry Oatmeal Crips, Corn Flakes, Vector, Granola Harvest Crunch, chocolate wheat puffs, and a couple more that I don’t know the names of.

I loved them all except Captain Crunch because it shredded the roof of my mouth.

What are some other cereals that I should try?

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39 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

My wife brought home “CAP’N CRUNCHS HALLOWEEN CRUNCH”. Ghosts turn green in milk. It was disgustingly sweet. But I eat the whole family size box within a couple months.

zenvelo's avatar

You should not try any of them. Despite your attempts to recreate your fantasy childhood, those cereals are really not good for you, given your blood pressure issues.

Enjoy the deliciousness of naturally flavored grain cereals. Try oatmeal with real fruit.

kritiper's avatar

Sugar Frosted Shredded Wheat, Sugar Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks.
I always thought the invention of Sugar Frosted Flakes was the best ever. I love Corn Flakes, but the sugar runs off into the bottom of the bowl.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not since I was a kid. Now my sugar cereals are limited to Honey Nut Cheerios and Life.
Mostly I eat Wheat Chex and Cheerios.

JLeslie's avatar

Captain Crunch
Fruit Loops
Coco Pebbles
Fruit Pebbles
Frosted Flakes
Apple Jacks
Honey Smacks
Corn Pops
Lucky Charms

I’m definitely missing some.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I remember when Corn Pops were Sugar Pops.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@zenvelo Which naturally flavoured grain cereals do you recommend? I don’t like real fruit with my oatmeal, but for you I will give it a try. Next time I go shopping I will take an extra couple of minutes thinking about healthy eating. Fruity pebbles are on my bucket list. I will try a little bit later.

SnipSnip's avatar

My house is not a cereal house. I do like those dry little iced shredded wheats as a snack when I want something to nibble.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Maybe some bananas, blueberry’s and raisins. I might try the cheap bulk non-instant oatmeal. I will update Fluther how it turned out.

SEKA's avatar

When adding milk to my cereal, I eat Cheerios (not the Honey laden ones)

When eating cereal as a snack without milk, I usually go for Frosted Flakes. Only problem with FF is that I can’t eat just one and soon the whole box is depleted

My hubs prefers Cheerios and my daughter prefers Oatmeal. We’re not a big cereal fan as a family so I don’t buy much of any of it. Just keep a box for emergencies

Dutchess_III's avatar

Cereal emergency, LOL!

Zaku's avatar

I’ve tried all the ones JLeslie mentioned, i.e.:

Cap’n Crunch
Fruit Loops
Coco Pebbles
Fruity Pebbles
Frosted Flakes
Apple Jacks
Sugar Smacks
Corn Pops
Lucky Charms

I’ve also tried:

Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch
Super Honeycomb
Count Chocula
Frosted Mini Wheats

And probably several others I am not remembering.

The one I got most into (when I was about 4 to 8 years old, IIRC) was Honeycomb, but largely because if you collected enough box tops, you could get a Honeycomb Hideout cardboard box fort mailed to you . . . but I think I got sick of them before I had enough, and/or I just got a couple of the secret flashlight/whistle things instead, or lust decided those were better, since I could make box forts out of other boxes easily enough.

I also quite liked Cap’n Crunch for a while, but had my lifetime amount I ever wanted to eat of that and stopped before age 10, too.

Oh and I liked Sugar Smacks. I think I even ate some Sugar (now Honey) Smacks when I was in my 30’s, and liked them, but they seemed a bit much to want to keep eating them. Oh, in my 30’s, I also sort of liked Special K with dehydrated strawberries, though that’s rather milder, and I lost the appetite for them after a few boxes.

Apple Jacks are sort of good.

Count Chocula, Frankenberry and Booberry are of course sentimental Halloween-themed favorites, but not something I actually want to be eating since the initial fun in the 1970s. I have seen them occasionally re-appear in the 21st Century, at Grocery Outlet.

I had to be quite young to really be excited about sweet cereal, and even when young, I got tired of it. The people I knew who were REALLY excited by it (a few of whom remained somewhat so) were people with parents who tried to prevent their children from getting it, and/or made it into a special treat for very rare occasions. I credit my parents’ liberal attitude toward them, with my changing interest in them at an early age.

I’d much rather have fried eggs and/or toast, let alone an omelet or a good breakfast hash or burrito or something.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’ve tried all of them, but Apple Jacks were my childhood favorite.
These days I’d also prefer an egg with toast or boiled egg (farm fresh.)

filmfann's avatar

I’ve tried them all.
Currently on my shelf are Froot Loops, Chocolate Frosted Flakes, Cocoa Pebbles, and Golden Puffs.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Grape Nuts doesn’t have added sugar.

Sugar Frosted Flakes

Dutchess_III's avatar

When I was a kid I put sugar on my Cheerios. One time I put so much in that there was 3” of milk soaked sugar at the bottom of the bowl. So gross! I was much more conservative with my sugar after that.
In the late 80s I quit sugar in my cereal.

zenvelo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 You can try a variety of oatmeals, some instant, some requiring longer cooking. Berries are great to add, so are bananas. Bob’s Red Mill has Classic Instant Oatmeal Packets with flax seed that are affordable and without added sugar,

And there are keto friendly granolas, although they tend to be a bit expensive.

KRD's avatar

Frosted flakes, Captain Crunch, Honey Comb,and Apple Jacks. I’ve had cereal like chocolate Cheerios.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My 7 year old granddaughter loves Coco Puffs. She was at my house and wanted some cereal. She was sad I didn’t have Coco Puffs.
No problem. I just poured Hershey’s chocolate syrup into her Cheerios! She ate 2 bowls.

rebbel's avatar

Frosted flakes only.
Too sweet for me.

LadyMarissa's avatar

For sweet cereal it’s either Frosted Flakes or Sugar Smacks/Pops (might be wrong name but it it was loaded with a honey tasting coating over a puffed rice or corn center)

My main breakfast cereal is the original Cheerios before they started fancying them up. Sometimes I have Cheerios for dinner when I’m hungry & don’t feel like cooking or occasionally as a non-sweet snack!!!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update was delicious. Used a half a container of blueberries, and a half cup of steel cut oats.
Cost $26.02 for a tube of oatmeal, bananas, raisins, and blueberries. $10 was a delivery fee. Will order in bulk next time now that I know that they are delicious and perfect.

No I’ll effects so far : )

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The effect is you’re smiling with happy tummy !

KRD's avatar

Q: What is your favorite sugar cereal?

filmfann's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Grape Nuts also don’t have grapes or nuts.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dang it I wish Bendrew had added a laugh option!

gondwanalon's avatar

@Zaku Count Chocula is to die for!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@filmfann some say they look like grape seeds (nuts) !!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Those who said they look like grape seed (nuts) owned the company or invented the cereal. They look gross to me!!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

So you don’t like the looks of grape seeds @LadyMarissa !

LadyMarissa's avatar

Nope…don’t like the taste neither TW!!!

Forever_Free's avatar

Whatever cereal you partake of, please sprinkle about a cup and a half of refined cane sugar on to followed by a generous drizzle of agave honey.

LostInParadise's avatar

The cereals you listed differ in sugar content. In particular, Grape Nuts, my usual breakfast choice, at 5 grams per serving, is pretty low.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Yeah, but still basically all carbs. The sugar cereals often don’t really have that much more “sugar” once the carbs are broken down. Depends on the particular cereal.

JLeslie's avatar

A little history you all might not know, the Kellogg’s brothers disagreed about adding sugar. One brother, the doctor in charge of the sanitarium, didn’t want to add sugar, but the other thought they should offer the cereals that way.

LostInParadise's avatar

Grape Nuts uses whole grains and overall has about the same number of carbs per calorie as whole wheat bread

anniereborn's avatar

My favorites are Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Golden Grahams and Reese’s cereal.(I can’t believe no one has mentioned those yet)

JLeslie's avatar

@LostInParadise I love Grape Nuts. I shouldn’t have just aimed that comment at you, it really is for everyone. Cereal tends to have a lot of carbs.

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