Why Does The Lady Get The Freebie And The Gentleman Has To Pay?
There’s this Happy Hour event that I’m interested in going to, hosted by a Tiawanwse organization. My beef though is that they’re giving women free tea and encouraging them to donate. But men have to pay $10 and $15 for theirs. Meaning, women are free all night and men are going to be spending $30 to $60 for multiple servings of tea. I’m on the fence of whether this is sexist to men or if they’re having issues loading the lifeboats on the Titanic. Why is it that the lady gets the freebie and I have to pay the steep expense that I can put elsewhere?
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23 Answers
That’s just the way the ball bounces. If you take a lady out, do you expect her to pay for it?
@Nomore_Tantrums No, of course not. But I don’t want to deal with a gold-digger either.
How does women getting free tea equate to them being a gold digger?
The premise in having a ladies night and letting them drink free is to get men to come in to meet the ladies.
@Chyna What if no woman are interested in me? $10 and $15 is enough for two drinks—one for her and one for me, me paying for her and her staying out her wallet. If no women are interested in me, why should I pay $10 and $15 for a drink? I want at least half my money back, lol. If I’m breaking my bank to keep her interested if she’s even interested at all, and she’s not even giving me a dang thing return, she has the mind of a gold-digger the way I’m looking at this thing.
Tradition. It’s assumed the men have the money. The women ride free—they’re the bait!
I think you should stay at home & make your own tea where you don’t have to share!!! She’s a gold-digger for drinking free tea…WHAT does that make you who feels like she owes you for paying for your OWN drink. You sound like you EXPECT her to put out to you because you paid for her tea. Then, IF she does, you’ll be calling her a gold-digging whore for paying you for her tea!!!
The truth is that the tea house is USING her by giving her free tea because they know that horn dogs like you will come in & pay in hopes of bedding her!!! You keep asking WHAT IF she doesn’t like you…WHAT IF she does??? With your preconceived idea of who & what she is, I doubt that she’s going to like you; so as I suggested abocve, simply stay home & enjoy your OWN tea!!!
I had a friend and high school classmate that worked at several bars (reduced charge for females), the reason was – - -without it it was 55 guys and 10 females if they charged females.
There are two ways to look at this:
• Average corparate salaries for women are between 10% and 14% lower than what males are paid, and the gap increases to over 20% for employees in Asian owned companies. So we get a discount at some bullshit event that bosses put on – So what?
• Corporations (and even local bars) figured out a long time ago that more men will show up at events where they expect a large number females to attend – So most of the planning is based on bringing us in & (at least figuratively) pimping us out.
If you don’t want to play, don’t pay and don’t go. It’s just that simple.
Ladies night is specifically done that way and has been a long time. My friends and I went for cheap drinks and dancing, not men.
Most women contribute more to a relationship than men. If the relationship turns into a long term one, buying meals will turn out to have been a great deal for you. Don’t complain. Feed her well.
It signals that tradition and custom are valued in this social setting. Good to know in advance.
But it sounds like, even before you get there, you’re planning to be resentful of a lady for whom you might buy tea. (Although I don’t see that you’d be buying her tea if it’s free to the ladies. Are you sure you read the rules right?) That scowl and the visible chip on your shoulder might indeed make you an unattractive prospect
If you’re interested in going to this event, that’s the price of your ticket. If you don’t want to pay it, don’t go.
That’s just how the world works… This is also something similar to the saying “Ladies first”.
It is a ploy to get women to attend. Here in the US it has been going on for a long time. They call it “Ladies Night” or some other catchy name. Women drink free! It is a way to get women to go out. Men then attend figuring there will be more women that are getting sauced.
Yes, @DeLorean24, it is sexist, but not in the way you mean. Women as bait (nod to @HP for the wording) equals women as commodities. Don’t go if you are incensed that women don’t want to be with you even if you are paying for drinks and they aren’t.
If women like you they like you, if they don’t they don’t, nothing to cry in your beer about. Life sucks and then you die. Go to your pad, drink a few cold ones and smoke some jane. Watch out for the Popos and just chill. Tomorow is another day.
Because women have vaginas.
We must also consider the other tradition—that of men making fools of themselves in their attempts to impress women. You want to impress them first with feigned generosity. You buy em drinks. Additionally you want to liquor them up in the hope that the booze will impair their judgement to levels approaching your own. All in all it’s a tawdry and sad state of affairs.
Ladies night – ladies drink free, there are lots of ladies, and that draws the men because the men, presumably, are looking for ladies.
If you don’t like the policy, you’re always free not to go and just go to a place where you pay per drink, maybe without a cover charge.
Do you understand what a gold digger is?
Just found out that the admissions is $10 and $15. Not the tea. Got it mixed up. Sorry about that. And I understand now why it is. Thanks everyone for your help.
In place of apologizing to us, I think you owe every young lady an apology for thinking of them as a gold digger to begin with
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