General Question

Jeruba's avatar

Where does the SOR officer come in the police hierarchy?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) April 18th, 2022

The defendant reports to the SOR officer when he is released under “supervised own recognizance.”

Is this an entry-level position? Is it part of a career track in law enforcement? Is it a steppingstone or a dead end or what?

Does the SOR officer have any influence in how the case proceeds?

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16 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

People on their own recognizance usually are reported to the Probabtion Department, not the Police Department. The Probation Department works for the courts to make reports on those under supervision.

But “own recognizance” is just that, one is not under close supervision except by oneself. If a person under self recognizance is arrested, the violation gets reported to the judge that released them. Their bail is revoked and the circumstances reviewed again.

Jeruba's avatar

Ok, @zenvelo, that helps, thanks.

The other questions still apply, though, don’t they? Isn’t the Probation Department under the same umbrella as the Police Department? Is it a bottom-level job? And as to the last part, does the SOR officer have any influence on how the case proceeds?

jca2's avatar

@Jeruba: In the County I worked in, the Probation Department and the Police Department were two distinct departments, each with their own rules, protocols and hierarchy.

SnipSnip's avatar

SOR is Sex Offender Registry.

jca2's avatar

She means SRO – school resource officer.

Jeruba's avatar

No, I mean SOR, as in my details: supervised own recognizance.

snowberry's avatar

@Jeruba perhaps this would help.

It says they report to someone in the court system.

rebbel's avatar

Me thinks @Jeruba knows perfectly well what she means.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^ I’m POSITIVE that @Jeruba knows EXACTLY what she means!!!

Jeruba's avatar

Thanks, I do know what I mean, and I’m still hoping someone can answer. I am asking about the job of a “supervised own recognizance” officer (SOR in my county) and not the experience of the person under supervision.

Is a person who gets hired as a SOR officer stuck in a backwater or on his or her way up?

I didn’t know that this function was in a different chain from the police department. But I am still asking: where does the person who holds this job rank in the hierarchy? Please read my question and the brief little details.

zenvelo's avatar

@Jeruba It is not an entry level position. It usually requires a degree and some experience in handling probation caseload under supervision of a Senior probation officer.

Probation Departments have various roles besides handling criminals on probation. Some do evaluations prior to sentencing. Some supervise court ordered Elder conservatorship. Some supervise convicts on parole, some supervise people under house arrest or with an ankle monitor.

An “SOR” to use your terminology would meet initially with someone on OR to lay the ground rules for them. Like many civil service jobs, promotion depends on satisfactory work and longevity.

Jeruba's avatar

Thank you, @zenvelo. That’s exactly what I wanted to know. I don’t know how I could have worded my question differently to elicit this information earlier.

This part is still open: Does the SOR officer have any influence on how the case proceeds?

zenvelo's avatar

@Jeruba If the case officer finds the person to be in violation of the terms of the release, then they can report it to the court and have the recognizance revoked.

Many times peope released on such terms cannot leave the county or the general geographic area. If someone in Santa Clara county was released on OR, and then found to be wine tasting up in Napa county or skiing at Tahoe for the weekend, tehy woul dost likely have OR revoked. That would be at the discretion of the OR caseworker.

But none of that has any influence on the determination of guilt or innocence upon the defendant. That is a question for the trial.

Jeruba's avatar

Many thanks, @zenvelo. And thanks to others who contributed related information.

jca2's avatar

@Jeruba: As a former civil servant, I can tell you that all civil service jobs and examinations are online, and will provide specific details about what prior experience is needed for the job, what education is needed for the job, what other licenses are needed for the job, what exactly the job entails, the pay for the job (starting and the highest), etc.

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