Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

For one million of your local currency, which 5 of the stunts from the recent "Jackass Forever" would you participate in?

Asked by ragingloli (52368points) April 14th, 2022

If you do not choose, or try to weasel out of it, you get the full power nut punch from the heavyweight MMA fighter.

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7 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

I’m not choosing, and I bet you $1,000,000 that I don’t get a nut punch from a specific but unspecified heavyweight MMA fighter.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’d like to shoot people with the volleyball like Knoxville did.

@Brian1946 How about the nut cracking gloves? I dont see how anyone volunteers for that. Poor Weeman. Lol

JLoon's avatar

No nuts, so bring on the MMA boytoy.

BUT – if I really needed $1mil in BeaverBucks, I’d like to be shot out of a cannon into a rehab clinic, or covered in bear semen and mailed to Florida, or be thrown onto a high speed treadmill with rattlesnakes glued to my nipples.

I could be confusing these stunts with some of the product pitches on Shark Tank, but either way I’m ready.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

gondwanalon's avatar

One million of what exactly? Pennies? Nickels? 100 dollar bills?

raum's avatar

Surprise soccer ball
Biggest fans
Body surfing
Underwater Fart Fire

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