Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Care to speculate on the lady's motivation?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 3rd, 2022

We decided on Pizza Hut for dinner. I ordered 2 fettuccine. The lady started arguing with me to order a family sized fettuccine.
“But there are only two of us!”
Then she said “I can eat a (family sized) pan by myself!”
She said it like 3 times.
Finally I said “Well maybe YOU can but I sure as hell can’t! I can’t even eat a whole individual serving. I can only eat about half of it, if that.”
And she kept carrying on about how many bread sticks that came with the family sized (8) vs “only 2” with the individual portions.
I have never heard someone obsess over portion sizes like that! What was up with that?

In the end we got the family size. I assume it was a better deal because bulk usually is, but I don’t know for sure because she never once mentioned price, only portion sizes.
I ate about 1/8th of the fettuccine, and 1½ bread sticks and I was SO done!

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20 Answers

Pandora's avatar

If it was late in the evening it may be they already cooked a large batch of fettuccine and needed to get rid of it before it ended up in the trash. She can’t give you more for a smaller order without setting the expectations that it will always be the case. Usually the family order is better but you still pay more because you are ordering more. So that could be the case as well. More cost means a bigger tip for the server.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It was about 4:30. And it was carry our so no tip.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Was the woman’s name ‘Karen’?

There may have been no strategy other than being the center of attention.

Jeruba's avatar

It was just sales pressure. She’s probably been told to sell up, and maybe she really needed to score the points. However ineptly done, her push worked. You know what? I would have left.

(And I wouldn’t be calling her a lady.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

It was over the phone.

smudges's avatar

I don’t know what her thing was. Kinda strange. I’ve never had that happen to me at a restaurant, unless maybe they suggest it once just to make me aware of the deal. I think I might have hung up on her. I sure wouldn’t have ordered the family size. I’m contrary like that – the more someone pushes me to do what they want, the more likely I am to do the opposite.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I finished it, and the bread sticks, off today.

Forever_Free's avatar

This oddity happened to me once on a road trip. It was a sit down affair. The waitress was obsessed with the portions sizes and she seemed to take it personally when I said I did not want a to go container.
Ironically it was in the midwest also. I think it was Nebraska about 6 years ago. To this day my daughter still comments about ‘that waitress that obsessed about food sizes”.

seawulf575's avatar

She’s trying to upsell you on the idea that portions are cheaper that way. She is right, but it’s only a deal if you are that hungry. The easiest answer is to tell her “Yes, it probably is a better value, but we just aren’t that hungry so we don’t want to waste.”. If she persists, then you just tell her “please just give us what we ordered.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

She didn’t say a single word about cost.

RocketGuy's avatar

Prob told to upsell. At least you got to eat for more than one meal. That’s our strategy: order enough takeout to last at least two meals.

LuckyGuy's avatar

She was trying to save you money but could not say that in case “this conversation is being monitored for quality reasons”.
That was clearly the better deal. Save the extra home and give it to family members tomorrow.

jca2's avatar

I used to go to Boston Market and a single serving of chicken was about $8, which included two small sides. So dinner for two was over $16 after tax. However, a whole chicken with three large sides and dessert and a bottle of soda was called “the family meal” and was about $22. It was worth the extra $5 to get the family meal, which easily fed us for four meals. I think this is what the waitress meant, as @LuckyGuy said.

Forever_Free's avatar

It’s all part of an illegal fettucini laundering scheme that is sweeping the pasta industry.

smudges's avatar

^^ Not to mention linguine layering and spaghetti sheltering! Pasta! hmph! It’s all a scam!

Dutchess_III's avatar

But you guys….she never mentioned cost or savings or money at all. Just prattled on about portion sizes and the fact that she could eat a family sized fettuccine by herself. None of it made any sense.

RocketGuy's avatar

Definitely an upsell encouraged by Big Pasta.

kruger_d's avatar

@seawulf575 I have to disagree. There is no reason that one should have to justify their order.

seawulf575's avatar

@kruger_d That is true. But I was offering a semi-polite way of telling her to just get you your food. At my age I just say “I don’t want that. Get me what I want.”. But I’m told it comes off a little harsh.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Hey! You gett-a the family size, see? That way it can be pasta round to all-a you loved ones. Know what I mean?
Don’t be stingy! Family is everything.
And bread sticks, hey! Bread sticks are a gift from god. Bread sticks are perfect for getting sauce to your mouth.

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