General Question

janbb's avatar

If eligible, are you planning to take a second booster?

Asked by janbb (63346points) March 30th, 2022

Sorry to raise a Covid question again but I’m curious about the hive mind. The FDA just approved a second Pfizer or Moderna booster for those over 50 or immuno-compromised.

I was given a full dose of Moderna as a booster at the end of August so my protection may be waning. However, transmission is low right now, although rising, and the summer months of being outdoors mainly are coming.

As of now, I’m planning to hold off until the early Fall in order to get the best protection for next winter. My doctor thinks that is his plan as well. He said that by Fall there may be a flu/Covid combo vaccine.

However, I’m open to revisiting my decision as things evolve.

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77 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

I had the first three last year.

By coincidence I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow morning anyhow – I’ll see what the advice is when I talk to her.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I will get the second booster soon.

janbb's avatar

@elbanditoroso Let us know her take on it.

I have no problem getting another shot, I just want to do it when it will be most effective.

zenvelo's avatar

I am planning to. I called my local Safeway pharmacy this morning when they opened to see if they had any info on when they would schedule a fourth shot. They are still waiting for a go ahead form the state of California.

As soon as they do, I will sign up for my next shot.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

If they think it’s needed I have no problem getting a fourth dose.

LadyMarissa's avatar

With my age & health, I’ve followed the recommended protocol to date. & I have 1 week until the 2nd booster was recommended anyway, so I do plan on getting it. I’ve just to verify with the pharmacy as to when I can actually get it. I sure will be glad when we can stop this stuff; however until then, I’ve been fortunate to NOT have Covid by following the CDC recommendations so I see NO reason so switch up now!!!

jca2's avatar

I didn’t get any boosters yet, and at this point, I’m not planning to.

canidmajor's avatar

I was all over that, planning on soonest, but your mention of the Fall makes me think about waiting.

janbb's avatar

@canidmajor Yes, as I said in my details, for me it’s not a question of if but when.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes and it will be a different company’s vaccine, doctor’s guidance.

flutherother's avatar

I plan on getting my second booster as soon as it’s available.

raum's avatar

I’m watching to see how BA.2 hits the states.

Chestnut's avatar

Nope. Didn’t even get a first shot, never will, so boosters would be impossible for me.

janbb's avatar

@Chestnut Well, yeah so why answer the question?

Jeruba's avatar

I just assumed I would, but I see the wisdom in your plan to wait until later in the year.

Wondering, though: if I get one now, will there be yet another booster available in the fall? I want all the protection I can get.

Why do people bother to answer questions by explicitly stating thay they don’t apply to them?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Because @Jeruba ^^ They absolutely feel they have to add their two cents even if it doesn’t apply to them.

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chyna's avatar

@Jeruba That is the question I have. Do I take it now while cases are down and risk not getting another in the fall when cases might be up? And the booster will be losing its potency.
So many questions.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Just back from the doc’s -

Answer: for a person of my age (67) generally good health and no complicating factors – she said NOT recommended at this point.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I got my first booster 5 months ago. I will be traveling to New Orleans in late April so I will get my second booster about a week before we go.

So the answer is: “Yes”. Probably the 3rd week in April.

janbb's avatar

Here’s an article from CNN discussing some of the issues around a decision:

Jeruba's avatar

@LuckyGuy, I’ve heard from various sources that it takes about two weeks for a covid shot to kick in.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@janbb Thank you for linking that article. It has given me cause to think. I may not need this booster at all. I may wait for an Omicron-specific vaccine. I’ll ask my doctor.

janbb's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Yes, I’m watching and waiting. I’m happy to get it but want to get it when it will be most effective.

ragingloli's avatar

I just got my first booster, so it will be at least half a year for that to become relevant.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

My doctor, an infectious disease specialist, recommended I get the second booster now.

Jeruba's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake, does your doctor think there will be more boosters to come this year?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Jeruba I asked him specifically if I should get the second booster or wait for a new vaccine for the Omicron variant. That’s what he answered.

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Jeruba's avatar

Egad, a personal attack ^^ on someone for discussing their own personal health choices?

I’ve read around and decided to go ahead. I’m scheduled for next Tuesday, 4/5.

Was wondering if @caravanfan might weigh in on this thread.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’m scheduled for 11 AM 4/3. First three Pfizer this one is Moderna.

@Jeruba some people have no class !

Jeruba's avatar

Hope you get off easy with side effects, @TW. I haven’t had much trouble. Have you? Expecting an after-action report.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@TW I was making an appointment for my second booster and discovered all the pharmacies only stock Moderna, but my first 3 were Pfizer like you. Is it OK to mix?

janbb's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake I believe I read somewhere, can’t remember the source, that it was best to get the booster from the other company.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@janbb Yes both my GP and Cardiologist recommended to get Moderna (SpikeVax) after getting Pfizer shots. CDC Guidlines It is buried in the bottom. Mixed doses of mRNA booster is okay.

Still upright and breathing after the shot almost two hours ago. Took my wife over for hers too.

ragingloli's avatar

You will be in pain for the next few days though.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No I didn’t get much a reaction last three times; stiffness in arm and ache at injection site was all I got before this one.

janbb's avatar

I’m just wondering if I get a booster now and they only last 3 or 4 months whether it will carry me far enough into the next uptick? Or will they keep offering us oldsters enough boosters to keep on going?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I got an appointment for Wednesday afternoon to receive Moderna.

janbb's avatar

I’ve made up my mind and plan to get a second booster this week or next. I’m concerned about protection lasting through next winter but hopefully the CDC and FDA will have a plan for that. Meanwhile, the extra level of protection will be reassuring.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Stiff joints and injection site soreness. Wife had elevated temp and chills, she called in sick yesterday and stayed in bed for an extra 3 hours.

ragingloli's avatar

That is why I had all my shots on a friday. It laid me flat for the weekend for the second shot and the booster. Fatigue, all joints in pain, and chills.

Jeruba's avatar

Got my second booster today. Didn’t hurt at all, not even the injection itself. So far no reaction of any sort. My first booster did leave me with a sore arm.

Before going ahead, I did some research, including reading an article in The Atlantic about the efficacy and timing of a second booster. I understand that its protection may not last too long, but I say some protection is better than no protection.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^Did you get Pfizer or Moderna?

janbb's avatar

@Caravanfan You’re probably sick of this subject but I’m curious as to your take on whether it’s best to get the same manufacturer’s vaccine that you’ve had all along or go for the other one? Apparently, I can indicate a choice on my paperwork.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m sitting for the required 15 minutes after the shot. I got here to the pharmacy and realized I’d forgotten my vaccine card. I rushed home and made it back just in time.

Brian1946's avatar


“I got here to the pharmacy and realized I’d forgotten my vaccine card.”

That’s a good reminder.
That’s why I have mine stashed with my car key.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m relieved to report my only side effect for this shot of Moderna is a sore shoulder at the injection site just the same as my 3 shots of Pfizer.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

At lunch I began to feel fatigued. I came home and took a long nap. I have a very low grade fever. I’m not escaping with no side effects this time.

canidmajor's avatar

Yeah, planning for a day that I have nothing the next day.
Feel better soon, Jake!

canidmajor's avatar

Just got my two-ster!

chyna's avatar

Any reaction so far?

canidmajor's avatar

Nah, I probably won’t see any effects til tomorrow. I’ve already been to the supermarket to lay in a bunch of prepared foods. Not really necessary, but a good excuse to splurge a bit!
If it follows true to form, I’ll feel crappy all day tomorrow, and bitch and whine and stuff. :-)

janbb's avatar

Has anyone heard recently suggestions that you mix up the vaccines, e.g., if you had Moderna for the early ones, getting a Pfizer booster? I feel like I’ve heard that but not sure if it’s verified. So far, I’ve had all Moderna.

zenvelo's avatar

^^^ @janbb I heard if you started with Pfizer to get a Moderna booster, but not the other way around.

raum's avatar

@zenvelo You mean if you had Moderna, not to get Pfizer?

janbb's avatar

Yes, that would be my case.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

From above

@janbb Yes both my GP and Cardiologist recommended to get Moderna (SpikeVax) after getting Pfizer shots. CDC Guidlines It is buried in the bottom. Mixed doses of mRNA booster is okay.”

You can get Pfizer if you get Moderna for the start of vacinnations.


Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Yesterday, my therapist said his doctor told him the second booster provides terrific safety.

I have no information about mixing Moderna then Pfizer.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake It is in the CDC hyperlink ^^^, it is okay to get a mixed booster for the mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) vaccines.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I saw that, of course. I merely added that sentence to align with how the conversation has turned.

janbb's avatar

I just got it and decided to go for Pfizer this time after having Moderna the other three. I don’t know if it makes any difference in the end but my thinking is that the Pfizer was a full dose while Moderna is a half dose at this point but who knows?

In either case, it feels like a shot in the arm to have some more protection against the red spiky guys. It’s funny to be able to just walk in and get it – after filling out the paper work online – after the business it was trying to get an appointment for the first series.

We’ll see what tomorrow brings!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@janbb I hope you have no side effects.

janbb's avatar

Thanks @Hawaii_Jake. We’ll see but I’ve cleared my schedule although I do hope to go to Cinema Club tomorrow night.

canidmajor's avatar

Hopefully a bettr day than me. I generally feel pretty crappy and stuff, but I’m sure I’ll be fne tomorrow.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@canidmajor I’m so sorry to hear the side effects are making you feel lousy. Hugs.

chyna's avatar

@canidmajor So it’s been 24 hours since your shot? I hope this is as long as the crappiness lasts!

canidmajor's avatar

Aw, thanks guys. I figure one bad day is worth it for the peace of mind! I just wish this dumb dog would sense my distress and be gentle. Instead, on this beautiful spring day, he has decided to joyfully (and loudly) declare that all things need commenting on.. <eyeroll>

Kardamom's avatar

I got mine today. Pfizer, as were all of the other 3. So far no side effects after 8 hours.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I got my second Pfizer booster yesterday, 10 days before we travel to Louisiana.
So far the only side effect I have is a slightly sore arm at the shot location.

And the 6 inch Bill Gates tracking antenna growing twixt my thighs.
I’ll be sure to tell all of you if I suffer from NMCFB syndrome.

canidmajor's avatar

Oooh, @LuckyGuy, please keep us apprised!! :-P

chyna's avatar

@LuckyGuy It’s only a 6 inch antenna! :-(

janbb's avatar

I got a Pfizer second booster after three Modernas and had no side effects except for a slightly sore injection site.

I’m traveling soon too so glad for the extra protection even if it wanes quickly.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@chyna That is the ideal length for a 5/8 wave, 1.2GHz, microwave antenna.
It provides good penetration through non-conducting materials and transmits data reliably even in noisy environments.

Brian1946's avatar

I made an appointment with Walgreen’s to get my 2B for 4/15, but they called me the day before and told me that they ran out of vaccine.

So I rescheduled for today (4/19) and got my shot.

I asked the vaccinator why they let me make an appointment if they didn’t have the vaccine.
She answered something like, “Well, corporate…”.
Before she could finish her reply, I laughed, “Bwahaha™- you don’t have to tell me any more! Corporate is its own explanation”.

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