Social Question

Demosthenes's avatar

Does the possibility that white people will be a minority in the U.S. frighten or otherwise distress you?

Asked by Demosthenes (15424points) May 16th, 2022

This projection of changing demographics was mentioned in my question about the white supremacist shooting in Buffalo. This projection has led to an increasingly mainstream “replacement theory”, which of course is not just the idea that white people will become a minority, but that elites are deliberately replacing them with non-whites.

Do you think if white people become a minority in the U.S., there will be a cultural loss? Japan for example has largely kept out immigrants; their population is almost 100% Japanese (it’s also rapidly aging and declining in many places, but nonetheless). The U.S. is mixed to begin with, unlike Japan. Even if we kept out immigrants, that’s no guarantee that the racial demographics wouldn’t change. So if this is a problem to you, what is the goal? Preserving racial demographics as they are? Eliminating non-white people?

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235 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

Just the opposite for me, and I’m excruciatingly white.

I read that Caucazoids will become a minority sometime around 2050, and I hope I live long enough to see it.

Not only will it mean that I’ve lived to be 103, but it should finally break the stranglehold that caucasian males have on this country.

I’d love to see the wrongs imposed on this land by the paleface patriarchy be righted.
I’d love to hear the State of the Union delivered in Vietnamese, by Madame President.

In my spiritual and emotional realms, I get more than my fill of seeing Caucazoid males just from looking in the mirror.

Another delightful development would be seeing heteros become a minority!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I live in a minority-majority state. Asians are the biggest ethnic demographic here. I really like it. When my youngest went to a small college in western Massachusetts, in their first phone call to me the first thing they said was “Dad, everybody’s white!” They were honestly amazed.

Diversity is a strength.

I agree with @Brian1946. I see plenty of white people every time I look in the mirror, and since I’m bald, I see lots and lots of white.

filmfann's avatar

I am comforted by it.

Demosthenes's avatar

@Brian1946 I don’t necessarily want those things, but I don’t not want them either. I just don’t give a shit. There are a lots of things I want for this country, but a certain racial make-up is not one of them. And I am white and got called a “race traitor” for thinking so on another site. So be it.

Brian1946's avatar


“I live in a minority-majority state. Asians are the biggest ethnic demographic here.”

That’s wonderful.
I’m sure the number of anti-AAPI attacks there are WAY lower than they are on the mainland.

mazingerz88's avatar

When I think about America, I see a great race of white people that is not intimidated with
diversity and in turn is open and embraces that very idea. And fights for it too!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Brian1946 yes, we have few racially motived attacks of any kind.

Hawaii has no majority ethnic group. They largest groups are Asians, whites, and native Hawaiians.

canidmajor's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake After all those years living in Seattle, it was a shock to move back into WASP territory. I miss the diversity. At least NYC is pretty close.

JLoon's avatar

No. This white gurl doesn’t care. I’m already a minority for reasons that have nothing to do with race or color.

What does distress me is the possibility that paranoid fuckbrains could displace the sane majority. Right now it’s a race between evolution and corrupt politics – too close to call.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. Why would I be? Why would anyone be?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Dutchess_III I think recent racial violence proves that many people are greatly concerned by it, and they have guns.

JLeslie's avatar

Not frightened at all.

I think most people don’t care about being in the majority, but they might feel uncomfortable when they are a minority where the majority are all from the same group. As the country gets more and more diverse, we all will be just one of the many. I felt that way my entire life having grown up in very diverse cities. I love diversity and think America is such a special place that we have people in our country from so many different countries.

The people freaking out picture the groups they hate having control of everything and the people they are afraid of surrounding the country in great numbers and not having similar values. It’s ridiculous. They inflate minority group numbers in their head and they project their need for power and control by accusing minority groups of wanting power and control. Minorities just want equality.

The statistics about when white people will be a minority are talking about white non-Hispanic people by the way, and probably exclude white people from the Middle East too, so depending who you consider white changes whether you might feel someone isn’t white enough to be counted as white. (It’s crazy).

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@JLeslie I like your answer.

zenvelo's avatar

@Demosthenes ”...increasingly mainstream “replacement theory””

Replacement Theory is not at all mainstream except in white supremacist circles and FOX news/Tucker Carlson. To say that it is gives it credibility and validation as if it were an understood analysis of demographics.

I live in a state that is so diverse, and has been for a hundred years, that the only reason Whites are in the majority is because Latinx people are considered white. I thought that whites had dropped

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Replacement Theory is not at all mainstream except in white supremacist circles and FOX news/Tucker Carlson

”...roughly one in three (32%) adults agree that a group of people is trying to replace native-born Americans with immigrants for electoral gains. A similar share (29%) also express concern that an increase in immigration is leading to to native-born Americans losing economic, political, and cultural influence.” – Immigration Attitudes and Conspiratorial Thinkers: A Study Issued on the 10th Anniversary of The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research – May 9, 2022

Also, Tucker Carlson is mainstream and whipping up fear about immigrants has been a core campaign strategy of Republicans for decades.

Demosthenes's avatar

@JLeslie The people freaking out picture the groups they hate having control of everything

It’s almost as if minorities have been treated badly historically and some fear that if the tables are turned, they will be treated much as they and their ancestors treated minorities…

@Call_Me_Jay I love that phrasing, “native-born Americans”. It seems to often only refer to one race.

SnipSnip's avatar

No. I have long heard that eventually the world’s population would look Asian. I don’t know and have never made a point to research the subject.

Blackberry's avatar

I was in a convenience store in 2009 in a blue collar part of NJ.
The guy ahead of me knew the cashier from his past so they were saying hi.
She asked him how his job search was going….and he said “A mexican got what I coulda had…”

I always thought that was a joke….and didn’t realize that some white males actually buy into that falsehood.

Those are the people that frighten and distress me.

flutherother's avatar

White or black I don’t mind it was when we had an orange person in charge that I was distressed.

Forever_Free's avatar

We are humans. We then categorize everything. Why? For the natural sake of survival?

This is the reason these issues are still going on. Stop classifying everyone into some group.

Reminds me of this epic MJ video

kritiper's avatar

I have no issues about it either way.

KNOWITALL's avatar

We all began as one race so to end that way is natural, so I have no opinions.

Frankly growing up in the 80’s I spent more time with Vietnamese and black friends than anyone else.

@Demosthenes Race traitor is a very common insult in WS circles/ideology. They’re calling you trash, essentially.

HP's avatar

From all appearances, they’re going crazy as hell and should be replaced with all possible speed.

JLeslie's avatar

@Demosthenes Yes, almost (or exactly) like that.

I did a Q recently about guessing the statistics regarding minority groups. Like what percentage of the US population is Black, Latin American, Trans, Jewish, etc, and a lot of people guess wildly in accurate numbers. Many people blow up the minority numbers to much larger than they are. Here’s a link with actuals and polling results. Scroll down the page a little.

seawulf575's avatar

On a global scale, whites are NOT the majority. Asians are. Whites aren’t even number 2. We fall in as #3. So whites are a minority on a global scale.

The only part about it that truly bothers me is how the media pushes things. A white guy shoots up a mall in Buffalo and the media is all over it, explaining what motivated this guy and how he is a racist. Absolutely. A complete POS. Yet when Emanuel Samson shot up a church after claiming he wanted revenge on white people and wanted to kill at least 10, the media was mainly silent. There certainly weren’t the screams about racism. When Darnell Brooks ran an SUV into a parade after having posted multiple things about hating whites and wanting to get rid of them, The media claimed they didn’t know what his motivation was. They even tried initially to say it was an accident and that his accelerator stuck.

The racist views of much of the media and their apparent lack of ability to show have from any race other than whites is the most disturbing.

HP's avatar

So now it is the leftest msm joining the liberals in the persecution of white folks. Of course that makes sense.

LuckyGuy's avatar

There was plenty of media coverage in all cases. DB smashing into the parade was covered everywhere ad nauseum. ES shooting up the church was also covered everywhere.
The POS in Buffalo posted a 100+ page manifesto that he mostly lifted from other lunatics who had been swapping it on white supremacist/racist websites
There was plenty of coverage of other incidents. I suggest some people are wearing selective blinders or are only listening to spews shows that make money by fomenting false outrage. Change the channel every once in a while.

It is not worth debating. The facts are there. The incidents were covered. If someone has an irresistible urge to argue nonsense claims further I suggest they discuss it with their therapist. .

seawulf575's avatar

@LuckyGuy You only addressed part of what I said. Yes, DB smashing into the parade was covered. But his motive? Not so much. In fact, hardly at all. Unless you go to right wing sites that were as baffled why MSM wasn’t covering it. Ditto that with ES. He shot up a church and the NYT put it on page 14. Sorry, anyone that can’t see the bias should be talking to their therapist.

JLeslie's avatar

I agree with @LuckyGuy.

Mass shootings are done by every race, and it’s fairly in line with the demographic break up of the US, and they get reported fairly equally in the news in the US. It’s not always racism that motivates. Anger and availability of guns are often at the route. Abuse and fear are usually present also.

The WS promotes anger and fear against other races, ethnicities, and religions.

There is no denying there is White Supremacist grooming in the Buffalo case. Same with Charlottesville and the synagogue in Pittsburgh and plenty more. Suck it up, it’s a problem in our country and other parts of the world, and it needs to be dealt with. The WS is smart and knows how to lure people in, they are very good at it, and when they get their people into power it’s disastrous.

@seawulf575 Let’s say you’re right. I don’t agree, but let’s say you are. So what?! It doesn’t change that the WS are creating all sorts of havoc in our country and have been destructive in the world. Look at history. You know how communism has been proven time and time again to not work. Same with WS leadership. Your problem is you don’t see WS leadership when it’s in front of you.

Do some minorities have some bad feelings or anger towards whites? Yes, some do. They are the oppressed. You don’t seem to understand why that makes a difference.

When a Black person is spewing anti-white or anti-Semitic bullshit that is dangerous it absolutely is covered by the media and addressed. People like Farrakhan are covered by the media over and over again as destructive. There are times when the media is biased or downright wrong, like when Maxine Waters was egging on people (in my opinion she was wrong) but plenty of liberal political leaders denounced what she was doing and saying. Your media source probably didn’t show white people and politicians saying they disagreed with her wording.

White people like you defend the WS and are blind to their insidious conduct to destroy America. Do you see it? See what they are doing?

gondwanalon's avatar

I don’t care about the color of other peoples skin.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 When it comes to
the mass shootings mentioned here, your take is terrifying. That deplorable mass killer in Buffalo would give you 100 GAs if he could.

( Here it comes. Wait for it. A five letter word starting with the letter F.)

janbb's avatar

I heard some of Tucker Carlson’s spiel on a NPR program about majority nonwhite America in the future. It is clear that some in the MSM, since we can call Fox that, are using racist tropes like the Great Replacement Theory to promote these ideas and that some of the blame for WS mass murders can be laid at their door. As a pundit suggested, we need to ban GRT from our schools because it grooms young mento commit murder.

As for me, I would be considered one of the non-white if they knew my background, but I “pass” for white. A more pluralistic America could only improve the shitty state we are in now.

JLeslie's avatar

Typo: my sentence should say right wing media doesn’t show Democrats and Liberals who are white, Black, and also politicians denouncing when Black people say things that egg on bad behavior or hate.

Most Democrats want peace and cooperation in our country. Not hate.

jca2's avatar

@janbb: Me, too. My father is 100% Hispanic but I’m whiter than white.

Demosthenes's avatar

@jca2 I’m in the exact same situation. My dad is from Mexico, but I am blue-eyed white. “White” is a much broader category than WS/“replacement theory” acknowledges.

HP's avatar

This accusation from the right that the media is biased because leftist whackos are supposedly not covered to the extent of their rightwing counterparts is a fallacy simply because the premise itself is absurd. Here’s what I mean. The aberrations from the right which unfortunately dominate the news do indeed increasingly define the term “right” in this country and get all the press. But this has nothing to do with bias. It is simply due to the fact that the flood of heinous behavior these days INCREASINGLY dominates the right to the point that the very movement itself is seen as haven for those who in former times were regarded as maladjusted or deranged. The rise of neo nazis, proud boys, klan, promise keepers, and the plethora of other crazies emboldened to now crawl out of the cracks in broad daylight simply has no comparable counterparts from the left, and to drag up BLM or Antifa as the model for leftwing extremism is just too ridiculous for consideration. Poor wulfie just looks at the bad behavior from his huge array of crazies now emboldened to crawl out of the cracks in broad daylight, and wants to tell us the attention they receive is proof of bias. And we’re brainwashed if we pay attention.

HP's avatar

And this is the problem, because we are well on the way, just as with covid, mass shootings, the homeless, etc, where this stuff and its proponents become the ACCEPTABLE norm. The wolf is there already.

JLeslie's avatar

@Demosthenes I think the real WS know exactly who they hate, it’s the right wing general public that doesn’t quite understand or doesn’t know who their real targets are. In fact, I’d say a lot of Black people don’t really understand what @janbb is talking about when she says she isn’t white to the WS.

The WS’s have hated people who are white their entire history. The KKK hated the Irish Catholics, because they hated the Catholics. Somehow they have now roped in a significant amount of Catholics and I find it mind bending.

jca2's avatar

@Demosthenes: That’s part of the irony – you and I would be on the hated list and yet we’re whiter than many people that are technically all white lol. People always tell me they think I’m Irish or German.

janbb's avatar

@jca2 Yeah, me too. “Funny, I don’t look Jewish.”

JLeslie's avatar

Yeah, how can I be Jewish and have blue eyes.

jca2's avatar

If I had a dollar for every time I heard people talk about fucking Mexicans, lazy Mexicans, etc., and forget that I’m a Mexican. Sometimes I point it out to them and they say that they know that I know they’re not talking about me lol.

JLeslie's avatar

Lol. People talk about Mexicans in front of me too, not knowing I’m married to one.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie I’m not supporting White Supremacists any more than I am supporting radical Islamists or enraged black folks. Their all violent assholes in my book. But the point was not who killed more or anything like that. It is more about how the media deals with it. Look at the BLM riots of the past few years. Riots take place. Arson is rampant. Assaults and even murders happen. And the media calls it “peaceful protests” They can’t call it what it is…criminal activity by the protesters. They had no problem with that on Jan 6th where most of the “criminals” were guilty of trespassing…period. And many of those arrested were let in by police and some were actually escorted by them. Yet the media portrays them as rabid dogs that were armed to the teeth and trying to kill everyone in sight. The only person really killed on that day was an unarmed white woman. And the cop that shot her…shot towards other cops in fact, never was even put on suspension. The media tries to spin it: “10 people died because of the Jan 6 protests!!!” But let’s break it down. 2 protesters died of heart attacks. One died of a drug overdose. The media tried pushing the story that she was crushed by the out of control mob. The coroner said it was an accidental overdose of a drug that is prescribed for ADD and narcolepsy. Ashlii Babbitt was shot as we have already mentioned. Murdered is the correct word. The other people that were “killed” were 4 cops that later committed suicide and on stroke victim. Only 9, yet to claim 10 sounds so much more even. And to claim they were “killed by the protesters” sounds like it was a deadly event. It was far more of a peaceful protest than any of the riots in Kenosha Wisconsin, Charlotte NC, Ferguson MO, Portland OR, Seattle WA and many others. Yet the media doesn’t attribute the violence to the black protesters, only to the white ones. It isn’t even realistic attributes they are using to paint the whites as the violent ones.

It isn’t about the acts or the color of the people…it is about how the media portrays it all.

Demosthenes's avatar

Yeah, and this guy killed more than that, so I guess he’s deserving of more condemnation. You want to talk about the media, let’s talk about how right-wing media pushes “replacement theory”.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 I’m thinking just worry about yourself and other voters. We could talk about the media, I have quarrels with media coverage too, but this Q is about our own opinions regarding diversity.

You spent so much time in the past defending white culture and Nationalism and so much language and ideas that are terrifying to minorities that people like you actually do help the WS. If you are not racist, and you fully embrace a diverse America, then you need to learn some more history and put yourself in the place of the minority and stop supporting politicians who exacerbate the racism and hate in the country. I understand you don’t want to vote for Democrats, but the Republicans need to stand up and say they don’t want far right racist crazy people in office. Unless they do? Some Republicans are speaking out like Ana Navarro, Lynn Cheney, but then they get called RINO’s or pushed out in some way. Plus, I don’t just mean political leaders and TV personalities, I also mean voters.

Most Republicans in office sell their soul, even if they know better, to stay in office, to cater to the far right in their party, or they actually are ignorant and racist. One or the other. Both are in our government.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Hear! Hear!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@JLeslie I don’t think @seawulf575 even understands what you a saying ! ‘Cause the ES attack was against whites and the Buffalo killings were against people of color ! He’s afraid of of a non white ATTACK !

seawulf575's avatar

@Demosthenes So it comes down to how many people you kill?!?!?!?!? If you don’t kill enough it’s okay for the media to report it differently?!?

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I understand exactly and what you said about the color of the people is EXACTLY what I am saying about how the media curtails their reporting. I know you don’t want to admit it because that hurts your narrative and you can’t have that, but you hit exactly on the point. You keep trying to deflect into me being racist when the fact is it is the media that is racist.

seawulf575's avatar

@HP I ignored your previous statements because they are too ludicrous. But you want to keep harping in so let’s see what you said. You said that the right wing “extremists” are getting all the press but not because of bias…but because they are so horrible. Where is your citation? Show me the coverage of two killings…one by a white guy and one by a black guy. Show me how these are identical. I have repeatedly given my examples of the bias that exists and, like @Tropical_Willie, you want to try conflating it to me being racist. Until you care to actually back up your bullshit with proof, your statements will continue to make you look foolish. At least anywhere in the normal world. To people like @Tropical_Willie they look perfectly logical and fact checked.

HP's avatar

@seawulf575. Anyone who witnessed the footage from 6 January and arrives at your conclusions is either straight up delusional or impossibly dishonest. Sadly, there just are no remaining choices. I don’t and never have accused you of being racist, because for whichever disorder afflicts you, racism would by comparison amount to but a trivial side effect. I’m not saying this to be mean, but if you are going to continue to insist, that the 6 January insurrection is somehow equivalent to all BLM protests combined; with the press, law enforcement, the courts and the entirety of the justice system as well as the Congress itself in on the plot, and all this simply to smear and embarass conservatism…. tell us what is a rational person to make of such nonsense?

Forever_Free's avatar

I completely agree with @HP

HP's avatar

Look at what he claims and consider the implications if those claims even approached the truth. He is telling us that MAGA heads are persecuted by the society at large while BLM gets a pass. Moreover, he is stranded obsessively with BLM alone as his single counter to every act of lunatic fringe white power racist violence plaguing the country. He insists that Trump has nothing to do with the motivation of these clowns, yet never explains to us how it is that these miscreants worship and adore the idiot. I’m sorry, but it is just too much. I know the best thing would be to simply ignore him, but it is just too gauling to allow it to pass.

HP's avatar

He consistenly avoids the logical follies of his OWN rock hard stubborn and preposterous positions. He asks for citations proving misdeeds of the kooks exceed those of civil rights activists, without understanding that the blizzard of press stories concerning supremacist violence IS CITATION ENOUGH. Or rather, it SHOULD be. But not for our boy. For him, the press ignores and suppresses tales of black violence. Now, think about that. Not even the wulf can declare that people of color either control or disseminate the news, yet all of these white people bend over backwards to mecilessly gang up on their fellow white folks and coddle the minority population. And we can go on all day with the absurdities he tirelessly trots out before us. It’s exasperating.

jca2's avatar

@HP “I know the best thing would be to simply ignore him, but it is just too gauling to allow it to pass.” I try to resist engaging him, and lately I think I do a good job, although sometimes, for the reason you cited, I can’t resist. When I do, I have to tell myself to just let it go and back out of it because it’s endless.

canidmajor's avatar

But…but…but…her emails! And Hunter Biden’s laptop!

jca2's avatar

@canidmajor: And don’t forget post birth abortion!

janbb's avatar

It’s funny how all of “the media” is biased except for what you see on Tucker Carlson and Fox News. ~

Demosthenes's avatar

The media absolutely is biased. AP called Michael Brown an “18-year-old black man” and Payton Gendron a “white teenager”. Young black men who rob a convenience store and get killed by a cop are big scary thug men. Young white men who plan out and commit mass murder are messed-up kids.

I have no love for the media. But they are not overplaying this. Racist mass murder inspired by “replacement theory” rhetoric deserves to be called out as much as possible.

chyna's avatar

^Good points.

seawulf575's avatar

@Demosthenes Yep, Michael Brown was an 18 year-old black man. And the media consistently showed a picture of him when he was about a 13 year old black boy. Why is that? They ran with the story that he was down on his knees with his hands up when the horrible policeman just pulled a gun and shot him for no reason. That was the story that his buddy (who had just helped him rob a store) told. Forget that every other witness (most, if not all, of whom were black) told a story that more accurately supported the police officer’s story. But hey, it can’t be white supremacist cops killing harmless black guys if you actually tell the real story. If you remember, it was so bad that even Obama sent his pet DoJ to Ferguson to do their own investigation. But the real story of what Michael Brown did was suppressed as much as possible.

But on to Payton Gendron. Where have you seen him down played? I’ve gone to a number of article by all sorts of outlets and nowhere can I find him merely referred to as a “white teenager”. Source?? Everything I can find from right and left wing outlets pretty much paint him as being evil, as being a self-proclaimed white supremacist and fascist…no punches pulled at all. What are you looking at that makes him out to be anything else?

I think it is absolutely correct to paint Gendron in this fashion. The point I have been making that you all seem to be avoiding is that honesty stops when the criminal is anything other than a white person.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

They ran with the story that he was down on his knees with his hands up when the horrible policeman just pulled a gun and shot him for no reason.

Who is they? This is the first I heard this story.

Demosthenes's avatar

@seawulf575 It was a tweet from the Associated Press.

No part of my OP is about defending the media so I’m not sure why you turned this into a pro-media vs. anti-media argument. The media is full of shit. I have called out the “hands up, don’t shoot” bullshit since day one. They happen to be rightly portraying Gendron as a white supremacist. Other things they ignore or get dead wrong. The media also deserves criticism in this case for pushing replacement theory (though Gendron only cites 4chan as his inspiration, replacement theory is not relegated to the fringe anymore).

seawulf575's avatar

@Demosthenes I think I pointed it towards a pro-media v anti-media argument when I said that what worried me about becoming a minority was how the media portrayed things. The whole problem with what the media does is they create heroes or villains of whole races. When they treat one race as being horrible and then try to down play the wrongs of other races, they are creating and propagating racism. It is unhealthy for current and future society.

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HP's avatar

Once again, you fall flat
In your understanding of the world in which you live. You recognize, for example that Eurocentric (white) people are (and have always been) overwhelmingly in the minority of the world’s population. Yet you manage to either neglect or ignore the fact that this minority manages to dominate, rule and own the world specifically through the persecution and exploitation of that majority in each and every instance where those non white folks are encountered. And there are NO exceptions to this rule, regardless of whichever ethnicity you care to consider. And I have to ask myself, how is it possible to to be a member of this UNDENIABLY PRIVILEGED class and not understand the fact of that privileege. What knucklehead believes this situation some accident or somehow the natural order of things. Do your silly self a favor, and assume this factor of PRIVILEGE the SOLE reason your bunch RUNS AND OWNS IT ALL, then lecture us on the bias from the media, courts, law enforcement, etc. It’s worse than foolish, and beyond obtuse.

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
HP's avatar

You know what is truly
noteworthy. concerning these people fomenting anxiety and howling “you will not replace us”? First, right off the bat just try to visualize any group more worthy of replacement. But what really is truly galling regarding these poor souls is their refusal to appreciate that their own displacement in numbers is not the issue. If they had any sense they would notice that it isn’t minorities who are displacing them economically. It isn’t ALL white people who are being displaced. And if you want an idea on the truth about the actual causes of those being displaced, merely cast your mind back to the financial collapse of 2008. Now, as an exerice in enlightenment, just see if you can recall a single non white banking executive bailed out at taxpayer expense. For that matter, try to come up with a woman of any color in on the swindle.

seawulf575's avatar

@HP I think what is truly scary is that you really believe all the drivel you spout. And what is even scarier is that you spew it in an effort to avoid addressing the racist media. In fact it is your opinion that lying and slanting stories sideways is actually a great thing because it helps push your racist views as well.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think what is truly scary is that you really believe all the drivel you spout. And what is even scarier is that you spew it in an effort to avoid addressing the racist media. In fact it is your opinion that lying and slanting stories sideways is actually a great thing because it helps push your racist views as well.

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575 is the pot calling the kettle black.

HP's avatar

But I am grateful for him being here as an example of just what this country is up against. It’s entirely too easy to neglect the threat, because I just don’t come across folks like him in my actual life. There are times when I believe this entire line of his here an act, a contrived parody of contemporary conservative thought. This is because he is just too over the top to be believable. And in fact that would be the flattering release off the hook from which his views suspend him.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yes, it probably is scary to you that I believe what I spout. Especially when I back it with example, facts, and logic. Scary as hell to someone that spews from “feelings” alone. Feelings have an important part to play in our lives to be sure, but they don’t get to replace reality.

seawulf575's avatar

@HP for once you and I agree on something, though it isn’t what you think it is. I see in all of you what this country is up against. And I’m trying to comprehend it. So far I haven’t been able to. When confronted with facts and logic, you all dodge aside. When you don’t like something I say, you all claim I said something entirely different. And when I point out the fallacy of your claim, you then move on to something else, moving farther and farther away from the point I originally made. It’s like it hurts you physically to hear something that doesn’t match this distorted view of reality you all seem to have.

Take this thread as a perfect example. I answered the question. I pointed out the only problem I had with whites becoming a minority is how the media behaves…how racist their views are, how they treat whites and blacks entirely differently. I backed this up with example after example after example. The initial response I got was that the crimes committed by blacks were covered in the media. That response is the half-truth…the initial effort to avoid the real issue I spoke of which was the media racism…HOW the media reports on them. I then pointed that out. The next effort was to claim I was trying to support White Supremacy. In my initial response I pointed out the idiot in Buffalo and called him a complete POS. How does that equate to me supporting WS? It doesn’t. But now we are into the phase of attribute things to me that just plain aren’t true and are not supported by the conversation. I addressed this dodge and brought the issue back to the media bias and the racism it creates. At this point I have given 3 examples to support my claims. Not a single person attacking my view has even tried to support the opposing view…that the media is fair and isn’t racist.

From there a plethora of other alterations were attempted to try avoiding what I was saying or trying to debunk it. Those efforts invariably avoided anything that came close to showing how the media reports in a biased fashion. The killings I cited as examples were committed by people of different color (tries making that a way to show the media covers the killings by blacks but entirely avoids addressing the different way they are addressed), The media covers crimes by whites so differently because they are so horrible (avoids addressing the difference in the coverage…uses the bias of the media to prove there is no bias in the media), there was a claim that Michael Brown and Payton Gendron were covered differently with the bias in favor of Gendron (no source given even after being requested) and then the attempt to claim that killings by WS should be covered (which I have stated repeatedly). The list goes on and on…yet not a single one of you can actually address the issue I have raised. The media has a racist slant, intent on portraying whites as rabid dogs driven by racism while portraying blacks as peace loving people that have not a single racist bone in their body. This slant urges racial strife in this country. And THAT impacts the diversity in this country more than any other single factor.

flutherother's avatar

The problem is you are answering a question about media reporting which was never asked and then you accuse everyone else of moving further and further away from the original point.

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother I believe the two are related closely. How we view diversity and race are very much influenced by media.

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother But it is interesting. I related my views of the media TO my answer on the question. I thought I made it pretty clear. Yet everyone has tried to move me away from that view…yourself now included. Try making it that I’m avoiding the original question. I gave an answer to the original question, others didn’t like my answer and have been trying to avoid it. But rather than just ignoring it (which is perfectly fine as well), I believe they see the reality of my statement and don’t like it. So they have to try moving away from it. But now THIS answer IS moving away from the original question.

HP's avatar

It is perfectly evident that there is no moving you from any of your positions—ever. Up is down and black is white. But the delusion that the white population is undergoing systemic persecution and intolerance simply cannot withstand even casual scrutiny. And you can research this and post citations til the cows come home. There are just some truths so fundamental they are immune to defiance. The derision your opinions receive surely are in line with their levels of absurdity. You want to know the worst aspect to debating you? It is never a fair fight. Anyone undertaking the defense of Trump as a qualified President or Covid as an overblown annoyance is simply on untenable ground. And you have the most ingrained habit for defending the unconscionable I have yet to come across.

jca2's avatar

Deliberately contrary…...

seawulf575's avatar

@HP, if the truths are so fundamental, then you should easily be able to tote out some citations that prove me wrong. That is the truth that is fundamental…facts will stand and bullshit will fall. So far you have spouted a lot, but shown nothing to truly dispute my statements except your own opinion. I have shown example after example and all you have to say is effectively “it doesn’t matter. I don’t believe it so you are just wrong”.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^You’re taking it too personally. Surely not all Americans see all white Americans as racists. You are angry that the media is painting that kind of picture for everyone to see and fall for.

HP's avatar

@seawulf575 Your examples, or rather your interpretations of those “examples” are fodder for lunatics. And though you claim to be systematic and believe yourself validated through the mere application of burying your nose day and night in a computer screen, you have the unfortunate inability to address the blatant contradictions in the conclusions you imagine they demonstrate. For example, you ignore my insistence that it makes no sense to claim that a press owned and operated by white people, is biased against white people in a country OWNED AND OPERATED by white people. I don’t care and it doesn’t matter what you find or cite here to counter that argument. You and I both know that if white people own this country and its press, your conclusions must be ridiculous on their face. And no, I am not going to provide you with citations on who owns and runs the country, or that water is wet, or that Trump is a malevolent idiot.

Demosthenes's avatar

Right, it’s so unfair that white supremacists are called out when they are literally posting manifestos that express their intent to kill black people. The reporting around Payton Gendron should’ve been accompanied by a bunch of irrelevant stories about black people doing bad things to avoid bias.

Yes, black people can be racist and do bad things and it should be reported accurately. But I think there is more attention on this because it is a more significant problem. That is my opinion. “Replacement theory” is a cancer.

HP's avatar

But as we see, it’s a cancer which can only gain traction as those formerly in the middle slide toward the bottom. Someone,‘s going to take the blame. My guess is that it somehow will not be anyone either white or rich.

seawulf575's avatar

@Demosthenes I addressed this sort of comment from you earlier. This isn’t about Payton Gendron other than the fact that the media covers him they way they should when some POS does something like this. The problem is they DON’T cover things the same when a black guy is the culprit. Want some more evidence? Did you know that in that manifesto they are posting, Gendron identifies himself as an authoritarian leftist that hates Republicans? Probably never heard that because it is so much better to avoid actually reporting that part of it. But they go into the manifesto to pull out that he is a white supremacist POS. So why stop only at that?

Why didn’t CNN ever give us the history on Darnell Brooks? His past history of rants against white people? Where was the 24/7 reporting that Emanuel Samson left a note that said he wanted to kill 10 white people? I find quick, one article mentions about it and then nothing until it was brought up again in the trial. And then, once again…one-off articles mentioning it. Compare THAT coverage to the coverage about the manifesto that you have cited. Easy to find that, isn’t it?

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 “You are angry that the media is painting that kind of picture for everyone to see and fall for.” Yep. Exactly. I have no problem with them identifying some asshole who leaves a story behind about his motives. Absolutely. But to paint it as all whites is wrong. Look at Hillary Clinton stating that Trump voters were a “basket of deplorables”. That amounts to half the country. The leftist media spouted that as a great thing. The whole thing is divisive. The media urges racism. It’s ridiculous and dangerous and damaging to the country.

seawulf575's avatar

@HP and where are your citations showing I’m wrong?

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Your bias against Hillary has blinded you silly. How did you know Hillary was referring to all trump’s supporters when she made that statement? In your head, Is being a trump supporter plainly and purely the only reason why Hillary described those people as deplorables?

Demosthenes's avatar

Lol. He also called himself an eco-fascist, an antisemite, and an ethno-nationalist.

Imagine if everyone who called themselves a Christian was one…

Yes, the media does urge racism. Especially when people like Tucker Carlson spout “replacement theory” and use thinly-veiled terms for white people and Hispanics. As I’ve said before, I’m not defending the media. If the Waukesha killer was motivated by racism and sought to kill as many white people as possible, it should’ve been reported. I do not think “black supremacy” is as much of a widespread problem as white supremacy, and I think this deserves special attention because of its connection to online radicalism and replacement theory, but racism is racism, doesn’t matter if the racist in question as black. Many of the people attacking Asians here in the Bay Area have been black. Racism in the black community is sometimes glossed over.

HP's avatar

@seawulf575 No. Not THIS time. I want you for ONCE to answer MY question and explain WHY the WHITE media would be biased against their white brethren. Where are your citations from even one LEGITIMATE authority that BLM is in ANY way a criminal or subversive organization?

seawulf575's avatar

@HP I have asked you repeatedly to show me citations. When you finally do, I will answer your questions. All you do is spout without anything close to evidence backing you. I have repeatedly pointed out the flaws in your logic and have used examples to do so. I have asked several times in this thread alone for your sources and you just dodge and try making more idiotic claims and asking more foolish questions. Give a citation if you want to be taken seriously. Otherwise you are just spewing and there is no sense in me taking you seriously.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Will you stop @seawulf575 !!!

It is only YOUR opinion or copied from a right wing website.

HP's avatar

He posits that since I won’t look for a document stating his conclusions ridiculous, they must somehow be accepted as valid. Since he cannot think his way off a toilet seat, he scours the internet for documentation he believes demonstrates the seat is rigged against him. He believes that if violence occurs at a civil rights demonstration, this is proof that the civil rights movement itself is but an excuse to loot and pillage. He then proceeds to construct his world view on this presumption. Since the press refuses to describe the civil rights movement as an excuse to loot and pillage, this is proof of liberal bias. He can produce a case here and there of a black whacko, that goes unreported. He then extrapolates that the constant coverage of the exploding white supremacist movement has nothing to do with the explosion itself. It’s bias against the white supremacist movement favoring black supremacists. Without even realizing it, he is telling us that round the clock coverage of round the clock supremacist activities is not only bias, it is in fact (get ready for it) racist! He is telling us that opposition to white power separatists is racism. You can extrapolate from this version of reality and of course the fact that the press doesn’t agree with this view of reality and the FBI is not listing BLM as subversive. The conclusion to be drawn?? They’re in on the plot to persecute ONLY white separatists. We have here an individual who imagines citations adequate substitution for a low wattage capacity for abstract thought.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie What have I copied off a right wing website? The whole point is I have pulled things off left-wing websites as proof of how biased and slanted they are.

canidmajor's avatar


seawulf575's avatar

@HP so you admit that violence has occurred at “civil rights” demonstrations. Looting, pillaging, arson, assaults….all popped up at these demonstrations. That isn’t to say the demonstrators are the instigators of the violence. BUT…how can the media stand there, in front of burning buildings and cars with people going crazy in the background and say these are mainly peaceful protests? Go ahead…try to tell me it is ME making this crap up. Go ahead. Try to defend the lies and the divisiveness from your heroes in the leftist media.

janbb's avatar

This discussion has become pointless and I suggest that it be closed by the Mods.

canidmajor's avatar

Very much so, @janbb, I will also flag and suggest that, maybe numbers will help convince.

HP's avatar

@janbb stool penguin?

jca2's avatar

@janbb: As many conversations that involve this person usually do…..It’s pointless and a huge waste of time.

HP's avatar

@seawulf575 Of course I admit it. It’s the conclusions we arrive at that differ considerably. And I put it to you that yours cannot be justified nor stand up to a minimum of rational thought. This is the reason I cannot believe you are a product of this country. I mean in this discussion on the rise of w9hite supremacist stories as proof of liberal slant, you manage to neglect not only that these incidents are clearly on the increase, or the even greater truth: what you are calling liberal bias is in fact the media’s transformation from a time when white supremacy was considered NORMAL. I can remember when no one bothered labeling those folks lynching black folks as white supremacists. It didn,’ occur to newspapers or anyone else to find it any more newsworthy than if they were Lutheran or Baptist. So it is much more accurate to view this rise in reporting the fact that these incidents were in our past GROSSLY underreported. And I will post no citations attesting to this once again OBVIOUS fact. And the demo you are once again DEAD wrong. The demonstrators are no more guilty of instigating ating violence than the civil rights activists in our past of “instigating” fire hosings and police dog attacks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

God. I’m out.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 A member that left because of banal statements by you and I called you on it more than once !

Whole paragraphs from WS websites. I wondered how fast typed, at the time, because 170 words would a appear in a response half a minute.

janbb's avatar

And if someone needs a citation, here’s some statistics comparing number of mass shootings by Whites to Blacks and Latinos:

canidmajor's avatar

I bet somebody comes back to say that that site is rife with leftist bias! Ack! We are being overrun!

HP's avatar

My brother visited us a couple of weeks ago snd while we were talking he told me something that surpised me regarding the beloved Sherry Lewis. Have you heard that her show was cancelled when it was discovered she was pregnant? Good riddance to the good ol days.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 Do you have a link of a news segment or news article which reported on a BLM protest with looting and arson and described it as nothing but a peaceful protest, totally ignoring the looting and arson, even labeling those acts as peaceful?

It just seems to me that since you are anti-BLM, of course your idea of fair media coverage is for the looting and arson to be given bigger attention instead of the main reason behind the protest.

White Americans’ fear and distress of being the minority could very well lead to anger over lootings and arson during a BLM protest, ignoring the BLM’s just cause.

JLeslie's avatar

I was just thinking about the wording of this Q, white non-Hispanic people will only be a minority in 2050 (or whenever they are saying it will happen) if you group all current minorities together. You could reframe that as 40% white, 25% Latin Americans, 18% Black, 7% Asian, 2% Native American. Still the white non-Hispanic people have the biggest number. I made up the percentages, but it’s probably not far off. It’s not like they disappear or get “replaced.” The US population simply continues to grow, and there is a bi-racial number too.

40% is still a HUGE number of people, and it’s not evenly spread across the US. There will be pockets of the country that stay very white for a long time if someone wants to move there. Sounds boring, and probably not a lot of good food.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 I just posted one on my previous comment.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Saw that before I asked. “Fiery but mostly peaceful protest.” They showed hellish fire. Didn’t edit it out. I can only guess the “mostly peaceful” description came from what they saw that there were more peaceful protesters compared to the number of arsonists. Probably the peaceful protesting got the better part of the day more than the fires.

To you though, with your bias, it’s the end of American civilization, so the media coverage should scream it out loud, set aside the BLM’s cause, which you’re not a big fan of in the first place.

Demosthenes's avatar

@JLeslie Yes, it’s a plurality rather than a majority. But some are still threatened by that. I brought up this question on another site and one person said it would be like if China was no longer for the Chinese. So I said “then that means America is for white people?” and I didn’t get a response.

HP's avatar

You’re not going to get a response to any question along the lines of “how does that make any sense?” The reply is always “where are your citations”?

JLeslie's avatar

@Demosthenes Great response!

Not to mention China is diverse, it has something like 50 ethnicities, but to most Americans they just all look East Asian probably. Such focus on how people look.

I really think the Liberal focus on diversity, specifically the messaging that white people better watch out, because they will be minorities soon, can cause a backlash. It’s in the presentation. Rather than saying they will be minorities we could be using words like America is a plurality society and always has been. A mix of many cultures, nationalities, and ethnicities.

I do point out to the white Christians who seem completely blind about what it is like to be a minority that they should want laws that will protect them if they are the minority in a community or in the country. That’s the only time I really dwell on that, when they want to make ridiculous laws that go against separation of church and state, that sort of thing.

Look at this obsession the WS has with Jews replacing them. They probably think there are a hundred million Jews. Many people guess the US is 30% Jewish. It’s 2.2%. 6.5 to 7 million Jewish people in the US. Nothing. 17 million in the entire world! There are more people in the state of Florida than Jewish people in the entire world. Yet, they think we are going to replace 200,000,000 white people in America.

@HP on fluther we often ask for links and citations.

HP's avatar

Let me repeat my fire truck demonstration and illustrate the defense of a ridiculous proposition. The statement: Fire trucks are responsible for most of the fires in the nation’s cities. Your response: That’s preposterous. Here’s the answer to that one: I have citations proving there’s a fire truck at nearly every fire: You counter that with: that doesn’t make sense. Why would the city deploy fire trucks to burn the city down? And the answer: where are your citations proving me wrong?

HP's avatar

You will notice that other than the ridiculous premise, there is not a statement in the conversation from either side that is untrue. But the answer to the key question of why the city might wish to burn itself down is allowed to hang. I know you all believe that my constant harping and attacking nearly everything coming from wulfie’s keyboard but a petty excuse for squabbling. But I believe you are wrong. Urgently wrong! If there is a single thing threatening the existence of this country, it is most certainly the growing preponderance in the failure of reasoning. None if you should be permitted the ridiculous conclusion that because fires and looting might occur at BLM demonstrations that BLM is a movement founded and dedicated to arson and looting, or that pregnancy is a punishment women exclusively deserve for engaging in sex.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think anyone thinks it is petty.

janbb's avatar

@HP I don’t think many of us think you are wrong in countering the false contentions. I think you are right but it just seems pointless as He Who Shall Not be Named has never, ever admitted he is wrong on anything. But batter away.

And if anyone was looking for the most violent episode of looting and unlawfulness, it would have to be the January 6 attack on the Capitol. No one needs to post or can refute any citations on that because we all saw it happening in real time on our TV screens.

mazingerz88's avatar

@HP It seems to me it’s WLM for @seawulf not BLM.

canidmajor's avatar

@mazingerz88 OWLM…the first letter representing “Only”.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@JLeslie “40% white, 25% Latin Americans, 18% Black, 7% Asian, 2% Native American” those were about the numbers for my 1950s Junior High School.

JLeslie's avatar

@Tropical_Willie My high school was very diverse too. 40% minorities, but the minority group was from everywhere, not one group. I would say our Asian ratio was a little higher than those numbers I put above, all parts of Asia, but still heavy in people from Latin American and also Black people. 1980’s.

HP's avatar

I too watched. But here’s the current answer to that There were “ONLY” 800 arrests, mostly for trespassing. Most of the people were “escorted” by guards into the building. The people involved and arrested are in fact heroes, because they were convinced the election had been stolen and the duty of a patriot is to defend the constitution.

These are just a few of the current rationalizations currently making the rounds among our Conservative friends, and it is the narrative more or less adopted by the Republican party, the membership of which we must assume has viewed the same footage available to the rest of us. Almost to a man that party insists the 6 January riot overplayed by the Democrats as an invented excuse to persecute and embarrass Republicans through “needless and pointless hearings concocted to only further sew disunity.” There’s no need for hearings. And in perfect unison with the pile of shit explanation just given, here is the rationale for this one. If there had been an actual attempt to overthrow the government, it obviously failed. This makes any review or attempt to review and get to the bottom of it merely another excuse to smear the GOP.

This is what I mean by shoddy reasoning as the penultimate threat. You can NEVER allow it to pass as acceptable.

janbb's avatar

@HP I should have been clearer. The latter part of my comment was not directed at you but at those who would downplay the insurrection. And yes, I know they have ridiculously rationalized it.

canidmajor's avatar

I believe that someone referred to it once as “legitimate political discourse”. I was stunned.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 “To you though, with your bias, it’s the end of American civilization, so the media coverage should scream it out loud, set aside the BLM’s cause, which you’re not a big fan of in the first place.” Let me ask…if these were Proud Boys having a peaceful protest that turned into riots and arson and everything else, what would you think if the media called them “mainly peaceful protesters”? Would you consider that acceptable? If not, why not? What is the difference between a peaceful protest by white people that turns bad and a peaceful protest by black people that turns bad?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Once again @seawulf575 you missed the point !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Not really. The point that people have blasted me on is that I claim the media covers things differently based on the race of the subject. So the question remains…is the coverage CNN gave in the example I showed reasonable for all situations that might exist with other races? Yes, they were covering for BLM, trying not to make their protests look bad. But what if a MAGA rally ended up in a riot. Would they have the same reporting? If not, then my point is proven. If you believe it would be fair for them to cover it the same, I would then ask you why they don’t.

Want the perfect example? Kyle Rittenhouse. There is a riot going on. Buildings are being burned and looted, people are getting beaten silly and the media doesn’t really cover that at all. They don’t talk about the atrocities that were done by the “protesters”. They don’t focus on the billion dollar price tag on the damage they did. They focus on a 17 year old white kid that they claimed was a Trump supporter and a White Supremacist who ended up killing known felons (which the media portrayed as peace loving protesters exercising their first amendment rights), who attacked him. The whole thing was ludicrous. And in the end, in answer to your previous claim, the extreme bias and lies from the MSM might very well herald the end of the American civilization.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

In your HUMBLE opinion !

mazingerz88's avatar

What would the Proud Boys be protesting about that would elicit from me the same support and understanding as I impart with the BLM protesters?

So there’s arson and looting as well? Just like looters and arsonists during BLM protests, I’ve said before they should be held accountable and get as much prison time that they deserve.

JLeslie's avatar

Did innocent protestors join in the looting and vandalism during BLM? Did they trespass into the stores? In my opinion all people who broke windows, entered stores, and/or stoke merchandise are criminals.

Some Republicans who want to compare BLM rioting to what happened at the Capitol say people on Jan 6 just walked through the Capitol like tourists. The Capitol was swarming with people, violence happening all around, windows being broken, and vandalism.

So, let’s see…if you went to the mall in Washington that day just to calmly protest the vote, and you see people rushing the United States Capitol Building, climbing the walls, and breaking things, and people chanting hang Mike Pence, and fine Pelosi, are you staying with that crowd or “innocently” moving in with them? Are you thinking I didn’t come here for this craziness and criminal behavior, I’m leaving. At minimum are you backing up and staying outside and keeping your distance?

To say protestors breached the Capitol is false. Maybe a few of them are just really really stupid with bad judgment and didn’t want anyone to get hurt, I do believe that, but they ALL entered the Capitol without permission, which simply is not allowed, and that makes them all rioters. They terrorized the people who work inside the building. It doesn’t matter if some individual never meant to hurt someone, they participated in a violent mob. BLM protestors didn’t enter buildings, rioters did.

I still say send the Jan 6 people to Guantanamo. Traitors and terrorists.

janbb's avatar

@seawulf575 Distractions about citations and the MSM (which I still don’t understand what that is) aside, you haven’t answered the question that was asked:

Are you concerned that white people will be in the minority in the US in a number of years?

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 It has nothing to do with the protest. It has to do with how the news coverage is. Is your opinion is that it is okay for the media to be unfair as long as they favor your views?

seawulf575's avatar

@janbb I answered it with my very first response in this thread. That is where all this started with the media. Becoming a minority isn’t a problem for me. Having a bias, racist media that spreads lies and slants stories does. Because that one factor makes for so much division and hatred in this country.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^You got Fox on your side. I think they get more views. What you perceive is unfairness is probably Americans still fighting what they believe is a good fight. Something you will never…and we circle back… understand and accept.

HP's avatar

See here it is. The fire truck argument. The news reports things that clearly indicate the right has left the tracks. But IF these reports are both true and verifiable, those factors are irrelevant. Bias in this man’s mind is that NO ONE AGREES WITH MY NONSENSE. The insurrection NEVER HAPPENED. The fact that the media describes “a tour of the capitol” building as violent insurrection is just plain bias. There’s a question on fluther today regarding Alice in Wonderland. Read that book and apply its scenarios to the current rightwing take on reality. The book is a virtual field guide on current conservative “thinking”.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 I know you find this hard to believe, but Fox is almost never on at my house. I might scan through it but rarely spend more that a few minutes watching it.

seawulf575's avatar

@HP once again you miss the point. I believe this now to be a purposeful avoidance. Why are you avoiding the problem I have with a media that doesn’t report fairly? You want Jan 6th to be an insurrection? Fine. So how about the numerous riot and arson parties that have happened over the past few years. Those are reported as being peaceful protests. Care to spew your idiocy at the people that lost everything in those “peaceful protests”? Want to tell them that the left is peaceful and it is all the right? That is what the media would have you believe. Go ahead…go to Kenosha and tell the families of the parade participants that were killed or severely injured that Darnell Brooks really just lost control of his vehicle…that there was no motive anyone could find. That is, after all, what your leftist media is reporting.

I’ll say it one more time. It isn’t about the subject of the reporting, it’s about the bias of the reporting that is the issue. A sane person can look at all the examples I have shown and come to the conclusion that the media is biased and racist. Only people of questionable sanity can try to defend that bias.

HP's avatar

Once again, your examples are fine. It is (aways) the conclusions you draw from them which are batshit crazy and defy reality. For example, no one from the reputable press can look at your stories then conclude BLM a leftist subversive movement on par with white supremacists. It just is not so. You have absolutely no sense of proportion or scale with any of your arguments, and simply do not understand that all the research in the world will not compensate for the flaw. I mean do you actually believe the siege, invasion and looting of the capitol comparable to the fighting that breaks out at civil rights protests? Or that the people sponsoring and participating in civil rights protests particpate in the fighting and looting? And if you believe the fact that no one will print or say it is proof of bias, you’re just wrong.

seawulf575's avatar

@HP, I don’t have to go to a “reputable press” to determine BLM is a leftist subversive movement. The founders have proudly proclaimed they are trained Marxists. In Marxism, Socialism (or far left) is the economic principle. True Marxism is a stateless, classless society. In other words, anarchy. We are not bees or ants and cannot survive in a hive mentality. Even that isn’t a good description because in bees and ants there are classes and even a monarchy. But thank you for bringing this up because that is just one more example of where the “reputable press” suppresses this information. But the point I have made repeatedly, that you have avoided repeatedly, is not BLM. It’s how the media treats their protests that fall apart into violence, looting, arson, assault and murder. You cannot even defend that. So you don’t try. You try changing my claim so you can dispute it…and you aren’t even good at that. Go back and now answer the statement I have made repeatedly. Why does your “reputable press” make up lies to cover the violence? Why do they stand in front of burning cars and buildings with people throwing things at the cops and say they are mainly peaceful protests? Answer those things and then you MAY start to find the way to truth.

Stop trying to compare the acts in different protests and focus on how the media portrays them. Jan 6th – mainly white…portrayed as insurrectionists, invaders, killers. BLM Riots – mainly black – portrayed as peaceful protests. Try addressing the discrepancy in the reporting and stop trying to side-step that since that is what I have been saying repeatedly.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 Only because you’re smart enough to know Fox’s presentation is BS and shameful. By now, watching it is a waste of time and intelligence. But you probably already have long bought philosophical products they had been selling to trump fans.

JLeslie's avatar

Fox doesn’t need to be on in an individual’s house. All they need is to be in the social circles of the people who watch Fox. The internet, churches, and dinner conversations move the message along.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 What I am is smart enough to know that most “news” outlets have a bias one way or the other. That is why I look to many different sources and try to get as close to the original source as possible…so I can make up my own mind about things.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie That statement is interesting. I have no idea if people I know watch Fox or not. It never comes up in conversation. Many people I know have voiced opinions similar to mine without me having to say a word. I understand I don’t fit well into this leftist crowd, but this crowd needs to recognize they are not the only voice, nor even the most populous voice out there.

The scary part about many of the leftist that I have known (including many on these pages) is that they know almost rote what the current talking points are, but cannot really explain or defend them when asked or confronted.

HP's avatar

That’s your take. Mine is that you wouldn’t acknowlegde or even consider al sensible defense if it bit you on the ass.

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HP's avatar

Wulfie’s mindset has been dancing around in my head, and it came to me that he is perhaps right. By this I mean he is right that mainstream media is indeed biased. But here’s the thing. This bias favors mainstream values. And those do indeed shift. In other words, it will be indeed difficult to find an objective portrayal of white supremacists endowing today’s reader with positive feelings. And (sadly) this was by no means always the case. There was a time that I certainly recall when white supremacy, like segregation itself were regarded as noble American values by more of us than would ever care to admit it. If there is one single thing which has accelerated bias in the news, it was the decision that reporting of the news should be profitable rather than a public service. THIS is without any question the only factor allowing the success of FOX where no veneer of objectivity is even faked beforec an audience that wouldn’t recognize the difference to begin with.

seawulf575's avatar

@HP….almost But the media should be neutral…or as neutral as possible. Right now much of our country is split down the middle on just about every topic. To say they are reflecting mainstream values is as biased as they are. You cannot completely negate 50% of the population and then claim you are not unduly biased.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@HP I’ll translate that for ya, NYT and Forbes should stop showing all the GOP liars . . . . . . . . I mean leaders tell little white lies (outright miss truths and fraudulent statements). But Tucker Carlson is okay with what he says about Replacement Theory which is a bunch of BS.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Once again, you go out of your way to avoid what I say so you can create something else that you can then ridicule. I have called for the media to be unbiased. I have called for them to treat both sides of the aisle and all races the same. I have no problem with NYT or Forbes calling out liars…that’s what they are supposed to do. But not just GOP liars…Dem liars, Indy liars, black liars, white liars….everyone that is lying. But apparently you don’t like it when Fox calls out Dem liars. Showing you are part of the problem.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


Like Tucker’s Replacement Theory!

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Did you notice I did not specify “news” agencies? They ALL need to be less biased. They ALL need to report facts. And there are shows on all of the channels that amount to opinion shows. Carlson is one, Maddow is another, Seltzer is another…they go through the channels. They should all have disclaimers at the front that says this is an opinion show. That way the viewer knows that it is someone pushing their view and not necessarily facts. If you want to watch Tucker Carlson, have at it. Don’t attribute your vice to me though.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Nice to know. Thanks. Been watching NPR mostly

JLeslie's avatar

^^I’ve been watching Smerconish a little more, so it was interesting to see where he landed. I signed up for his Facebook page/live whatever it’s called, a few weeks ago, but haven’t been going to the page much.

I’ve been limiting watching politics for over a year now, resting between labor pains, but with elections coming up I’ll be tuning in more again.

HP's avatar

@seawulf575 Facts do not generate profits. What you perceive as bias is actually the deliberate blurring of the line between news and entertainment to fatten the outlets’ bottom lines. Objective reporting was once understood by the government of this country to be crucial to a functioning democracy. And the arrival of radio and television forced the government to regulate the airwaves. Fairness doctrines were mandated requiring broadcasters to present equal considerations to opposing viewpoints on political isssues, and public service requirements were both stipulated and enforced on broadcasters as a fundamental requirement for those broadcasters to retain their lucrative licenses to utilize the public airwaves. And those licensees bent over backwards to meet those requirements. News divisions were not just another profit generating arm of the corporation, but rather the the public service expense inflicted on broadcasters in order to remain in business. The shift in government attitudes regarding the necessity for a public service component is the direct result of the elimination of the bipartisan consensus on its necessity. This was exclusively at the behest of conservative REPUBLICANS and directly attributable to the noticeable dumbing down of that party and subsequent disdain for reason and moderation which so clearly distinguished the Reagan adminisration. The elimination of these requirements was fundamental to the establishment of FOX which could not possibly exist under the previous requirement. This explains PRECISELY the difference between today’s Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity and yesterday’s Walter Cronkite or John Chancellor. It’s conservative dumbing down clearly reflected in the ever mounting intellectual vacuity distinguishing that party reflected in both its leadership and its sad constituency.

seawulf575's avatar

@HP so what you are saying is that you KNOW the MSM is biased and you support being lied to. Got it.

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HP's avatar

And it fascinates me that you miss the entire gist of what I wrote. And more fascinating than THAT is that as yet you do not understand that not a single one of the organizations you list qualifies as a leftist outlet. FOX is merely the visible and INDISPUTABLE extreme of the example proving the allowance of news to abandon objectivity. You are allowed to substitue Rachel Maddow for Tucker Carlson as proof of departure from objectivity. She too is the outgrowth of abandonment of the the doctrine of objectivity. What I am telling you, and what you either DELIBERATELY ignore or simply lack the acuity to glean from my explanation is this: any disparity in the boadcasting of the news from objectivity is the product of CONSERVATIVE exertions to eliminate that requirement. It is YOU people who INSISTED ON and ENFORCED the abandonment of that requirement. And now you sit here bitching that people who don’t think like you are licensed to broadcast without granting you equal treatment. I am telling you that IF this is the case, it is EXACTLY what you asked for and in fact FORCED on all of us.

seawulf575's avatar

@HP I have listed numerous things that CNN, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC, and all the rest absolutely lied about and called it news. They passed their suppositions off as facts. They edited video to make a whole different story. They lied. And you just can’t admit it. All you can do is scream about Republicans and Fox and Conservative. Until you can actually break through that block, you will NEVER understand how wrong you are. You are just as biased as they are.

HP's avatar

Please pay attention. Whether I admit it or not, whether I am biased or not, if you are correct in your diagnosis on bias in favor of the left, it is THE RIGHT which INSISTED that any attempt at enforcement of objectivity be eliminated. You dummies got your wish and now bitch about the bad press you most assuredly deserve and in fact is not nearly as abusive as the derision you dummies actually merit. Were the publications you claim biased truly leftist, there is not a single one of them which would not have openly declared Trump a bonafide hopeless dishonest ignoramus in banner headlines every day of his existence. What passes for conservatism today would be ridiculed openly and mercilessly for the intellectually dishonest and shamefully slavish monument to stupidity it actually is.

HP's avatar

You conservatives are treated with kid gloves by the media you imagine to be leftist. And you should thank your lucky stars that what YOU call the mainstream media does not take nearly as casual a relationship with the rruth as the trashy rags you indiscriminately parade here.

seawulf575's avatar

@HP…go back and look at what I have stated over and over. BOTH sides of the aisle are biased. I have stated that repeatedly. Now, can you admit the left is biased?

HP's avatar

Of course I admit the left opposes the policies and beliefs of the right. The left is indeed biased against the right. The problem I have with YOU is that you people want to categorize anyone left of of Genghis Khan by definition a leftist. A leftist is for you anyone who disagrees with you. If the mainstream press declares Biden winner of the election, it is proof of bias. This clear insanity has purged the Republican Party of any sense or pretense of moderation. Reason is rejected to the extent that all that is reasonable or moderate is purged as anathema, and those advovating reason within the party expelled from the ranks, thus intensifying the expanding lunacy appealing to its base now distinguished by its dimming reason and rising gullibility.

seawulf575's avatar

Not quite. You admit the left doesn’t like the right. Can you admit that they lie? That the NEWS isn’t entirely accurate?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The left doesn’t have Tucker Carlson and FOX News to broadcast that many lies.

HP's avatar

Here’s what I will admit. Absolutely!! The news is without question not always accurate, and the left doesnt like the right. But look at the failures in reasoning you throw at me. The news is not always accurate. I will agree that both the left and the right have their liars. I agree with both statements. But how does either of these propositions prove the MSM both leftist and lying? Your statement ASSUMES the press synonymous with the left and lying to boot. Here’s another thing I will admit. The mainstream press is without question to the left of YOU. For the society overall, this is by no means the case. Trust me, the Wall Street Journal, NBC, Business Week, and the rest of the corporate media are NOT leftist operations. And you embarrass yourself when you make such a claim in front of any actual leftist. This isn’t a fair debate. You lack the scope of knowledge to appreciate the absurdity to declare the corporate media the slave of the left. And it requires a rather profound level of ignorance to buy the argument presented by FOX.

seawulf575's avatar

@HP I have given example after example of the left making stories up, treating black crimes differently than white crimes, of out-and-out lies that they have put out there because they are so biased. I have given you proof that they are lying. And you still cannot get there and actually say it yourself. YOU are a perfect example of my original comment about the media and how they slant things as being a HUGE issue with the problem of how whites becoming a minority can be impacted. You, when presented with solid evidence, STILL cannot get to the point where you can actually say they are lying. You just can’t do it. So when they say “Whites are evil!” you will just parrot “whites are evil” thereby demonizing an entire race. That is a textbook definition of racism. When they say “Blacks never do anything wrong!” you parrot that as well. Because to do anything else is for you to actually stand up and argue with them. They stood in front of burning buildings and cars, with scenes of people throwing bottles and bricks at police, and said “this is a peaceful protest”. And you cannot psychologically say they are wrong. You cannot even see violence because they didn’t tell you it was violent.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“treating black crimes differently than white crimes” like blacks are five to six times (not percent) more likely to do long term prison time ?

seawulf575's avatar

And they are 300% more likely to commit severe crimes like murder Blacks commit a little over 49% of all murders in the country (in 2019). Yet they make up only about 13% of the population. They committed 3218 murders out of 6578. If murders were by percentage of the population they should only have committed 855 murders. Meanwhile white people make up 76.5% of the population. Whites should have committed 5032 murders. We only committed 2948 murders…less than the blacks by 270 total murders. Blacks committed 3.75X more murders than they should have by population. Meanwhile the whites committed 0.58X as many as they should have committed by population. And that is just murder. The balances of crimes committed in almost every category show blacks to be more unlawful per capita than whites. So if they are committing a higher percentage of crimes than whites per capita, why wouldn’t there be a higher percentage being incarcerated?

Another fine example of bias. Looking at one data point and extrapolating a complete answer.

raum's avatar

Alaska has one of the highest homicide rates in the country. And one of the lowest Black populations.

Any guesses what else is high in Alaska? Poverty.

Income disparity is one of the highest factors for crime rate prediction.

seawulf575's avatar

@raum Alaska is also one of the highest homicide rates in the country because it has one of the lowest populations in the country. Wyoming has a high homicide rate as well but has a population smaller than Washington DC. In 2019 there were 70 homicides in Alaska…our largest state. In 2021 there were 397 homicides in just Los Angeles County. So homicide rates, in this discussion, are meaningless. The challenge was that there are more blacks incarcerated than whites. I chose “murder” as a crime to look at because it is one of the most violent. And the point of ratio that DOES apply is the percentage of the US population that is black and the percentage that is white.

The amount of poverty does play into crime, no doubt. But there is something inherently wrong when the excuse of poverty is given for why someone killed someone else. I could understand that excuse if society collapsed and people were fighting over food to survive. Our society is not at that point and I’d venture a guess that 100% of the murders that happen are not because people are fighting over food.

There is also something inherently wrong with proposing that blacks should not be incarcerated when they commit a crime just because there is a desire to make some ridiculous SJW “equality” statement.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Do you have an idea on what this thing is that is “inherently wrong” when the excuse of poverty…killed someone else”?

HP's avatar

I still await a reasonable explanation as to why the mainstream media might seek to underplay black criminality while exaggerating the misdeeds of white racists. And poor wulfie here is the perfect illustration of what an individual with poor reasoning skills and a narrow breadth of knowledge can do with statistics. Blacks are clearly overrepresented in the country’s prisons. That’s a fact. But the clueless wulf looks at that fact and concludes that because the prisons are crowded with black people, this is proof of their outsized criminal tendencies. It never even occurs to him that this same disproportion might well indicate the criminal justice system utilized in its TRADITIONAL and well recognized function toward the suppression of black people. You want to keep em in their place? Label them criminals and lock em up. The wulf supposedly has lived here in the same country with me and somehow missed out on this revelation. He somehow missed the crack epidemic when any black person caught with the stuff was tossed into jail, while today with the opioid epidemic the society along with its leftist media has declared opioid dependency an illness and white teenagers are spared the criminal justice system and its jails and shifted instead to treament. It’s as though the wulf exists in an isolated cage. I just cannot believe him a product of the same place as myself.

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seawulf575's avatar

@HP “Blacks are clearly overrepresented in the country’s prisons. ” That is part of the narrative pushed by the leftist media. Tell me, is your belief that black people were just rounded up and thrown into prison without committing crimes?

seawulf575's avatar

@HP and @Mazingerz88, As for this belief that it is poverty that leads to crime, again…the assumptions made are racist in the extreme. Not a single one of you has done a stitch of research. You just assume that most poor people are black. How very condescending of you. Once again, let ME be the one to do the research that you will all try to avoid and ignore because it doesn’t match your racist beliefs.

In 2020, there were 1,720,000 black families living below the poverty level.

There are 3,114,000 white families living below the poverty line.

Almost twice as many whites as blacks that are poor. So by your belief, if poverty is THE factor that leads to crime, then shouldn’t twice as many whites be committing murders than blacks? But that isn’t the case. Whites are not even committing as many murders as blacks. Blacks are committing more murders. So what is your claim now? That statistics are racist? Or do you truly believe that blacks don’t commit crimes? That they are just arrested, tried and convicted by a jury of their peers (which include black people) without ever committing a crime just to put more of them in prison?

mazingerz88's avatar

^^So no speculation at all from you as to what could this “inherent thing” be about black Americans in your post up there?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

. . . and there are 6 to 7 times as many whites as blacks !

Can you tell me what that does to all your ratios and statistics ????

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 The “inherently wrong” thing is the belief presented from some people that say the sole cause of violence is poverty. Care to address your racist belief that poor people are all black or even mostly black?

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie If the claim is that poverty causes crime (which was the claim being made), then you look at the total numbers of poor people. That’s what I did. If poverty was the cause then there would be twice as many white people as blacks incarcerated. Sorry if you can’t follow logic. And your point of 6 to 7 times (its actually closer to 6) more white people plays into the commission of crimes. 6 times more whites yet blacks are committing 50% of the murders. Shouldn’t that only be closer to 10%? So the question is back to you…is it your belief that we should just not punish criminals because of their skin color because we are trying to make our prisons match the demographics?

HP's avatar

As usual you you misstate what is in front of you. I neither wrote nor implied that poverty causes crime. What I DID write is that it is far easier to CONVICT a poor man than one who can pay for the talent to keep him out of jail. It is also far easier to both charge and convict those poor people if poverty can be readily determined through simply noting the complexion of their skin. IF you could possibly think for yourself or had a 6th grader’s understanding of the history of this country, you would understand that since the Civil War, the criminal justice system in this country has been utilized to undermine and deny the civil rights of black men SPECIFICALLY. This is so striking a truth in regard to our CONFEDERATE states, that no rational mind dare state otherwise. Black people were and ARE incarcerated in excessive percentages because it is ASSUMED by the society at large (the white society) that they are criminals. THIS is the history of this country, and once again, I find it difficult to believe you a product of this country and actually be unaware of this.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 What are you talking about my racist belief that poor people are all black or mostly black? Did I post anything to that effect?

You can’t see all Americans as just human beings. They have to be black or white to you. All if not most Americans hate racism. Of all kinds.

You think white racism towards blacks is what the media is focused on and you want fairness. For the media to also focus on black racism towards whites and towards other blacks. Correct?

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

- – all your numbers @seawulf575 are jumbled.

Just because the court sends more blacks to jail than whites for the same crime.

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