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Brian1946's avatar

What's the farthest star visible to the naked eye?

Asked by Brian1946 (32750points) April 12th, 2022

The most distant one I recognize is the sun, but I’m sure the ones we can see at night are mucho further. :p

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4 Answers

smudges's avatar

Don’t know the exact star, but it would be in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Brian1946's avatar

I’m positive that I can’t see any Andromedian stars with my naked eyes, but if Andromeda’s in my night sky, then at what I think is 2 million light years away, it sure seems like it would be the most distant celestial object visible to me.

smudges's avatar

Right, you probably can’t see any individual stars in Andromeda with the naked eye, but you can see a whitish blur in the sky – that’s the Andromeda Galaxy.

HP's avatar

Celestial object is decidedly different from star. The collective several billion stars that compose Andromeda are perhaps visible, but even the best binoculars will not resolve so much as the spiral of an object hundreds of light years in size.

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