Have you noticed the conflation of "grooming" with LGBT?
They were talking about this on the Chapo podcast: essentially, the anti-LGBT lobby in the U.S. has become less overtly religious. It used to be focused on religion, e.g. quoting Leviticus and 1 Corinthians, making the issue about the sanctimony of marriage, “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”, etc. When the same-sex marriage “culture war” was lost, they have now turned to an (albeit not new) association of being LGBT with pedophilia. The “don’t say gay” bill in Florida is needed because if you acknowledge the existence of gay or trans people, you’re “grooming” kids to be sex slaves.
The problem with this “secularization of homophobia” and the “Ok groomer” movement is that it’s probably a more effective argument than the religious one. The religious one was more tailored to marriage (though even that argument had an important weakness, viz. that marriages can be secular), but everyone, religious or secular, hates pedophiles and everyone reacts strongly to the idea that pedophiles might be in contact with their children. Getting it into people’s minds that “LGBT = pedophilia” is going to turn more people against LGBT causes. Getting it into people’s minds that educators are pedophiles and that books in school libraries that have gay or trans characters are automatically “pornography” further weakens the public school system (which is a goal of some lawmakers), and most of all, I think it’s really going to hurt LGBT people in red states, not to mention LGBT kids coming to terms with their sexuality.
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I haven’t paid attention, but this seems like classic propaganda:
Weed makes you kill your grandmother.
Illegal aliens rape.
Using public transportation makes you a no car having loser etc.
All you can do is hope whoever gets these messages realizes they’re lies.
All you can do is hope whoever gets these messages realizes they’re lies.
Unfortunately I don’t have much hope for that. :( The people I associate with see them for the lies they are, but it doesn’t bode well for much of the country, based on what I read online from conservative parents, especially.
People who can come up with absurd connections like that are sick.
It’s complete bull$&%! and an obvious emotional exploitation of good people who just want their kids protected in every way. It’s a smart tactic politically but very low. I’m sorry.
Oh, the shit you find on the internet!!!
^This is not on the internet. This is the kind of shit LGBTQ people put up with every day.
Meanwhile, we recently just learned a heterosexual white male was assassinated in prison, because he most likely had information about other heterosexual white males being involved in crimes against children.
How quick people forget there’s an entire culture of heterosexual white males committing all kinds of crimes.
Sorry, no offense to regular middle class white males lol.
Oh yes, I could rant about this all day. Public school teachers, yeah, they’re the “elites” who need to be destroyed. Never mind that a bunch of rich politicians have been photographed with Jeffrey Epstein…
It’s weird to me that people seem to forget (or not inform themselves) that most sexual abuse against children is perpetrated by (close and nuclear) family members.
It’s very convenient, for haters, to add two ‘bads’ together, in order two “kill two flies in one swap”.
I have odd views on this one. First off, the “Don’t Say Gay” bill is no such thing. It says a number of things about opening up the policy and procedures of schools to allow parents more transparency into what is being taught. It encourages students to discuss things they are learning with their parents. I think more people need to read the actual text of the law and not rely on what activists on TV are saying.
The part that has people going crazy states:“3. Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.” This actually seems quite reasonable to me. The outrage brings up a lot of questions to my mind. The first is “Why is it so important to discuss sexual orientation and gender identity with children as young as 5 years old?” The second question comes on the heels of this: “What about the rights of children that DON’T want to hear about this at that age? If it embarrasses them or makes them feel uncomfortable?” And the last one is: “Why is it so wrong to allow parents to know what their children are being taught?”
Every discussion you hear on TV makes it sound like the LGBTQ community is being demonized. Read the bill for yourself. That is not the case, it is just an effort to allow children to be children for a while. Why is this so wrong?
I see several comments about the LGBTQ community being branded as pedophiles. This bill has nothing to do with that. Organizations such as NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) have established a solid basis for the views of the public on that front. And the lack of condemnation by the LGBTQ community indicates a reluctance to stop that practice. Does that mean that all members of that community are pedophiles? Not at all. What it does indicate is that the general consensus seems to be it is really no big deal…not work speaking out against. And with a public view like that being seen, is it any wonder there is a concern?
What “lack of condemnation”? Can you prove a “lack of condemnation”? No, you probably don’t hear much condemnation in your right-wing news sources, but that is deliberate. I don’t hear much condemnation of the KKK or other far-right nationalist organizations like the Proud Boys from Trump or Trump supporters, so that must mean that while Trump supporters may not be neo-Nazis or racists, there’s a reluctance to oppose the ideology and put an end to these groups. Can you then blame the left for being concerned that there may be a connection between racism, anti-semitism, and the American right? The right seems to be awfully casual about it. Where was the strict condemnation of “Jews will not replace us”?
NAMBLA is a fringe organization that is almost entirely underground today, no more relevant than the modern-day KKK. No member of the LGBT community I’ve ever come across is sympathetic to them or has anything positive to say about them. The LGBT community is not a hierarchical organization with a leader and an appointed spokesperson; what level of condemnation would satisfy your desire?
I can also see the text of the bill was changed since I last read it: it originally said “classroom discussion”; this was then changed to “classroom instruction”, meaning that the teacher could not teach about sexuality in K-3, something that is already invariably not done, as sexual education does not begin until puberty in most school districts, which usually means Grade 5 or later. Like the “bathroom bill”, this is targeting a non-existent issue. A spokesperson for DeSantis said this bill is about “grooming” and that is all I need to know. It is born out of a misguided conflation of LGBT people with pedophilia and child sex trafficking, playing on parents’ fears to establish in their minds that LGBT people and pedophilia are inextricably linked.
The original text of the bill could’ve prohibited a kid being raised by two women from mentioning such a fact (or another student asking about it and receiving an answer from the teacher). Do you think that in normal sexual education, at puberty, that a teacher may acknowledge the existence of homosexuality and that some of the kids in the class might be gay? What if a kid asks about homosexuality? Should the teacher be able to answer? Do you think that a book the features a kid with two dads should be banned from the classroom or school library and counts as “sexuality” even if nothing sexual is mentioned in the book?
That “or” in the bill is certainly interesting as well. That seems to imply that instruction about gender identity or sexual orientation could be inappropriate in later grades if it is “age inappropriate”. Does that mean that any level of discussion of heterosexuality is acceptable, no matter how sexually explicit?
They already don’t teach that kind of stuff until middle school, seawulf.
It’s a stupid, blowhard bill.
Here is the text from the Florida Senate, with the exact wording of HB 1557. I haven’t read it, don’t have an argument here because I haven’t read it, just posting it for those who are discussing what the Bill does and does not say. You know I’m real big on posting links so there’s no back and forth about what is and is not true.
I read it. It basically sets in stone what they already don’t teach in K thru 3.
I agree. Which means this bill is more about shifting cultural attitudes than it is about stopping an actual problematic practice. No one thinks the bill ever literally said “don’t say gay”, but that is the message being sent: public schools can’t teach that people choose to be gay and that homosexuality is a sin, but if you stop talking about homosexuality, if you don’t ever address it, and you potentially face legal consequences when it does come up, maybe it will go away, maybe there will be no more kids coming out as gay. Maybe we will finally have an LGBT-free utopia. I’m sure many supporters of the bill would love for it to have banned discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation in all grades, K-12, but knowing that wouldn’t be viable, they instead went after K-3, a period when sexuality is usually not discussed (and should not be) anyway.
@kritiper You wouldn’t last an hour putting up with the shit LGBTQ people on this planet do.
@Demosthenes “No, you probably don’t hear much condemnation in your right-wing news sources, but that is deliberate” I search all sorts of websites when I research. I can find no condemnation of NAMBLA from the LGBTQ community on any website. Maybe you can give me some citations? It seems that the claim the LGBTQ community of being pedophiles is unjust…I have known many gay and lesbian persons. But you never hear them speaking out against pedophilia. When the Boy Scout troop leaders were molesting little boys, it was crickets from the LGBTQ. When NAMBLA speaks out or comes under fire, there is crickets from the LGBTQ. THAT is the lack of condemnation of which I speak. You just came out against me…accusing me of getting my information from right-wing news sources, yet you did not cite anything to actually say I was wrong.
You said NAMBLA is a fringe group, much like the KKK. Yet doesn’t the left conflate all things conservative with the KKK? I, myself, have been accused of being in the KKK. And you DO hear many conservative outlets condemning the KKK. Trump condemned them in one of the debates with Biden. On a side note Biden would not condemn Antifa. But that is a different point…a different conversation. So while NAMBLA is a fringe group, a point I would agree with, you STILL don’t hear the condemnation from the LGBTQ community.
I would certainly hope aspects of sexual orientation are discussed openly as the children get older. But not when they are under the age of 9 (3rd grade). Before that, if the children have questions, tell them to ask their parents.
When was the last time NAMBLA was in the news? Does NAMBLA have such an impact that there are loud condemnations from straight people, while the LGBT community is uniquely and suspiciously silent? EVERYONE should condemn pedophilia. I don’t hear much actual condemnation of pedophilia from anyone. What I hear is people trying to protect the institutions where pedophilia occurred (e.g. the Catholic church, a company), defend a politician or wealthy person accused of it, and a lot of ranting and raving about potential pedophilia in schools and other places. When actual pedophilia happens, it’s more reactions of disgust (understandable) rather than specific condemnations from specific groups. Many make a connection between LGBT and pedophilia because to them they are both “deviant sexuality” and thus there is an inherent connection that LGBT people constantly need to disavow and disprove. Do you find it unfair when people on the left do the same thing with the KKK and the right? Do you like to dignity the conflation of the right with the KKK by calmly disavowing the KKK and making sure everyone understands you don’t support them and are not a raging neo-Nazi?
Let’s cut to the chafe here. It is a dog and pony show and distraction for their dumb ass base. I said, dumb ass base, don’t like that tuff shit. I am sick and tired of those irrelevant distractions from REAL issues, like the insane tolerance for packing guns, the self-serving conservative politicos doing nothing about outrageous school massacres, the shit in Texas outlawing abortions (but don’t tell 10-year-old Johnny he can’t take an AK 47 to school and shoot 20 people just because Suzy Cheerleader said he has a zit on his face) and the absolute bull shit lack of heath care in this country. I have more concern about the safety of my grandchildren at school or going to a damned ER and paying 800 dollars for a goddam Tylenol and cup of water, than whether Bill or Sue think they are male or female. America, get your head out of your goddam stupid ass and WAKE UP! And mind your own business, you are being had! A person’s sexual preference is not your damn business! If brains were dynamite, half the people in this country couldn’t blow their own damn nose. Freaking morons. END OF RANT
Just one more thing – wanna worry about where some innocent trans gender child takes a whiz? Too bad so sad, thoughts and prayers Sparky. That’s what you ass clowns told me the last time a school shooting happened. And that was what? Five minutes ago? Damn I’m sick of all this insane anti LBGTG shit. Not directed at the OP by the way, just a general rant. This crap is driving me insane.
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