General Question

Ozu's avatar

How can I be a better person?

Asked by Ozu (17points) May 1st, 2022 from iPhone

How have you become one over the years?
I’m trying to get better at listening.
Sometimes though when it’s my time to share I feel so boring and I feel like I don’t know anything.

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15 Answers

seawulf575's avatar

Welcome to Fluther! To start with you have to define “better”. More outgoing? Smarter? More caring? That definition is up to you. It sounds like you are worried about sounding foolish when you speak to a group. Let me remind you that EVERYONE is boring sometimes and EVERYONE makes a fool of themselves at some point. Accept that and move on. Be happy with yourself, recognize your strengths and stick with them. If you are shy and feel uncomfortable speaking out, you may have to force yourself through that. It does get easier after not too long.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Quit spending time on Internet sites, and spend more time in real interpersonal communications.

kritiper's avatar

Be fair and honest with everything you do, with everyone you meet.
Follow the Golden Rule! “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Welcome to Fluther.

This is an excellent question. Thank you for asking us. I noticed in your tags you mentioned dating. I think the key to being a better person is to listen without the aim of giving advice in reply. Just listen.

When you speak, be truthful and kind. Make sure your words mean no harm. Perhaps you could speak words that lift others.

I suggest you practice meditation. It’s not as difficult as the myths make it out to be. There are apps for it and free YouTube videos. Basically, it’s just sitting and breathing. It will help you keep a calm, centered mind.

filmfann's avatar

Watch more movies!
Movies allow and encourage you to understand the situation and position of other people. This builds empathy, and with those tools, you will become a better, more understanding person.

SnipSnip's avatar

That discovery is your job. I agree with a previous comment that less time on the internet is a boon to life.

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janbb's avatar

Look for real people you admire and try to learn from observing them.

nikipedia's avatar

How old are you?

smudges's avatar

“Before you speak:
Is it kind?
Is it true?
Is it necessary?”

LostInParadise's avatar

Start by asking people questions about what they said. Once you gain confidence in communicating, then maybe you will feel more at ease about your own contributions.

raum's avatar

There a million ways to become a better person. Really depends on the area that you’re struggling with.

That said, I’d caution you to not equate “better” with “not boring”.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Mentally: Always learn challenging things and thus find out whats best for you.

Physically: Keep fit ( healthy) through GYM fitness practices or outdoor activities that interest you.( maybe competition..Races etc)

Emotionally: Learn about what motivates you and about behaviour patterns /life cycles in life, and where you are at in the present.

Goals: Set goals throughout your life cycles geared to your likes dislikes compatiblity.

Pandora's avatar

Treat others the same way you would wish to be treated if you were them.

ruimin's avatar

Trying hard to understand yourself, your thoughts, your desires, your views, your character and everything happened inside your brain. Finding out why they happened, how they occurred, where they come from. If you are aware of all of these, you may be able to find your own way to a better person.

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