Do you think all of this anti - LBGT b.s. is just a distraction form real issues?
Like the crap in Florida about not saying “Gay” out loud. This is nuts is it not?
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37 Answers
Gee, @Nomore_Tantrums, for a significant portion of the population it is absolutely not bullshit.
I based this Q on a rant I just went on another jellies Q. Not directed at him, I am just sick and tired of all of this anti LGBT crap when we should focus on real issues, like gun control and health care. I frankly could care less about where some trans gender kid takes a damn whiz. I am more concerned with the safety for my grand kids at school or my own health.
@canidmajor Oh absolutely. I am SO concerned about someone saying Gay out loud! The horror! But 25 kids and teachers get blown away at a school, no biggie.
Yes. “Culture war” stuff is designed to go on forever. It’s not designed to have a solution. People need to be constantly riled up. It’s very deliberate. The LGBT stuff is one example, but it’s part of a larger effort to keep people angry. People won’t think about the cost of healthcare when there are pedo teachers turning your kids gay! Those in power know what to say to keep people’s outrage off of them.
I completely agree with @Demosthenes. These are “wedge issues” designed to distract and divide from uniting behind issues where the vast majority of Americans are in agreement (e.g. taxation of billionaires—who happen to fund the think tanks that dream up said wedge issues, the campaigns of politicians who champion them, and often own the media company conglomerates that keep it on blast 24/7).
This IS one of the many real issues in society today. It is sad that it is being driven into an angry affair by many people (mostly older ones). The youth of today are very accepting of people for who they are. It is sad that it seems like it will still take a few generations to get to a place of total acceptance of people for who they are and that a single word is meaningless.
Humans have this crazy need to categorize people. Why? Is it for survival of their tribe? I would hope we would be past this as a species.
No. So much of so many things can be taken purely at face value.
Well, @Nomore_Tantrums, some of us are able to recognize a number of different issues at the same time.
There are issues and there are distractions. There’s a difference. And a person’s gender or sexual preference are no one’s business but that of the individual.
Actually, it can be both. It’s a serious issue in its own right, and it’s a distraction from things like gun violence and climate change.
Serious issue for LGBT folks endangered by Neo Nazi ass clowns maybe.
Maybe? It’s a f*cking serious problem, dude.
I agree it is from the point of view of LGBT people, my point is that it doesn’t HAVE to be and it shouldn’t be. And I still say it’s used as a distraction used by conservative politicians to keep their base from thinking. Same as the abortion issue. Don’t give women the right to decide what happens inside their own body. But don’t even think about interfering with some wannabe Rambo. The Constitution applies to EVERYONE, not just to conservatives. If that is inconvenient to some people too bad so sad. @Hawaii_Jake PS I used the word “Maybe” rhetorically, no offense was intended,
^I’m honestly having a hard time making sense of what you’re writing. You are not expressing clear, cogent thoughts.
We can agree to disagree then.
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I saw the letters LBGT on the back of a pick-up truck one day. They stood for Liberty, Beer, Guns, and Trump.
What I don’t get is, where did the “Q” go?
I have made it as clear as I can. If you can’t follow me then that’s on you. Move on to another question and don’t worry about it. @Hawaii_Jake
@kritiper Was that in Texas? Wouldn’t be surprised. Pretty typical of the mentality here.
What anti lbgt bs are you talking about?
@Nomore_Tantrums “There are issues and there are distractions. There’s a difference. And a person’s gender or sexual preference are no one’s business but that of the individual.” If that is true, then why worry about the bill in Florida (which, by the way, never says a word about “don’t say gay”)? If you are gay, why is it so important to share it with kids? After all, it isn’t anyone’s business except yours, right?
I’m not gay, I’m just tired of conservative types using that as a distraction which is exactly what it is, you know it and so do I. Gays this, trans genders that, but say one word about reasonable gun control efforts, or climate control, or abortion rights, and it’s fly off the handle time.
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So from how I understand this question, @Nomore is basically saying that some politicians are using LGBT issues to create a non-issue from nowhere, in order to rile people up as a distraction from whatever uglies they are hiding. It goes something like this: find someone who does something controversial and LGBT-related, then try to get people’s attention, now people are angry and distracted from their skeleton. For example, the gay thing in Florida. They know the move is ridiculous and controversial, so they try to get as much attention to it from people. And now everyone is outraged about Florida law, and they are so focused on some stupid law they don’t notice some messed up thing a politician just did. It could be that the controversies are entirely manufactured by politicians to intentionally cause chaos out of nowhere and allow them to hide in the process.
Is that what you are getting at @Nomore?
Yes. Policies designed to gin up the base in an election year. That doesn’t mean they aren’t real issues, just that the players are disingenuous in their motives.
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@Nomore_Tantrums You start with an assumption that it is just a distraction. It doesn’t seem to occur to you that people could actually feel strongly about things like this. It is interesting, you defend the right of the LGBT community to voice their opinions because they have legitimate views, but if anyone voices a differing opinion it must be because they are trying to distract. There are many topics out there that should be discussed. But people have the capacity to discuss many different topics. And many different topics need to be discussed.
Let’s look at a variant of your question: Is it possible the entire outrage about the “Don’t Say Gay” bill is just to distract from looking at things like Hunter Biden’s laptop, or opening the southern border? After all, it was the propagandist media and the Dems that came out with the term “Don’t Say Gay”...the bill says nothing like that. In fact, just creating the name for that bill distracts from the purpose of the bill which is helping to establish parental rights on what their kids are learning in schools and when. If the bill is that bad, why not attack it on what it actually is instead of creating something it’s not? THAT looks more like the distraction. And that created crisis becomes big news which distracts from things like school shootings or healthcare (not to mention many, many other topics).
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It’s a distraction because these bills are going after made-up issues. Sexuality was never being taught in K-3, men don’t pretend to be trans so they can rape women in public bathrooms. It’s being drummed up because it divides, distracts, and keeps people angry. It’s bullshit.
Funny, is it no?
All this anti-lgbt legislation under the pretense of “protecting children”, and labelling anyone opposing such laws as “groomers and paedophiles”.
Meanwhile, they also introduce laws to legalise child marriage.
Lauren Boebert is married to a guy who exposed his cock to a 16 year old girl.
They have in their ranks literal groomers
Jim Jordan covered up sexual abuse.
Madison Cawthorn is a sex predator.
Brett Kavanaugh is likely a rapist.
They do not care about children. They just hate queer people.
@Nomore_Tantrums Interesting take on things. Did it occur to you that the gun used in that shooting WAS regulated? It was bought legally including a background check. It wasn’t the gun that shot people, it was a troubled, troubling young man that did it. That individual, Nicolas Cruz, was in trouble all the time. He did things that in many areas would have had him arrested and sentenced which would have been the block in him obtaining the gun he used. But that didn’t happen. Why? Because Broward county bought into the Obama policy of doing away with punishment for students to minimize the “school to jail” events that were happening. So all the crimes he committed were just ignored and he was sent again and again back into the school.
In keeping with today’s views by the Democrats, criminals should not be punished. That was the idea. And this is the predictable result. So to recap the situation:
Troubled youth gets into trouble.
Democrat policies keep him from getting arrested.
Troubled youth gets into trouble again.
Democrat policies keep him from getting arrested again.
This happens repeatedly a number of time.
Troubled youth wants to buy a gun.
Troubled youth fills out the required forms including the mandatory background investigation
Background investigation is performed.
Background investigation finds nothing on the troubled youth because Democrat policies ensured he was never put into the system
Troubled youth buys the gun legally
Troubled youth shoots innocent victims
Democrats blame the gun.
Does that about sum it up? But this brings up another issue…is blaming the gun just a distraction from the failures of the Democrat policies?
I’m sorry some people are taking your question the wrong way. It’s sad. You are speaking about the right wingers making this an issue. I know you are 100% against that bs. <3
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