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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are your food preferences?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) April 3rd, 2022

I like milk chocolate, and hate dark.

I like dark meat chicken, and don’t like breast meat.

I like red smarties and hate black

I like red nibs and hate twizzlers and black liquorice, and black jellybeans.

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21 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Black Licoricee is Satan’s solidified ball sweat.
Chicken Döner is the best Döner.
Raw onion does not belong on anything-
Liver is disgusting.
Tripe is disgusting.
Ben & Jerry’s is disgusting.
If you boil a Bratwurst, you deserve to get shot.
Raw pork sandwiches are delicious.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m not picky about food.
In general I don’t care what the food is as long it fills my stomach.
But I don’t like food that is so spicy that it burns the hell out of my mouth.
Also if the food doesn’t look and smell good then I’m not eating it.
Also I hate eating in restaurants. The entire experience is painful to me. Waste of time and money. I pretended like I’m OK with it to please others.

vimead1's avatar

You`re mom. I`m just kidding that was a joke, But in all seriousness as long as it`s not spinach, brussel sprouts, olives or mushrooms I`m fine with eating it. I also really love chicken, steak, soup, pasta and the list goes on really.

kritiper's avatar

No liver, celery, or raisins. Generally speaking.

raum's avatar

I prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate. But I won’t say no to milk chocolate.

I hate “white chocolate” because it’s usually just white cocoa butter. Unless it’s from a very high quality chocolatier.

Dark meat over white meat.

I’ve never seen a black smartie. And probably wouldn’t trust it if I ever did see one.

I like the idea of licorice. Especially strawberry Australian licorice. But not sure if the payout is worth the gunk in my teeth.

I like raw onions, liver, tripe and Ben and Jerry’s. But not together.

I would not boil a Bratwurst. But don’t agree they should be shot. Maybe a few lashings would do.

I would need some convincing to try a raw pork sandwich.

I like the idea of spicy foods. But my mouth disagrees.

I’m down with spinach, Brussels sprouts, olives, mushrooms, chicken, steak, soup, pasta, celery and raisins.

I don’t like cheesecake. Because cheese doesn’t belong on a cake. Plus there’s nothing cake-like about it. I might be less offended if it was called a cheese torte.

I don’t get the appeal. It’s like a bar of cream cheese masquerading as dessert. Slightly tolerable if made with mascarpone and doesn’t have that cheese taste.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Not a picky eater, but no grapefruit because of medications I’m on and cucumber does really bad things to my gut (Doctor thinks it’s related to my ragweed allergy because there is a common protein between the two).

LuckyGuy's avatar

Whatever is getting rotten or is past its expiration date.

ragingloli's avatar

The only “expiration date” to be used as quasi gospel is the “use by” date. Anything else can be judged by smell/sight.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Pretty much the opposite of you, by your list. And never liver.

zenvelo's avatar

Black licorice (anise) requires a sophisticated palate. ‘Red licorice” is nothing more than dyed corn syrup solids.

I like the tast of black licorice,and licorice jelly beans mixed with butered popcorn flavor jelly beans is a real treat!

My general food preferences are lean meats and fresh vegetables, usually steamed or grilled. Not too many carbs. I do eat pasta, but not often.

I will not eat most organ meats- no liver, kidneys, hearts. But I will eat sweetbreads as a special treat.

raum's avatar

Licorice and anise are two different things. Similar flavor profile. But not the same.

I like anise. I’m meh about licorice. There’s a lingering sweetness to licorice. Anise is similar, but cleaner on the palate.

raum's avatar

Also, my liking anise isn’t indicative of a more sophisticated palate. Just that I grew up with anise in my food and am quite used to it.

I’d actually chalk up my growing tolerance for black licorice to having less sensitive taste buds as I’ve gotten older. The taste of black licorice as a kid was really overwhelming. It’s mellowed over the years.

Kids have a higher concentration of taste buds. Especially for detecting sweetness. Licorice is 50x sweeter than sugar.

zenvelo's avatar

@raum Do you like Anisette? Pernod? Sambuca? I have found that people who don’t like black licorice do not like those liquors at all.

raum's avatar

@zenvelo I like Anisette and Sambuca in small quantities. Haven’t tried Pernod. But only tried those after I was older. Did have Jagermeister in college.

Actually I had Unicum in college and hated it. I wonder if it would taste differently to me now.

raum's avatar

@zenvelo Maybe “like” isn’t the right word. I find them to be interesting. And will keep drinking out of curiosity. Like a puzzle for my mouth. I enjoy the experience, but probably wouldn’t order it on my own.

Though just yesterday I purchased some anise cookies from Schubert’s Bakery in the city. :)

Forever_Free's avatar

Anything Plant Based and in the SuperFood category.

LostInParadise's avatar

dark chocolate over milk chocolate

light chicken meat over dark

there is no legitimate licorice other than black

I have been staying away from beef and not missing it at all

much prefer canned salmon when it is heated, like in a stir fry

Although I am a non-believer, I feel uncomfortable eating non-kosher foods,
so I avoid shellfish, pork products and cheesesteak

have recently acquired a taste for powdered peanut butter – less fat and
a nice gooey consistency

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m sick of food.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I prefer spicy foods. Overall, the hotter the better, as long as there is a flavor. Some hot sauce is VERY spicy, but has no flavor.

Dark meat is my favorite amongst fowl. I love duck. Even the breast meat, is dark…

Alligator tail, is great, but has to be prepared right. Then fried, or blackened.

I like most fish. Salmon in particular.

Don’t care much for sweet stuff. I guess I prefer dark chocolate.
Twizzlers over anything licorice.
I like more flavor, than sweetness. I really like black cherries, blood oranges, black berries, blue berries, raspberries, and apples. Most raw fruits I have tried.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Just give me Wisconsin cheese and milk and some sourdough bread and I’m in heaven.

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