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janbb's avatar

How many train songs can you name?

Asked by janbb (63345points) April 8th, 2022

Following up on the chugga, chugga question, thought it would be fun to have a train song thread that was not only onomatopoeic.

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59 Answers

janbb's avatar

I’ll start with the “Midnight Special.”

zenvelo's avatar

Lots, trains were such a part of early 20th century life in America.

I am listening to City of New Orleans

I already posted one by the Kingston Trio on the other thread.

Peter Paul and Mary were 500 MIles away, but Johnny Cash was stuck in prison hearing the Orange Blossom Special

janbb's avatar

@zenvelo “City of New Orleans” is one of my favorite songs of all time.

zenvelo's avatar

And Johnny Cash also hung his head and cried. after heaing the whistle blow.

janbb's avatar

^^ Did he sing “Midnight Special” too? I came up with Creedence Clearwater but I think that was a cover of an older version.

jca2's avatar

Leavin on a Midnight train (to Georgia).

jca2's avatar

Gap Band “Party Train.”

jca2's avatar

Quad City DJ’s “C’mon Ride the Train.”

ragingloli's avatar

Not a single one.

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli Not even “Hentai take the Express Train to Tokyo”?

zenvelo's avatar

@janbb Cash did record a cover of Midnight Special

janbb's avatar

^^ I thought so.

“On the Aticheson, Topeka and the Santa Fe” Judy Garland

jca2's avatar

O’Jays Love Train.

jca2's avatar

Cat Stevens Peace Train.

zenvelo's avatar

If you go to Lukenbach Texas you can hear
“Hank Williams’ pain songs And Jerry Jeff’s train songs and “Blue Eyes Cryin’ in the Rain”

Dutchess_III's avatar

The Perfect Country and Western Song.

I was drunk the day my mama got out of prison
And I went to pick her up in the rain
But before I could get to the station in the pickup truck
She got ran over by a damned old train.

chyna's avatar

Last Train to Clarksville – The Monkeys

chyna's avatar

Chattanooga Choo Choo by Glen Miller.

flutherother's avatar

Does anyone remember the Casey Jones train song?

rebbel's avatar

Not even “Hentai take the Express Train to Tokyo”?@janbb

Most underrated answer/question of this thread (till now)!
I chuckled out loud (and I rarely chuckle out loud).

rebbel's avatar

Disco Train

Stop That Train
Kedeng Kedeng (Dutch, but I strongly disagree)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Strongly disagree with what @rebbel?

rebbel's avatar

The “Kedeng” song/‘music’.

janbb's avatar

One of my local favorite bands “Stop the Train” (not a good audio recording)

janbb's avatar

@rebbel I have no idea what they’re saying but it’s a catchy tune.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Kadang adang!

flutherother's avatar

@Forever_Free I have never heard that version. Everyone seemed unnaturally happy in the original version. Maybe it was the cocaine.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Train train
Go away
Come again another day.

si3tech's avatar

Engine Engine Number Nine, Roger Miller. The Orange Blossom Special by Johnny Cash.

kruger_d's avatar

This Train (is bound for glory)
The Gospel Train
People Get Ready

smudges's avatar

“The Loco-Motion” Little Eva
“The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down” Allman Brothers and others
“Wabash Cannonball” numerous artists
“I’ve Been Working on the Railroad” numerous artists
“Marrakesh Express” Crosby, Stills & Nash
“Take the “A” Train” Duke Ellington Orchestra

Jeruba's avatar

Chris Smither, Train Home.
Song starts at about 1:10.

There are several renditions of this one YouTube, mostly without rain, but this one is a nice closeup.

Chris is an old friend of mine.

Kardamom's avatar

Crazy Train, Ozzy Osborne.

LostInParadise's avatar

MTA from the Kingston Trio

zenvelo's avatar

and the Canadian Railroad Trilogy by Gordon Lightfoot.

HP's avatar

The Rock Island Line, Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe, Mystery Train, She caught the Katy ( left me a mule to ride) Freight Train, Freight Train, Casey Jones, That’s a real Smoke a puffin, Down by the Station.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Wabash Cannonball / Johnny Cash Desperados Waiting for a Train / Jerry Jeff Walker And a really old one, can’t recall the title or artist, about: Cloudy to the west and looks like rain, around the bend comes a passenger train / North bound train on a south bound track, he was all right a- leaving but he won’t be back.

janbb's avatar

Wow! There are a lot of train songs!!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Well pardon me boys, was that the Chatanooga choo choo?

janbb's avatar

^^ Named already.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

I know just being silly : )

janbb's avatar

@Nomore_Tantrums You wear it well!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Thank you indeed. I think? ; )

anniereborn's avatar

Trains by Porcupine Tree

SnipSnip's avatar

End of the Line, The Traveling Wilburys

Brian1946's avatar

Smokey Robinson- Tracks of My Tears, in which his lacrimations can be considered metaphorical trains. ;p

chyna's avatar

^Thats a bit of a reach. Lol

HP's avatar

Choochoo Boogie, Wreck of the old 97, Two ten-six eighteen.

tinyfaery's avatar

REM: Driver 8

canidmajor's avatar

Wait…wait…did no one mention Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull???

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