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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you followed a book for sale online and found out that the price drastically went up?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25058points) April 11th, 2022

I wanted to buy a book for $100 and waited too long and the price jumped up to $175. Should I keep waiting? The book is on sale in eBay for $125. Have you done that?

Argh the book is $188 now.

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14 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

What’s the book? Just curious.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Jeruba It is Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss. Part two is on sale from $1600 to $441.

Jeruba's avatar

Wow. Well, good luck finding it.

janbb's avatar

It looks like you can get a used copy for about $90. from Amazon.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Check this out $65–70 but I know NOTHING about the seller!!!
This is eBay for $89.95 plus shipping
This is a pdf of the book 150 pages 17.7 mb in size. I downloaded it to verify that my virus/malware app wouldn’t go crazy!!!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@janbb My amazon account says that the lowest price is $188

janbb's avatar

^^ I just searched it. Or try @LadyMarissa‘s sources. Moe’s Book Store on the West Coast is another source of used books.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@janbb @LadyMarissa The pdf is fine. I will read later.

LadyMarissa's avatar

The pdf is a google.doc so I’m assuming it’s safe.
I found several pdf’s of the II but none of them were sources I felt I could fully trust.
The cheapest one that I found on Amazon was $89.95 from a 3rd party seller & they also had 4 that were $99.00 each.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LadyMarissa @janbb @Jeruba I liked the book Part 1. Now I want more… MORE! Part 2 has more mythologic reference from history. Part 2 has a virus the removes your passwords and logs you out of all of your accounts, but was worth reading. Now I know why part two is $1,600, it has a ton of detail and info that must have been a treasure of psychic energy to create.

JLeslie's avatar

My dad sold books online for many years; he was MrBook on Amazon. Due to age and covid, he hasn’t been selling online the last couple of years.

If there are only a couple of books for sale, then when it gets down to one, the price can go up, because of the dynamics of supply and demand. I have my doubts my dad bothered raising a price routinely, but he definitely sold some books at high price tags. Probably people who have expensive books for sale are very savvy about the marketplace. My dad was savvy, but not necessarily bothering to change prices very often. I think Amazon sellers can set up price changes automatically, but he I don’t think my dad utilized it.

I’d buy one of the cheaper options mentioned above. Maybe your price is higher because you’re in Canada? Can a seller check a box that they won’t ship out of country or something like that? My dad used to ship to many parts of the world, but I wonder if some sellers aren’t willing to deal with it.

seawulf575's avatar

Not specifically books, but I have watched other things do similarly. I used to watch prices go up so they could be put “on sale” at the original price too.

flutherother's avatar

I wanted to buy the three volume “Collected Jorkens” published by Night Shade in 2005 but I only bought volume 3 which cost £23 as volumes 1 and 2 cost hundreds of pounds. Your question made me look again and I saw that volume 2 is for sale for £31.37 on Amazon and I bought it, so thanks for that. Volume 1 is still too dear at £171.00.

LadyMarissa's avatar

We’ve become a nation of “I want” at least here in the US. IF “I want” I will pay anything for it!!! I don’t live by that idea. I want & I will buy within reason. I went to buy an item on eBay. It was listed at 1 cent. I clicked the buy button & it popped up with a $289.99 shipping fee. I deleted the order. NO way was I going to pay $290 for that item!!!

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