Meta Question

YARNLADY's avatar

How long has SESH been at the bottom of the page?

Asked by YARNLADY (46748points) March 26th, 2022

It looks like an advertisement of some sort.

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10 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Nothing like that on my page.

Oh, there it is: one of the links. It does look like an ad. Never noticed it before. Encroaching weirdness?

Brian1946's avatar

From my few minutes of searching, I’d say no more than 2 years, 8 months per this source:

Ben Finkel
Current Position: Founder & CEO at Sesh
Location: Berkeley, California Experience: 19 years

Founder & CEO at Sesh (Beverly Hills, California, United States)
Jul 2019 – Current

How far out would it have been if this diverse group of great minds attended the NoCal meetup?!

janbb's avatar

@Brian1946 Thanks for doing the research! I’ve been wondering what Ben was up to now. And I’m sure he was aware of our meetup and if he wanted to attend, he would have.

Brian1946's avatar


That was just a whimsical, retrospective fantasy I had.

Since I’ve never interacted with Ben and since I very rarely (if ever) have seen him interact with others here, I had no hope or expectation the he (let alone the other 7 Sesh team members), would go.
Also, I subconsciously assumed that none of you did either.

It’s similar to other fantasies I’ve had, such as a duet of Jim Morrison & Elvis.

janbb's avatar

@Brian1946 I’ve actually treated Ben to dinner many times but not for a number of years.

Brian1946's avatar


Even though it’s been awhile, I’m sure those are some fond memories.

I’ve eaten in a few places in San Fran and I went to Berkeley.
Did you dine with him in either of those places?

One place I remember going to in Frisco is Mel’s Diner, and I think another one was something like OrganiCity.

KRD's avatar

I haven’t had a add on Fluther scene the first day I joined.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Brian1946 Just to cheer up your day, Elvis & Jim Morrison perform their duets almost every Friday night at the restaurant on Joe’s Lake in Sugar Tit, SC. They get to maintain their anonymity & enjoy their music. These events aren’t ever advertised for the obvious reasons & you MUST know a local to learn when the next performance will occur!!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’ve really been in Sugar Tit but not on a Friday. Right off Interstate 85.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I’ve never been there, but you’re correct that it’s just off I-85. People who actually live there claim that they’re from the little town just down the road!!! I determined many years ago that IF Elvis & Jim were so desperate for some peace that they were willing to fake their death to achieve their goals that I’d NOT drive the 75 miles or so to interrupt them!!!

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