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filmfann's avatar

Have you heard about the man trying to remove the Bible from Florida libraries?

Asked by filmfann (52572points) April 28th, 2022 from iPhone


Turns out the Bible details of baby killing, rape, slavery, murder, and lots of things thee Florida GOP say are unacceptable in our libraries.
I think he has a good point!

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30 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And you guys wonder why your country scares the crap out of me.

mazingerz88's avatar

He probably would return them. After he adds that trump was cheated in the last election. I leave it to jellies who can write as to how it would read, Chapter and Verse.

zenvelo's avatar

Goes with the effort to ban teaching of “traditional mariage” as being inapprorpaiet for elementary kids-No talking about marriage!

elbanditoroso's avatar

He is right – the bible is a bloody and violent set of evil tales. I hope the guy is successful.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well the article was satire but it makes a good point.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’ve NEVER wondered why the US scares the crap out of you because it freaks me out & I live here!!! I often wonder WTF some of these people get their whacked out ideas???

Jeruba's avatar

Mentioned a few days ago over here:

The article wasn’t satire. It was straight reporting on NPR news. The man’s campaign is tongue-in-cheek.

@SQUEEKY2, when did we ever say we wondered?

SEKA's avatar

I was wondering how long it would take. Math books and The Bible removed from schools. Sure glad my daughter doesn’t go to school in Florida

Demosthenes's avatar

The people who pass these idiotic laws get what they deserve. You can only drum up panic for so long until it bites you in the ass.

chyna's avatar

I wonder how many times the Bible is actually checked out of the library,

SEKA's avatar

Doesn’t matter how many are ever checked out, I don’t believe in censorship! You shouldn’t be able to decide what I’m allowed to read. Personally, I don’t care if you like reading porn just as long as you don’t ask to read it aloud to me!

Had Biden taken a Bible out of the school, DeSantis would be all up in arms screaming from the rooftop

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right @chyna? Most households have one stashed somewhere. I think.

Brian1946's avatar

Any Xian thief who ever stayed at a motel probably has a Buybull. ;)

KRD's avatar

Who borrows Bibles anyways? There huge! We got our own Bible so we don’t have to check one out.

Jeruba's avatar

They come in different sizes, @KRD.

KRD's avatar

I know that @Jeruba but you still have the old and new testament.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She’s saying not all Bibles are huge. Most of them are regular book sized.

Inspired_2write's avatar

There are many versions and interpetations of the Bible so I wonder which version are they referring to?
Every Relions has there own version so I suppose others who think different want it banned.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The “Bible” is a Christian text and they all say the same thing.

filmfann's avatar

@Dutchess_III That is so not true. Years ago I read 4 translations at the same time. One chapter a day.
I was stunned to see different translations saying exactly the opposite things.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Really @filmfann? That’s crazy!

Jeruba's avatar

@Dutchess_III, the Old Testament is not a “Christian” text. Really, neither is the New.

A website like this offers many translations: The differences among them can be really significant.

Because they are translations, they are at best approximations of the original text, which itself has variations and inconsistencies.

As a translator, do you strive for a literal translation? Then you are bound to use language, figures of speech, idioms, and cultural and time-and-place references that would be very obscure to the modern reader.

Do you try to transmit the sense or meaning while expressing it in a modern idiom that readers will know? Now you’re interpreting and extrapolating.

How about if it was translated in beautiful English, full of rich language and meaning, but it’s the beautiful English of 1611, not 2022, and even includes some words invented for that translation because there was no English equivalent? That was the beloved King James Version, which is too hard for a lot of people to read today. If they choose an edited and simplified version, how far away is it from the original texts?

And remember, much of this work was done by committees.

zenvelo's avatar

In addition to all the variation reasons noted by @Jeruba and @filmfann, much of it was not even written for many years after it was communicated orally, and then it was written in Aramaic, then translated to Greek which was then translated to Latin.

Jeruba's avatar

And then there was the Council of Nicaea in 325.

By the way, with regard to libraries, I don’t know but would assume that copies of the Bible, like dictionaries and encyclopedias, would be among the documents in the reference section and not available to be checked out.

Oh, and there are organizations and Bible societies of various stripes that are happy to give away Bibles. That’s part of their mission. No one who wants one should have to borrow or steal from the library. Of course, you’re going to get a translation that corresponds to the religious views of that organization. And it’ll still have the naughty parts.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know that @Jeruba. But the Christians claim it as their text.

Demosthenes's avatar

You can tell a lot about a Biblical translation depending on whether the word “homosexuals” occurs in 1 Corinthians 6:9.

KRD's avatar

The Bible teaches us how to live and go to heaven.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well if you believe that, @KRD, and it gives you comfort and courage, then hang on to it.

Jeruba's avatar

@Dutchess_III, likewise, a lot of people claim the Constitution as their law. But I’ve noticed that they don’t all read it the same, and it doesn’t belong to only one group of Americans, no matter what they claim.

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