Outside of your family and the workplace, have you ever been the leader of anything?
Asked by
Jeruba (
March 24th, 2022
If so, leader of what?
And were you elected, appointed, or nominated by acclaim, or volunteered for the position, or did you simply take the reins?
How did it go?
Wow, the “Topics” line has disappeared. Here’s what it said: leadership, projects, clubs, organizations, associations, movements, volunteers, fellowships
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6 Answers
I was the president of the board for a community theatre group for 4 years. The group was small and it was all volunteer. I did 85% of the work. It was hard, but it was fun in the end.
I was chairman of a social club for a couple of years before I married. I was elected though not many wanted to do it. I chaired meetings of the committee and it went pretty well overall. I left the club in a healthier position than I found it with an increased membership and a stronger bank balance. The club is still in existence 40 years later though I am no longer involved.
I’ve been appointed as training and racing manager for my canoe team. I made a training and racing schedule from last November through this August including 10 days of canoe racing in London (we’re in the PNW).
So far so good. Have to deal deal with a lot of little things like lane buoys and flags up to big things like negotiating for and purchasing a new 42 foot long canoe (and persuading a canoe club to pay $20K for it). Fun stuff.
I was president of my bicycle club for two years. It was an elected position, but there was no opposition. And it was mostly just running the monthly meetings and picking up the mail from the PO Box.
I was elected head cheerleader. I also was elected president of my literary society, I have been the president of boards of directors. I’ve been appointed to and elected chairman of many committees over the years.
Fifth grade elected president of our YMCA club, recruited three Jewish friends. We had the the best basketball, flag football and dodge ball teams. We met at a church in one of their classroom. Minister would unlock the door for us. We didn’t have an adult supervisor but there were two other Y groups meeting at the same time.
Treasurer of regional Automobile club, went to two national conventions where we voted on and changed the bylaws.
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