General Question

SergeantQueen's avatar

How do you have two left twix?

Asked by SergeantQueen (13300points) May 20th, 2022

How is that possible?
In a two pack you have a left and a right. Turn it around and the left becomes the right and the right becomes the left.

How do I know my two pack of “left twix only” is truly two left twix? It can’t be… There is still a right?

The recipe seems the same… I don’t notice more or less chocolate/caramel/wafer ratio between the two.

So what the fuck is this bullshit marketing strategy and how have they not been sued for false advertising????

This is absolutely atrocious and outrageous. I want two left twix. How do I make sure I get two left twix????

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4 Answers

flutherother's avatar

I would make friends with someone who prefers right Twix. Exciting news from Twix is that they will launch a four pack this year with two left Twix two right Twix two Top Twix and two bottom Twix. I don’t know about you but I can’t wait.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Grow up. EVeryone knows that Twix are for kids.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

One of those pieces is standing on its head.

ragingloli's avatar

Of course it is all bullshit.
It is like saying that a sausage has 2 starts.
All advertising is legalised lying. Notice how a fast food burger always looks like some crumpled piece of shit, and never like the styled photos .

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