General Question

Jeruba's avatar

What language is this?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) April 4th, 2022

I copied it out of a spam profile before I flagged it, just out of curiosity. I don’t recognize anything about it, apart from the English words. I might whisper Tagalog as a guess, but with low confidence.

I also deleted the embedded link (replaced with x’s), but it contained the name ‘shariaagency’, which soounds like a clue.

Here’s the text:

Saya seorang marketing independet perumahan xxxxxx disebuah kota kecil bandung. merupakan bagian project yang sedang saya jalankan. dalam memasarkan project kami selalu melihat terlebih dahulu pengembang, apakan mereka melakukan amdal (analisa dampak lingkungan) atau tidak. karena hal itu sangat penting bagi mereka yang menempati hunian itu nanti.

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8 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

According to Google Translate it’s Indonesian. This is what it says:

I am an independent marketing agent for housing xxxxxx in a small town in Bandung. is part of the project I am currently running. In marketing our projects, we always look at the developers first, whether they do an Amdal (environmental impact analysis) or not. because it is very important for those who occupy the dwelling later.

Looks like some kind of real estate agency to me.

rebbel's avatar

Being partly Indonesian I instantly recognise this as Indonesian.

KRD's avatar

I think from @Mimishu1995 answer it is probably middle eastern.

SnipSnip's avatar

If you just put your text in a translation box (search engine will find one for you) it detects the language. Indonesian is what I got like the others.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@rebbel so what do you think the text says? I don’t know if Google Translate is giving me an accurate translation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Mimishu1995 said Indonesian @KRD. So did everyone else.

Jeruba's avatar

Thanks, everyone. I didn’t even think of Google Translate.

@rebbel, do you speak Indonesian?

rebbel's avatar

@Mimishu1995 and @Jeruba
I don’t speak Indonesian (except for a few words that are now a part of the Dutch language; pendek – shorts, for example).
I’m just a part Indonesian, namely an undisclosed percentage of 75% of my DNA; could be any number, I guess.

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