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Demosthenes's avatar

Do you think Madison Cawthorn's allegations about cocaine-fuled orgies among Republican lawmakers are true?

Asked by Demosthenes (15401points) April 4th, 2022

His comments have really pissed off the Republican establishment.

Cawthorn is kind of a wild card himself as he seems to like to shock (he called Zelensky a “thug” and has had sexual misconduct allegations made against himself as well).

To what extent do you think congressmen (of either party) do cocaine and have orgies? If it’s false, why did Cawthorn make it up?

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28 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think he has gone to them, personally !

His marriage lasted 7 months, he has been charged with drinking on a revoked license twice and speeding several times that why the license got revoked !

Not a shining star.

Demosthenes's avatar

@Tropical_Willie True. If what he’s saying is true, I certainly don’t think it’s because he’s an innocent Christian golden boy. He seems to be a bit shady himself.

Blackberry's avatar

People with money and status do some wild stuff. I don’t blame them, but stop shaming the lower class about it.

It’s one of the reasons why the war on drugs was a racist joke: they make movies showing the life of a wolf of wall street and other rich white people doing crazy stuff, but working people are painted as criminals for smoking weed.

Watch the Vice segment about what happens at private hotel and boat parties.

LadyMarissa's avatar

According to Roger Stone, it is true. Lauren Witzke who lost her bid for the Senate in 2020 claimed on the Stu Peters Show that those same Reps were procuring the services of Jeffrey Epstein. She’s a QAnon believer as well as a mega-MAGA supporter. I’m just waiting to see how all this is rebranded & painted to be the Dem’s fault!!!

canidmajor's avatar

I have a harder time believing that Madison Cawthorn is invited to any parties.

filmfann's avatar

Roger Stone is a famous perv.
Former Texas Congressman Charlie Wilson became well known for drug use and orgies while in office.
Yeah, it’s probably true.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I have no reason to disbelieve Cawthorn. I can’t see him saying these things – which are pretty damning – unless it were true.

Congresspeople have a history of illicit female companionship (whoring) dating back 80–90 years. That is totally believable – either one-off or orgies.

Cocaine – a little less believable but certainly not out of the question.

filmfann's avatar

So Cawthorn says there are Republican Congressmen have drug fueled sex orgies, the Sarah Palin announces she wants to be a congressman.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@filmfann you see the connection . . . . ?

How much “blow” was she on when she saw Russia from Alaska ??

chyna's avatar

@canidmajor LOL! I totally agree.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Rookie mistake. Take video and blackmail them. Duh.

kritiper's avatar

Some. It wouldn’t surprise me too much. Look at the weird stuff that goes on in Los Angeles.

smudges's avatar

@canidmajor I have a harder time believing that Madison Cawthorn is invited to any parties.

HA! Maybe the wittle man wasn’t invited and that’s why he’s spreading rumors. Poor baby.

flutherother's avatar

The fact that Madison Cawthorn said it probably makes it less likely to be true.

ragingloli's avatar

Cawthorn is a vile sex predator, and is just jealous that he was not invited.

Forever_Free's avatar

It is all true. Trust me!

chyna's avatar

Ok I just can’t imagine Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Cawthorn, just to name a few, nekked. Ewww

Forever_Free's avatar

@chyna I can’t unsee that thought either.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@chyna You’re in luck…it’s ALL Republicans having the coke-fueled orgies…so NO Pelosi!!! Then again, I would NOT want to be the meat in a McConnell/Cawthorn sandwich…DOUBLE EWWWWW!!! ;{

chyna's avatar

Oh, the visions in my head!

canidmajor's avatar

Aw, crap, @chyna, you just ruined my day!!! Ewwwwwww!!!

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’m sorry @chyna…I owed you that one for the McConnell thought. At least Cawthorn is basically ugly on the inside..McConnell is inside & out!!! ROFLMAO

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

I don’t know, we often get a load of shit from both sides of the fence. I’d be careful buying in to something like that, without some absolute, substantive proof. Look at the BS they put out, the nonsense about Hillary selling baby parts and teen slaves from a pizza parlor, or that still extant crap about Michelle Obama being a man in reality. The only difference is the scale of the lies. At times I think our whole country has gone off its rocker.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^ WHY would Cawthorn lie about his OWN party??? IF he was claiming it was the Dems, I might be suspicious, but his OWN party??? Then Roger Stone started backing him up!!!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Maybe he has an ax to grind with someone. Hard to say.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Cawthorn is a “wack job” Trump lover. He hopes to overthrow the government ! He may be brought up on sedition charges from January 6th 2021 and can’t run for government office if convicted.

filmfann's avatar

“Wack job”? Maybe that’s why they invited him to a sex party.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^ Good one!!! ROFLMAO

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