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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What do rancher's do with chickens culled from the bird flu?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25194points) April 10th, 2022

Are they incinerated? What do they do with the incinerated remains? Are they composted? Does any of the leavings re-enter the food supply?

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10 Answers

janbb's avatar

I grew up on a chicken farm and we had an underground pit with a metal cover that chickens who died were thrown into. Note that this was a very small farm so factory farms may do things differently.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They kill the entire flock to stop the spread.

“Some 24 million poultry birds like chicken and turkeys have already been lost, either because they died from the virus or were killed to prevent its spread. But unlike a similar bird flu outbreak seven years ago, this one is unlikely to just burn itself out”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yes, but what is done with the dead chickens, ducks and turkey’s?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They dig a pit then bury them !

They let them compost in the ground.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I thought they marked the price down and sold them to KFC.

KRD's avatar

They kill them and take them away.

smudges's avatar

Makes me kinda sad to think of. :(

Tropical_Willie's avatar

We had one local farm kill and buried over 50,000 birds.

kritiper's avatar

If they don’t bury them in a hole themselves, they take them to the landfill, like all the dogs and cats that get euthanized at the animal shelter.

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