General Question

luigirovatti's avatar

Between what stories of "The Dresden Files" by Jim Butcher does "Little Things" take place, chronologically?

Asked by luigirovatti (3024points) May 3rd, 2022

It’s already released on Amazon on the anthology “Heroic Hearts” and I need to know when it takes place.

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5 Answers

Caravanfan's avatar

I have friends who really enjoy this series. I tried a couple of books and just couldn’t get past his overly sexualized description of women.

janbb's avatar

Do you not have access to Google in Italy? I’m not asking this to be a snot but a lot of your questions would be better answered on Google or Amazon.

Caravanfan's avatar

Here is the answer to your question I got from a web search.

luigirovatti's avatar

@Caeavanfan: “Little Things” isn’t included there.

whitenoise's avatar

Hope this helps (from

The Toot-Toot story “Little Things” came out April 22nd in the anthology Heroic Hearts, and the novella “The Law” hits stores July 5th. Both are set after Battle Ground and contain MASSIVE spoilers, so make sure you’re caught up on the books first!

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