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LuckyGuy's avatar

When you sleep on your back while under the covers, which way do your feet and toes point?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43881points) May 11th, 2022

When you covers and sheets are tight, how do you position your feet?
Do you point your feet and toes toward the bottom of the bed? Do you splay them outwards? Are your feet facing up with your toes curled?
Are there other possibilities?

Definitely a first world problem.

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16 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

My toes point to whatever side my head and body have turned to.

I do not sleep flat out on my back; that is not comfortable. But I nap on the couch and have my legs out striaght, and my toes point up at the ceiling.

raum's avatar

Usually one leg straight with toes pointed upwards. The other leg bent and to the side. Sometimes slightly tucked under the other leg. Direction of toes depends on which leg is bent.

ragingloli's avatar

I find sleeping on my back extremely uncomfortable, so I either sleep on my belly, or on the side.
Part of what is so uncomfortable is the pressure the bedsheet exerts on the feet, and the mattress on the heels.
Beds suck. Can someone please invent a sleeping tank filled with some kind of buoyant jelly?

SnipSnip's avatar

My body refuses to sleep on its back.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I sleep on my back at first then switch to sides throughout the night.

Just as if one were laying on the grass outside, the feet point upwards and to do that in bed the

bedsheets should be loose fitting or unlucked, to allow that position easily without discomfort.

Jeruba's avatar

A hairline fracture of a bone in the arch of my foot (the navicular) made that tight sheet more than a discomfort. It was real pain.

I found a solution: I rolled up a thick towel and secured it with large rubber bands. I stuff that into the bottom of the bed and it holds up the covers well enough to eliminate the pressure on my feet. I don’t care how it looks.

chyna's avatar

My toes and feet are all over the place!

JLoon's avatar

Frontward. I like it that way.

My toes curl sometimes, but only in special situations…

Forever_Free's avatar

North. Always North

zenvelo's avatar

@Forever_Free So your head always points South? Interesting….

Forever_Free's avatar

@zenvelo Oh no no no. That is something completely different.

Zaku's avatar

Toes up and not curled (no sheets tucked in).

LuckyGuy's avatar

Three years ago I was in the hospital for about a week. Most of the time I was on my back. When the bed was made they put an extra fold in the sheet near the bottom to leave room for feet – a toe tuck.
That seems like such a good idea. (I never think of it – until I had a foot cramp a couple of nights ago.)

chyna's avatar

With the tiny writing on my phone, I did not read that as toe Tuck at first.

LuckyGuy's avatar

You know better than that. Although that would have helped me fall asleep faster. :-)

snowberry's avatar

I sleep on my back with a pillow under my knees. It’s big enough that my feet are flat on the mattress, and they point toward the foot of the bed. I also don’t use a pillow under my head. Instead I roll up a towel partway, and place that at the base of my neck. Since my neck has no natural curve, placing the towel there is beneficial. It’s actually very comfy.

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