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elbanditoroso's avatar

Why would anyone pay for Netflix with ads?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) April 20th, 2022

Netflix subscriber numbers went down by 200,000 last quarter, and their stock dropped 35% because there’s a worry that their best days are behind them – too much competition.

Netflix is floating an idea to have a cheaper, but advertising supported version of its service.

Why would anyone pay for a diminshed Netflix experience? Once they are showing ads, they’re no different from any other service (or TV channel).

Would you pay for an ad-supported streaming service?

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28 Answers

jca2's avatar

Well, it has advantages over regular TV. Certain shows that people may like, such as Ozark, shows that are only available on Netflix. That’s the biggest one. I have Hulu and it has ads. I’d pay for Netflix if they had the cheaper version with ads. I pay for it now without ads.

ragingloli's avatar

It is not just that there is too much competition.
It is that the competition are the movie studios themselves, who host their own movies, and withhold it from Netflix and other competitors.
So Netflix does not have the content that most people want.
Would I pay for that limited selection, plus be forced to watch ads? Of course not.
I am also not willing to subscribe to every movie studio’s proprietary streaming service, just to see their movies. Hence me dusting off me old pirate hat.
Plus, they are also hurting themselves further, by increasing prices, and announcing that they intend to crack down on customers sharing their accounts with others, both measures further driving people away.

canidmajor's avatar

I already do pay for some streaming services with ads. No big deal.

jca2's avatar

To me, if I can save a few dollars and in exchange have to watch a few ads, I’m willing.

mazingerz88's avatar

Netflix and Hulu lost me about four years ago if not more. Wanted to try and stop spending too much time watching stuff on TV.

On the lookout for good new movies but ever since most Hollywood productions switched to digital cameras which I am not fond of, I haven’t come back to subscribe on a regular basis.

And now commercials? Count me in the no zone.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Peacock has ads but it’s where I watch Bel-Air, so to me it’s not a big deal.
The problem with Netflix is they don’t add many new items. Frankly I watch more Korean and Japanese shows on Netflix than American.

gorillapaws's avatar

I pay extra to not have ads on other streaming services. They ruin the experience for me and it’s painful to watch them now. @ragingloli‘s analysis is spot on. Netflix is failing because the studios are trying to each create their own Netflix, which will be user-hostile and lead to having to subscribe to 30 services instead of one. Piracy will again explode.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I wouldn’t!!! I might watch them IF their service was FREE with ads. I’m 1 of the 200K that they lost last quarter. I picked up some new streamers who are FREE w/ ads & I’m enjoying them…so far. The ads shown aren’t like ads on a TV show. These are short ads that 3 might last 30 seconds so I can IGNORE them IF I so choose. One of the things that I like about streaming is that I can drop a channel for a few months, try something else, & then decide IF I want to pick it back up. Well, Netflix had become boring & I watched pretty much everything that I had wanted to watch with them, so the logical thing to do in my opinion was drop them & try something else!!!

In my mind, Netflix only had OLD movies unless it was a Netflix Original & I wasn’t enjoying very many of those!!!

I switched over to Tubi which is FREE with ads. I watched 3 movies this afternoon & I don’t remember 1 ad. Tubi also has a good number of the old cartoons which I love having as an option. IF Netflix doesn’t get it together, I might be signing up with Tubi PRO!!! I’m also enjoying RedBox & Vudu where you have NO fee but pay for what you watch. I can go months & watch nothing, then watch 2 or 3 close together. I van easily save $30 by not watching for 3 months & then spend maybe $10 for the 2 that i do watch…$20 saved right there!!!

Zaku's avatar

I and (even more than I) the people I have enjoyed watching things with, have been unwilling to endure ads (even for free access to movies), for many years.

Paying for media access AND enduring ads would be unacceptable.

flutherother's avatar

I don’t watch anything with ads included. I even pay to avoid ads on YouTube.

Forever_Free's avatar

Why, because it is a pricing model that others are using successfully. Tiered service models is nothing new. We paid or it for years on Cable. We hated the prices for channels we never watched. We cut the cable in search of a “promise land” of paying for what we truly want to watch. Now we complain there are too many choices, to many adds, too few good packages.
The best solution is to cut them all and read a book or go out and experience life outside your four walls.

filmfann's avatar

It would depend on the ad placement.
If they show their ads before the movie, okay.
If they interrupt the movie, like regular TV, nope.

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Kardamom's avatar

I would be totally fine with ads if the service was cheaper. I really don’t mind ads, and I actually enjoy some of them, like the one where that Mayhem dude is dancing on the sidewalk. If I don’t like the ad, the fast forward button on the remote solves that problem.

SnipSnip's avatar

I would not watch anything with ads if I’m paying for streaming service. Prime lets your browse offerings specifically that have no ads or rental fee.

zenvelo's avatar

Like other people, I would watch a Netflix wih ads at a greatly reduced price.

I was talking to my son who is in his 20s about Netflix yesterday He said most of his contemporaries don;t watch it any more because of very little unique content. He is on my family subscription and said “other than the upcoming season of ‘Stranger Things’ coming out this summer, [he] would not subscribe on his own.”

elbanditoroso's avatar

@zenvelo I have a free Netflix subscription because it is a freebie with my T-Mobile contract. But I have been VERY disappointed at the selections of new material and old classics. It seems like they are doing a lot of short series, but not much in terms of quality movies.

mazingerz88's avatar

Agree with and liked reading what some of the responses above mentioned about going out of the house or reading a book instead of watching stuff on Netflix.

I really feel that the seemingly endless time humans spend on these streaming services along with social media had diminished healthy, wholesome and meaningful direct human social interaction.

Caravanfan's avatar

Maybe if Netflix didn’t overcharge and have such shitty content then they would be more profitable. There is good content in there but there is so much garbage that it’s hard to find.

ragingloli's avatar

Yeah, their discoverability has been awful when I left.
They disabled user ratings, and recommended stuff to you based on their “algorithm”, and the “star” rating was how much the algorithm thinks it fits your taste, not how good it is.
That was part of the reasons why I cancelled.

jca2's avatar

The ads on Hulu are only 15 seconds long, one ad, maybe every ten minutes. It’s not like network TV advertising which is 3 to 5 minutes of ads, where you could get up and go to the bathroom or go to the kitchen and get some food. I imagine if Netflix had ads, it would be a similar setup to Hulu.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Youtube ads are only 5 seconds long. If they aren’t there is an option to “skip ads” after 5 seconds.

Caravanfan's avatar

@ragingloli And they have the enraging habit (see what I did there?) of making you watch a preview of something instead of allowing you the option of sitting through the credit. (I’m one of those weird people who says the movie isn’t over until the last credit rolls).

JLeslie's avatar

If it’’s cheaper I might do it. Netflix for $2 a month and some commercials. Maybe.

I wonder if Netflix could sell their shows to services like Hulu or YouTubeTV? Does that happen already?

nightwolf5's avatar

It’s cheaper, and ads don’t bother me generally. I use for a quick bathroom break.

LadyMarissa's avatar

WHY pay to watch with ads when others are offering FREE with ads or pay without ads???

canidmajor's avatar

@LadyMarissa I pay for some streaming services with ads because some of their content that I specifically want is not available on other services.

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