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KRD's avatar

Anyone heard about NATO's rage against Putin?

Asked by KRD (5309points) March 24th, 2022

My dad was telling me that NATO learned about all the problems in Russia and are willing to invade. It wouldn’t take all of NATO but about half however everyone wants to invade. The only thing stopping NATO is the fact that Russia has nukes. If the nukes weren’t working or haven’t been invented that would be a different story.

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20 Answers

Demosthenes's avatar

Well, yes. Warfare as a whole is very different ever since nuclear weapons were invented. “Mutually assured destruction” is what’s been preventing an all-out war between NATO and Russia for decades. It is the reason NATO won’t invade Russia and it’s the reason Russia won’t invade NATO.

Personally, it’s not something I’m willing to risk, but obviously some are.

ragingloli's avatar

NATO is a defensive pact only. Any member trying to invade Russia would be on their own.

zenvelo's avatar

@KRD Your father is not a reliable source. NATO is not a single entity.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@ragingloli is correct. NATO is defensive. It cannot invade unless one of the member countries is invaded.
Where did your dad get this news? It sounds like the putrid pus putin is pushing. Along with the other disinformation like chemical weapons, Zelenskyy left the country, Zelenskyy is Nazi, there are no invasion plans – “iz exercize only”, no news about russian casualties or Ukrainian civilian casualties.
Please see if you can find his source.

flutherother's avatar

Not only NATO, the ten million people Putin has made homeless aren’t pleased either. But they don’t want to invade Russia they just want Putin to stop.

rebbel's avatar

Never going to happen.
One bullet fired at a Russian, from NATO (member) is almost certain WWIII

Forever_Free's avatar

This is all new media hype.

KRD's avatar

@LuckyGuy He watches and listens to the news most of the time and sees stuff on fasebook.

zenvelo's avatar

^^^^ @KRD Which news? Tucker Carlson?

jca2's avatar

When making a statement, it’s always helpful to provide a source (link).

HP's avatar

The nukes change everything, and are the primary reason I see no good way out of this. On the one hand, it appears next to impossible that Ukraine might successfully prevent its overrun by Russia. But even should Russia miraculously fail in the effort, Ukraine will remain the victim of its geography, strategically vital to Russia, and therefore immune to any infusion of Western capital. On the other hand, if this episode ends in Putin’s downfall and the disruption of an exhausted and sanction devastated Russia—we have bigger problems. As far as I’m concerned, when it comes to Russia the question of democracy vs. authoritarian tyranny is meaningless against the requirement for stability in a land of 6000 nukes.

flutherother's avatar

@HP When it comes to Ukraine the question of democracy vs authoritarian tyranny is far from meaningless.

I agree that stability is vital where nukes are concerned but invading your neighbouring country and threatening to use your nukes if anyone interferes isn’t going to lead to stability.

Pandora's avatar

I think your dad needs a better news source. Nato would never do that but this is certainly bull crap that Putin is pushing as an excuse to attack Ukraine. Also, no doubt bull to make citizens of Nato nations nervous of such a thing because he doesn’t want Nato to help Ukraine out in its fight. It’s Russian propaganda sivoy kobyly (bullsh-t).

kritiper's avatar

It sounds like some of this ‘50% of internet news is BS’ stuff again.

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KRD's avatar

@zenvelo he listens to Fox 31, C-span, and Fox.

ragingloli's avatar

Fox news and facebook…
He might as well switch over to russian state media.

HP's avatar

I think your dad is almost certainly mistaken about NATO ambitions regarding the invasion of Russia. There will never be a more consistent or reliable lesson from history regarding the prospects for assured disaster guaranteed anyone foolish enough to attempt it. It’s just too damned big with formidable geography, nightmare weather and a population fiercely attuned to both privation and legendary resistance to intrusion from abroad.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think it was one of Tucker Carlson’s rants, he was running anti USA and NATO stuff at the beginning of the invasion (Tucker is one of Trump’s puppy dogs).

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