How come there is a big gap between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to mask mandates in public transportation?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
April 23rd, 2022
from iPhone
This poll as shown in a PBS news hour episode.
80% of Democrats support a mask mandate on public transportation, compared to 33% of Republicans.
SOURCE: AP-NORC Poll (April 14–18]
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8 Answers
Is this a serious question?
Because once an issue gets politicized—and everything about the pandemic has become politicized by this point—answering questions like these becomes little more than a proxy for the direction and intensity of one’s political allegiances.
Because Rep/cons don’t care about health issues ,only votes and their voters don’t like wearing masks.
The Republicans support(ed) everything Trump was/is for or against, even if it goes against public health.
I don’t think Republicans ride much public transportation, other than planes, which don’t have the overcrowding issues that, say, a subway has.
Republicans hear a ton of crap about masks being ineffective.
Most Republicans live in suburbs and rural areas and rarely use public transportation.
A portion of Republicans feel ashamed to wear a mask, because their social circles call people who wear masks scared, don’t have faith, sheep, and brainwashed.
It’s a troubling and probably dangerous state of affairs when there are only 2 political affiliations that matter, and one of them is distinguished through rejection of what previously and unanimously passed for sensible judgement and common sense. The fact that devotees of this movement apparently only stridently intensify in extremity in times of stress does not bode well for any of us. After all, who here believes we are not in for streesful times ahead?
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Thanks jellies! As expected I got valuable new info and insights.
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