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JLeslie's avatar

Why did most Republicans vote against the recent Baby Formula Bill?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) May 19th, 2022 from iPhone

What was in the bill specifically that they objected to?

Here’s a link with the story, but not enough detail.

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26 Answers

janbb's avatar

Because they’re so pro-life. ~

jca2's avatar

And then when the babies are starving, they’ll blame Joe Biden.

chyna's avatar

And it was the usual group of Republicans that voted against it: Matt Gaetz, Marjorie “I am mentally unbalanced” Green, Lauren Boebert, Andy Biggs, Thomas Massie, Clay Higgins, Chip Roy, Paul Gosar and Louie Gohmert.
Remember these people when you go to vote and don’t vote them back in office.
Edited to add: I just saw one headline that said “Republicans just voted against feeding the baby they’re forcing you to have.” Appropriate.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Because they felt the FDA was not being held accountable and it didn’t address future supply issues. So they proposed their own legislation to address those additional issues.

12 Republicans did vote for it.

Forever_Free's avatar

Because they are selfish.

JLoon's avatar

Disabled by Fetus Fever.

zenvelo's avatar

@KNOWITALL Separately, 192 Republicans voted no on a bill to staff up the FDA to help manage formula supply.

@JLeslie It wasn’t “most Republicans”; it was 9

HR 7791, the Access to Baby Formula Act, passed the House on Wednesday with 414 “yes” votes.

Blackberry's avatar

We’ve been dissecting the Republican party for decades now. They’re not good people.
They believe in socioeconomic eugenics:
Whoever is rich and strong is that way naturally.

Read the tweet that Texas politician said when their electric grid failed and people were dying….he basically said it’s your job to take care of yourself and you shouldn’t have been dependent on electricity anyway.

Cause it’s totally normal for hundreds of millions of people to just have generators on standby.

jca2's avatar

@zenvelo: Don’t forget they want unregulated business and drilling in the Arctic and fracking and all that, too. If you’re a Titan of Industry, it’s great for you. If you’re the average Working Joe, it’s not so great.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@zenvelo I haven’t read the actual bill, so maybe they took issue with specifics I’m not aware of.

JLeslie's avatar

@zenvelo Oh, hang on, so I’m confusing two different bills?

@KNOWITALL That’s what I was wondering, if there was something specifically objectionable, but now I see I might have two bills confused to begin with.

@Blackberry Wow, I hadn’t seen that about the electricity and take care of yourself, although I know Republicans use that sort of line. They used it during Katrina, friends of mine said in other cities they wouldn’t just sit around and wait for the federal government. SMH.

Blackberry's avatar

Yea it’s the ultimate cop-out so they’ll never feel obligated to improve their cities/states.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Blackberry Same thing with a tornado shelter forthe community in tornado alley. Sorry they sell them so if you worry go spend $5k on one for your backyard.

JLeslie's avatar

@Blackberry The Texas thing was crazy, I had friends that had water pipes blow from the freezing, it was terrible. It had me wondering if Florida had days of deep freeze what types of problems we might have here. Florida is tied into the grid that goes north, but when Florida is freezing so are the states north of us! During the TX situation it seemed to me a state like TX could be energy independent, it’s bigger than many countries and has sun, wind, and oil! To screw up not having enough energy for the state is really pretty embarrassing.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@JLeslie It’s Republican and embarrassing ! !

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL I don’t understand your comment? Are you saying people shouldn’t rely on the government? People don’t have time to get to some sort of central shelter during a tornado.

My experience is communities do pull together and help each other during and after disasters regardless of party lines or even income level. Some disasters need government to step in, because the burden of the disaster is overwhelming and time can cost lives.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie Just mentioning a drawback some of us have here in a red state in tornado alley. Not all government feels it’s their responsibility to provide. Not interested in saving lives.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL The red states want federal help when they get devastated, and they get it. The politicians might try to make it sound like they don’t, but they do.

As far as state and other local governments not feeling responsible or not being interesting in saving lives, I don’t even know what to say to that. I’m assuming you are just communicating facts and not necessarily giving your opinion about the responsibilities of the government.

I realize not all parts of government are prepared to do emergency services nor have the funds, but government in general is supposed to protect the citizenry don’t you think? I use protect with a very broad definition.

WhyNow's avatar

Well… everyone KNOWS republicans are evil and want babies to die!
But first they will put them in a closet… so they don’t have to hear them cry.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You know @WhyNow I agree with you the GOP are a bunch asses and are evil !

WhyNow's avatar

@Tropical_Willie So… you met them all?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Listened to them, they can’t wait to make Biden look bad!

Even if was them voting !

WhyNow's avatar

Biden looks bad without help.

Entropy's avatar

I’m not familiar with the specific bill’s innards, but I do know the baby formula shortage is a 100% self-inflicted crisis. We created arbitrary labelling requirements and approval processes that combined with protectionist tariffs resulted in the US consuming 98% of it’s baby formula from domestic suppliers despite the fact that the world’s largest and best baby formula producers are in Europe.

Then a major factory for one of the domestic suppliers had to shut down for awhile and the FDA and Biden administration refused to suspend the regs to allow European baby formula to be sold in the US like it is all over the world. Result: SHORTAGE. Then, Biden flies in a bunch of that same European baby formula that was COMPLETELY UNSAFE mere moments earlier and the FDA WOULD NOT ALLOW to be sold…and he declares himself a hero for doing so.

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