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Demosthenes's avatar

Does the possibility that white people will be a minority in the U.S. frighten or otherwise distress you?

Asked by Demosthenes (15432points) May 16th, 2022

This projection of changing demographics was mentioned in my question about the white supremacist shooting in Buffalo. This projection has led to an increasingly mainstream “replacement theory”, which of course is not just the idea that white people will become a minority, but that elites are deliberately replacing them with non-whites.

Do you think if white people become a minority in the U.S., there will be a cultural loss? Japan for example has largely kept out immigrants; their population is almost 100% Japanese (it’s also rapidly aging and declining in many places, but nonetheless). The U.S. is mixed to begin with, unlike Japan. Even if we kept out immigrants, that’s no guarantee that the racial demographics wouldn’t change. So if this is a problem to you, what is the goal? Preserving racial demographics as they are? Eliminating non-white people?

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