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How long before I completely shred my vocal cords?
Basically I love to sing. I’m no professional, but I’m intensely passionate about it and can’t imagine living without it.
We have a cat. I have cat phobia. We can’t rehome it now that we own it and I don’t have effective therapy for it right now. And for the past five months or so, I’ve had bad encounters with the cat that’s resulted in me screaming intensely loudly for short bursts, from like 30 seconds up to 2 minutes. This has happened every 5 to 10 days. Somehow I haven’t sustained damage yet. What I’m trying to ask is, how dangerous is this (say on a scale from 1 being do your best to avoid it but it isn’t an instant death sentence, to 5 being an instant death sentence)? How soon will this break my voice? Let me add that it usually results in an itchy throat for an hour or two, plus maybe a slight pain in the ear, although I can’t tell if that’s a side effect of my anxiety or the screaming.
Also what is the best thing for me to do after a screaming episode to reverse any damage, given that I can’t go on complete vocal rest?
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