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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

When grocery shopping do you flip a package of food that is upside down?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25143points) April 9th, 2022

Or is that just me?

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9 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m with you. I also try to return items to their rightful spot if I notice something out of place.
I don’t do that if I’m in a hurry but, generally, I’m not.
I also return shopping carts that lazy-a@@ people leave in the parking lot. I get exercise and get healthier while their bodies get soft and rot. :-)

I believe we should leave things better than how we find them.

raum's avatar

Ummm…I’ve redone an entire end cap because it was arranged poorly.

Yeah, maybe just a touch of OCD over here…

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@raum When I was working at a video store I tried reorganizing the Robo Tech series in order without permission from the boss. I got let go.

smudges's avatar

When I get my eggs home, I turn them pointy side down – it centers the yolk better.

raum's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Awww…that sucks. :(

I was lucky they can’t fire a customer. :P

flutherother's avatar

I hadn’t really thought about it but yes, I do that.

kneesox's avatar

Hmm, when it comes to rearranging—what if it was done the way the boss said to do it, and now the marketing kid is in trouble?

Shopping carts, though, yes I do return them. And I store my eggs small end down because my mother said to do that. She said they keep better that way.

Forever_Free's avatar

I am the one that flips them upside down and put back in the wrong place. You caught me.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Forever_Free Thank you for increasing the price of my canned corn by a nanocent. :-)

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