General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Have you seen any mention of the parents of the killer in Buffalo over the weekend?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33751points) May 16th, 2022

I haven’t seen word one about the parents – what role, if any, the played in encouraging (or discouraging) him.

I find that very curious.

Have you seen any mention of the parents?

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8 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Google “Parents of Buffalo killer”, there’s a bunch of stuff.

jca2's avatar

A friend of mine told me right wing websites are saying the CIA is kidnapping kids and brainwashing them, and that when they want to create a crisis as a distraction (distraction from the news, I guess), they have these kids commit these heinous acts. It’s called False Flag. Such lunacy that this is even something that some lunatics think of, to come up with this shit. It’s like saying the Sandy Hook shooting didn’t happen, or 9/11 didn’t happen.

RocketGuy's avatar

I guess they were not worried that their son bought several firearms?:

SnipSnip's avatar

Their son is an adult and what I read did not say they were aware of any guns he might have. I am not one to look for someone to blame other than the person who did the crime. I believe in accountability for self.

RocketGuy's avatar

I thought he was 17 and living with his parents.

jca2's avatar

@RocketGuy: I’m reading he was 18.

JLeslie's avatar

I was wondering about the parents too.

I saw this article posted today in a Villages facebook group about a senator who is saying the Buffalo shooting is a false flag. WTF?! It is shocking.

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