Is there anything that makes you smile every time you see, hear, feel or smell it?
Asked by
chyna (
March 31st, 2022
from iPhone
I find myself smiling every time I see a small car like a mini-Cooper or a VW bug. They just make me happy.
And all puppies make me smile.
Anything that always makes you happy or smile? Or just makes your day?
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26 Answers
The sound of a happy baby laughing seem to ALWAYS do it for me!!!
A purring cat works wonders as well!!!
My freaking adorably cute cat.
Laugh out loud, almost every single day!
He’s such a goof ball, a clumsy guy, flabbercatted, curious, little red beast!
<——- My perennially purring, lap leaping, cuddle buddy Katrina. :D
My best friends. Geese flying North and South. Cookies. Happy dogs. My new puppy. The sea. Adults being goofy and kind with their kids.
@longgone New puppy? Did I miss something??
To answer the Q, baby critters, including human.
This will sound silly but…
Watching Jimmy Fallon walk out on stage when he opens the Tonight Show. He effervesces with enthusiasm. I can’t help smiling!
Of course, I don’t stay up to watch his show. I just watch his monologue on youtube.
My grandkids joyfully yelling “Gramma!!!” when I show up, like the haven’t seen me in a year, even if they just saw me the day before.
Kids falling over, getting hurt, and crying over their own stupidity.
Cats especially.
But also, usually: Trees. The Ocean. Rivers. Moss. Ladybugs. Good baked goods.
Babies or Puppies!
Seems to be a theme.
@canidmajor Yes! New puppy :) Her name is Rosie, and she’s another black Lab. She’s very, very awesome and plays nicely with Wilson whenever she’s not mistaking him for a furry chewtoy.
Oh, yay for you! How fun for Wilson to have a baby sister, and for you guys to have a puppy in the house!!!
My dogs make me smile and laugh daily. Most dogs will make me smile.
Certain music makes me smile.
Waking up after a good night of uninterrupted sleep makes me smile. Particularly if the sun is out and birds a singing. (Admittedly, this is a rarity)
My dog makes me laugh too. He’s so damn happy about everything!
I had a student who for years would greet me in the hallway by breaking into song because he liked to make me smile. Miss that kid.
I just saw a toddler go up and hug a tree—while holding onto his giant (compared to him) muffin.
That definitely made me smile.
@ragingloli I clicked on your link and it was a nice one! I must be getting soft in the head – or you must!
Perfect cut, just before he kicked her in the groin and proceeded to hump her leg.
I smile when I see a ragingloli link but there’s no way I’m clicking on it.
@ragingloli THANK YOU for the smile!!! ♥
@rebbel THANK YOU for the best laugh I’ve had in over a month!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
* closes eyes, smiles *
Walking outside into a warm spring day.
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