General Question

Caravanfan's avatar

How do you feel about sports figures espousing their political views in a sports forum?

Asked by Caravanfan (14268points) March 24th, 2022

I’m talking left or right. This question is precipitated by Manny Machado, a Latino baseball player, wearing a “Go Brandon” T-shirt today at a baseball media event. Of course Twitter went apeshit.

So how do you feel about sports personalities (which can be generalized to music, movies, etc) letting people know where they stand? Or are you a “shut up and play” kind of person if that individual does not conform to your political views?

(My personal opinion, as an anti-Trumpist and a Biden supporter is that I give zero craps about what Manny wears although I do think it’s a stupid distraction).

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19 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I care what famous people espouse. They carry outsized influence, so I am mindful when I hear that one of them has taken a stance on a topic.

Personally, I do not form my ideas based on the opinions of celebrities, but I know that many people do, so I pay attention.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I tend to IGNORE celebrities who think that I care what they think!!! I think that they are entitled to their opinion just as much as I’m entitled to mine. So, even when I agree with them, I stop listening when they speak!!!

Demosthenes's avatar

I’m not really a sports person, and it’s 100% true that people don’t give a shit when they agree with the message and then get all pissy and “principled” when they disagree with the message. I would never say any player doesn’t have a right do it. But that kind of crap is annoying and it doesn’t exactly make me want to watch a game. I think people just have to decide whether they can put up with it or not and vote with their wallet. I certainly don’t support suppressing the political expression of athletes.

HP's avatar

People as billboards? Why not? The ad you choose to flaunt may speak volumes about you. On the other hand, people may well be confused by the brand new Baylor Hoodie I found for $5 on a garage sale table.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’m indifferent. Athletes and other celebrities have just as much right to express their opinions as Bobo down the street does—and their opinions have about the same persuasive power for me. Sadly, I must agree with @Hawaii_Jake that they do “carry outsized influence” on other people. I guess one exception that would come to mind would be hate-related speech. I’m sorry but fuck Nazis.

Caravanfan's avatar

It’s just that it got on Twitter and it exploded. The left wingers were “cancelling” him, and the right wingers were lauding him. I agree with @Demosthenes that it’s annoying and distracting.

gondwanalon's avatar

I really don’t care what professional athletes think or do.

Forever_Free's avatar

Who cares! I make my own choices and form my own opinions nowhere near what a sports or the likes.

Poseidon's avatar

I have to say that in countries where free speech is allowed and in fact embraced I believe it is every person right to air their views provided it is not libellous or slanderous.

Whether it be an Oscar winning actor, famous sportsman or woman or a person who collects the garbage.

They are permitted to have their views but it up to those who hear what they are saying to agree or disagree with that persons views. This is their inalienable right.

However there is a time and place to air those views if a sports personality is speaking on a sports program then they should stick to speaking about that sport and not use it as a platform to air their views on other subjects.

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SnipSnip's avatar

It’s never OK.

Caravanfan's avatar

@SnipSnip It’s never okay for a sports personality to advertise their political views?

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think they should be political while playing the game. I think while at work they should be apolitical. That’s how I feel about most work situations; employees should not be talking politics, soliciting for their churches, etc.

I am however completely fine with them voicing their political views on their own private time.

To contradict myself, I was ok with athletes taking the knee to protest.

Kropotkin's avatar

I’m fine with it as long as it’s opinions I agree with. (Because they’re actually objectively correct facts.)

Otherwise they should really learn to stfu.

Chestnut's avatar

That’s why I quit watching sports.

SnipSnip's avatar

@Caravanfan No, not during a sports event or while in uniform.

Caravanfan's avatar

@SnipSnip Okay the event I’m talking about is an informal press event. He was not in play nor was he in uniform. But he was answering questions to the press. What about then?

seawulf575's avatar

No real worries about it at all. They all have the right to their opinions. I reserve the right to my opinion of their opinion or their actions.

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