Do you think democracy is in jeopardy if the Republicans win the midterms this year?
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April 16th, 2022
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21 Answers
Maybe I should have said future democracy?
I think that is dangerous thinking. Democracy is always in jeopardy, but surely not through political parties winning elections.
Some of the conservative GOP candidates, in my state, act like when they “win the election” they be able to inaugurate Trump as President.
“President Trump needs . . . conservative name . . . in office to support him.”
I think the majority of Democrats and Republicans want and care about the US continuing to be a Democracy. Both groups of people are afraid of a dictator, and still hold Democracy as one of their values.
If the Republicans win they will probably try to further chip away at voting rights and some other things that make us nervous, but I do have faith that the US constitution, and even our Justices in the Supreme Court won’t do anything so completely insane that it completely alters the country.
If they chip away at voting and checks and balances Democrats need to get better at getting out the vote.
The great thing about the US is that its sectioned off by states rights.
I thought growing up with marijuana and nature hikes was normal. In another state, you could be in prison for doing what I’ve done as a teen.
I got caught with marijuana when I was in high school, the cop was actually nice and told me to throw it on the ground and stomp on it. In another state I’d probably be in jail or just getting out.
I think democracy is already in trouble with all the voting rights restrictions being put in place and the gerrymandering.
A ridiculous question. No.
Yes, very much so. It’s already in jeopardy in the current situation, because of misbehavior of people in the GOP, and them not getting removed from office and/or imprisoned for blatant attempts to subvert, undermine, corrupt and/or overthrow our government. Etc.
IF it isn’t, it won’t be because nobody tried!!! The right is trying hard to overrun us. Those on the left are so used to the status quo that they REFUSE to think of the possibility of what is in the process of happening. I don’t have a better idea of how to stop it, so I just pray that I die BEFORE the SHTF!!!
HA! I think that socialism will be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the midterm elections this year.
What’s wrong with socialism? Are you really that selfish? I’d prefer to share with someone less fortunaste than have someone with everything take it away
@SEKA I agree with you, but better to lose socialism temporarily than democracy permanently.
So . . . NO public schools, police departments, fire departments, Medicare, Medicaid, Department of Agriculture, public libraries, WIC program, food stamps . . .
^^All those socialist programs!
Add the Post Office, public roads, etc.!
Definitely further erosion of various rights for women, non-whites, and LGBT.
@RocketGuy You are already seeing that in Red states.
and getting worse already.
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