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flutherother's avatar

How far are you from the nearest pigeon?

Asked by flutherother (35078points) April 5th, 2022

Is every town in the world full of pigeons? I live about 3 miles from the city centre and I’m sure I could find 20 pigeons within 100 yards of my flat.

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13 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The only birds close to me are the chicken wings in my stomach.

jca2's avatar

I’m in the land of geese, eagles, hawks, ducks, swans and crows. Pigeons, maybe in the next city which is about 5 miles away.

Jeruba's avatar

I’m a short walk from the county buildings, which are pretty sure to have pigeons around them. Pigeons seem to like government as much as parks. None within view of my house, though.

ragingloli's avatar

About 2 metres, if Brewster counts.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Maybe 10 miles in the city, with the crows. Mostly dove, hawks and other wild birds here.

SnipSnip's avatar


There are no pigeons here where I live, at least I’ve never seen one. We don’t really have a “down town” area either.

LuckyGuy's avatar

We have mourning doves here.
If they count then I am about 20 feet from them. They hang around my bird feeder and eat the seeds dropped by the chickadees and goldfinches.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

There are plenty of pigeons out my back door. 10 feet from me.

@SnipSnip The OP is Scottish. He’s spelling it correctly.

kritiper's avatar

People own pigeons around here. Few wild ones except out in people’s barns in the surrounding farm areas.
In our down town there are peregrine falcons that eat them.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Two blocks away undercover of the roof.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I live in a small country town & the last time I remember seeing a pigeon was in 1987 when I left DC. I know that we don’t have them here. We do have a ton of hawks & that might help to keep them away!!! Just guessing, the closest decent sized city that might have some is 75 miles north of me & the largest city that I’m anywhere near is at least 125 miles south of me. That one more than likely has pigeons for sure. The other…maybe…maybe not!!!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Haven’t seen any in my small community in Texas. They have them out the gazoo in Austin, maybe 60 miles from here.

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