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Brian1946's avatar

Who will be celebrating their 4,454,000,000th bearthday on April 22nd ;D?

Asked by Brian1946 (32817points) March 29th, 2022

Hint: they’re almost always underfoot.

I’m really looking forward to it this year, because they’re going to be groundbreaking for what will be the largest US wildlife overpass, about 17 miles from my house on April 22.
It seems that it would be a great occasion for such a party.

Do you have plans for that date, tentative or otherwise?

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14 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

4/22/2022. Now I wish there was more 4, and it was 24 miles from your house…

Brian1946's avatar

I guess there will never be enough 4, but why do you wish it was 24 miles from my house?

HP's avatar

Who assigned the planet this arbitrary birthday? Will P22 attend the ceremony? And isn’t the date April 23?

LadyMarissa's avatar

I had my stroke on April 22, 1990. The doctors told me I probably wouldn’t live through the night…I did. Then they told me I definitely wouldn’t celebrate my 10th anniversary of the stroke…I did. This will be my 32nd year to celebrate being alive, so I have a lot to celebrate!!!

zenvelo's avatar

April 22 is my sobriety anniversary, so I recognize it every year,

LadyMarissa's avatar

CONGRATULATIONS @zenvelo I know what a remarkable feat that is…may you keep up this triumph for the rest of your life!!!

zenvelo's avatar

^^^^ @LadyMarissa Thank you! One Day At A Time!

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^^ That means that this year I have two things to celebrate!!! :) :) :)

smudges's avatar

Huh?? I have no idea what anyone is talking about! “Bearthday?” so bears? nah. ants? nah. “The planet’s bearthday”?? wait! Is it Polaris/Ursa Minor/North star?! Bygum I think I’ve got it!

zenvelo's avatar

@smudges April 22 has been celebrated as Earthday since the first Earth Day in 1970

smudges's avatar


I wonder what this means:

I’m really looking forward to it this year, because they’re going to be groundbreaking for what will be the largest US wildlife overpass, about 17 miles from my house on April 22.

Like…who is “they”; what is the “largest US wildlife overpass”; and where is “17 miles from my house”? I was thinking Cali. And who is ‘passing over’ what?

Brian1946's avatar


Perhaps this, or this will provide some elucidation.

smudges's avatar

LOL Thank you! I couldn’t get my head out of the clouds and was thinking about flying over the most wildlife at one time. ◔_◔

That is indeed, something to celebrate! Just awesome!

I’ll be thinking of my dad; it would have been his 98th birthday.

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