Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Does this demonstration of AI voice altering technology make you excited or worried for the future?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) April 3rd, 2022

I think this will bring deepfake porn to a whole other level.

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9 Answers

Zaku's avatar

I got a truck ad, and couldn’t make myself continue.

But, in general, while it could be fun to play with, I kind of hate it. I think people would be better off without this technology, especially considering how little wisdom and how much depraved exploitation and idiocy we currently suffer from. This will definitely be abused by Hollywood, and for political and legal purposes, causing much misery.

ragingloli's avatar

The “truck ad” is part of the demonstration.

rebbel's avatar

Excited: a new Elvis album?!
Surely they can use this AI to make me sing like him?

cookieman's avatar

Didn’t watch this video but I’ve seen demonstrations from Adobe on this type of AI. It’s very scary.

They pieced together words and even syllables from dozens of Obama’s speeches and news conferences and created a whole new, seamless sounding talk that he never gave. Frightening if you think about the possible applications.

JLoon's avatar

Not exactly.

But it makes me sad – To see reasonably intelligent adult males wasting their mental energy and human potential on this shit.

Come on boys. Artificial intelligence doesn’t fix stupid, and it won’t make you sexy if all you do is fuck yourself up.

When the day comes that all of us lose our ability to comprehend and truly value what’s real, that’s when we start treating the world and each other like junk.

Six's avatar

Its only purpose is to deceive.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Scares the hell outta me…I believe very little of what I see or hear. Now I will doubt even MORE!!!

raum's avatar

I think it’s both fascinating and frightening. Like @cookieman already mentioned, you can piece together a whole different speech. Many people believe what they see and hear. But in these times, that’s not even reliable anymore. :/

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