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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What bargain you found makes you happy every time you use the item?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) April 14th, 2022

Did you get to the store just as they were posting 75% off signs so you were the first person filling your basket?

Did you get to the register with an item only to be told it was an extra savings on top of what you thought you were already saving?

What surprise did you find that you remember every time you use the item?

I shop the clearance racks of Saks Off Fifth a few times a year. I find great bargains there. Once I found a fine linen sport coat. I adore linen. I am very hard to shop for when it comes to long sleeve clothing, because I have abnormally long arms. I often have to shop at the stores catering to tall men. This sport coat actually fit my arms! I was astounded. I looked at the price tag knowing I’d found it on the clearance rack. The regular price was $450, but it was marked down to $180. I was delighted and snatched it up. I’m wearing it today and very happy about the whole thing. It’s a fine sport coat, and it was a good deal.

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24 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, dear, there are quite a few things I enjoy every time I use them, but I don’t think any of them were bargains. I hate to shop, so I’m not very good at it. I’m sure I’ve often paid too much. Many of my considered, intentional purchases (including large appliances) were mistakes because I ran out of patience way too soon and just bought what was in front of me.

For me, it would be more to the point to mention things I found serendipitously—happened across when I wasn’t looking for them. A number of special things fall into this category, in particular one woven jacket in peacock colors. I’d grab that if the house were on fire.

longgone's avatar

I hadn’t had a well-fitting bathing suit in all of the Covid times – actually, possibly the last four years or so. When we were in the US in January, my husband and I found a motel with a heated outdoor pool. That seemed safe enough, and really fun – so we went to a store and in a big bucket I found a bathing suit I really like, for a good price. Every time I see it, I feel happy. It smells like chlorine (always good), I like the design, and it reminds me of going swimming for the first time in two years – under a starry sky, in a wonderfully warm pool during an exciting vacation.

SEKA's avatar

Yes, I saw a Chico skirt that I thought that I couldn’t live without. It cost $200 & I coudn’t afford it at the time. I gave a friend a ride to Goodwill and she suggested that I go shopping so she wouldn’t feel rushed. They had a big sign up saying that all skirts were only $4.50. So, I decided to see what they had. I found my $200 Chico skirt in my size and color for $4.50. I get up to the checkout only to discover that my skirt had a special discount tag on it. When the girl rang it up, that $200 skirt only cost me $0.50. I wore it for 5 years

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Bought a pair of Amethyst earrings for my wife, jewelry store going out of business. 11 Carat total weight for stones; $400 was tag price I paid $50. Great Christmas present!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@SEKA is winning so far. What a splendid story!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I found a pair of dress pants for $6 at a thrift store that was actually my size. I wear them every time I go outside.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

A $3 short-sleeved checkered shirt from Goodwill is one of my favorites in the summer. Plus it has a good story – fishing on a cold day our canoe tipped us into the water. We stopped at the resale place to get dry clothes.

My $3.99 toaster from Goodwill also pleases me. It amuses me to see expensive toasters in the store.

Brian1946's avatar

I intended to buy a $300 Samsung computer monitor at Fry’s electronics.

The salesdude gave me the monitor but forgot to charge me.

I enjoyed it for the 8 years & 10 months that it lasted.

chyna's avatar

I bought a refrigerator at Home Depot. It was on sale and 10% off if I bought it that week. The guy in the appliances department wrote it up with the discount. I had to go up front to pay and they gave me the 10% discount again.

kritiper's avatar

The Compact Electra vacuum cleaner I found at a yard sale for $10. I call it my “Super Sucker.” It does the best darn cleaning!!

kritiper's avatar

@Brian1946 Shame on you! The sales person probably lost his job or had to pay for it out of his own pocket.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

The Compact Electra vacuum cleaner I found at a yard sale for $10.

I would like a new vacuum cleaner but don’t need one. Thanks for reminding me about the used market. Off to Craigslist!

Brian1946's avatar


I didn’t notice that he forgot until I saw my credit card bill about a month later.

Since there was no record of the transaction, Fry’s probably didn’t notice, so he probably kept his job.

filmfann's avatar

I went to a garage sale in Napa, and scored a very expensive telescope cheap. The couple who sold it were seperating, and the one NOT into astronomy was having the garage sale.
Every time I use it, I do muse at the deal.

flutherother's avatar

I bought my racing bicycle online 14 years ago for £40.00 second hand. I have cycled most days ever since and it has taken me on some memorable day’s out. My bicycle has also introduced me to many good friends and I use it regularly to cycle to see my grandson. It has also helped me to keep fit. You can pay over £1,000 for a good bicycle but no thank you. I like the one I’ve got.

rockfan's avatar

I have a Blu-Ray movie collection of over 25 classic movies that only cost about 3 dollars, because each movie cost only 12 cents at my library. And most of them are mint condition.

SnipSnip's avatar

The purchase of my house is one of the biggest bargains I have found. I don’t think about that all of the time though. I do think about the deal I got on some two-year old, never used, mahogany Henkel Harris furniture though. Man oh man, what a deal I made on that. I saved more on that than my house cost. Another fun deal was my Explorer. I was a very early ebay car buyer and I got a deal like I’ll never find again on a car. I loved that car but had to retire him some years ago.

SnipSnip's avatar

@Brian1946 I would hardly call that a good deal.

Jeruba's avatar

@Brian1946, and now Fry’s is gone . . .

chyna's avatar

Frys closed because of @Brian1946?

raum's avatar

Fry’s closed because of @Brian1946?!

kruger_d's avatar

My antique drafting desk purchased through newspaper ad 20+ years ago.

kritiper's avatar

@Brian1946 The missing item was probably caught when they did an inventory. Surveillance cameras would have been used to spot the missing item, when it came up missing, and whose shift it came up missing on. SOMEBODY had to have restocked the item, and soon after it came up missing!

Strauss's avatar

Fry’s closed because of @Brian1946?!!

I’m never gonna shop there again!

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