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rockfan's avatar

Do you like reclining leather seats in movie theaters?

Asked by rockfan (14632points) April 6th, 2022 from iPhone

Personally, I don’t get the appeal.

Whenever I watch an action, comedy, or horror film on a big screen with a large crowd, I want to be engaged with the movie, not feel like I’m about to take a nap while reading the newspaper. I guess the phrase “this movie had me on the edge of my seat!”, doesn’t mean anything anymore?

Also, a lot of the recliners force you to recline, because if you don’t, the back of the seat will strain your neck. This happens the most with the recliners in Regal Cinemas. Recliners also means less seats, which makes it difficult to pick a perfect viewing angle. And if you’re stuck next to an annoying moviegoer it also makes it difficult to move to a different spot.

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