Do you think it is a coincidence that Elon "Justin Hammer" Musk announced he would switch to voting republican, right before sexual abuse allegations against him became public?
The guy clearly saw his chickens coming home to the roost, so he tried to preempt it by “switching” to the republicans, so he can complain about being “cancelled”.
Honestly, that party is the perfect fit for him, and he will integrate nicely with all the other sex-pests in that organisation.
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20 Answers
I knew the guy was full of it the first interview I saw.
Incredibly vague, making grand claims, not being serious when needed and making silly jokes when asked pertinent questions etc.
There’s just something off about the guy.
What surprises me is that the sexual allegations hadn’t come out earlier.
What surprised me was that he wasn’t a Republican to begin with. I was shocked that he would need to “switch”!!! I agree with @Blackberry on the rest. In my eyes, he seems to be an intelligent dude, but there’s something that just doesn’t add up!!!
The biggest change for him was that he became the richest man in the world. My guess is this has more to do with wealth than anything else. I don’t think his desire for wealth is about greed either, as it is with most billionaires. I think he sees wealth as a means to accomplishing his dreams of going to Mars.
@Blackberry “There’s just something off about the guy.”
He says he’s on the autism spectrum. I try not to judge people for their personality quirks. As to his grand claims, the guy has pulled off some pretty incredible accomplishments: building rocket boosters that land on drone ships. Creating rockets that send astronauts to the ISS, building the first successful US car company in a century, changing the image of EVs from glorified go-karts for hippies to desirable, fast and fun vehicles that people want to own, etc.
I have very mixed thoughts on the guy myself. I get the sense that he’s rational to the extreme and would have no remorse about doing awful things if it ultimately resulted in a greater good.
I just hope it all means that he doesn’t acquire Twitter. There’s too much power in too few hands.
Musk is a complete fraud. A conman. A sociopath. “His” achievements are almost entirely down to the work and research of other far more capable people.
Like Trump, his main talent is self-promotion. Though he’s a far better businessman than Trump.
@janbb He wanted to pull out of the acquisition just days ago. It’s speculative, but maybe he wanted this scandal.
@Kropotkin ”“His” achievements are almost entirely down to the work and research of other far more capable people.”
I would push back on this. Yes there is an army of extremely brilliant engineers and hard working employees working at Tesla and SpaceX. Creating a culture and work environment where they can do their best work, retaining talent that can literally work wherever they want, setting the right priorities, keeping the ventures funded through the early years before there’s a profit and while there are organized and well-funded campaigns selling you short, is hard. Elon understands what’s in his vehicles better than any car CEO out there. He’s not a dumb guy with lots of smart people working for him.
That’s not to say that he hasn’t engaged in fraud or that his theatrics and desire for attention doesn’t result in reprehensible actions/statements. I just think the haters from the left are being overly simplistic in their analysis of the guy. I’m certainly not a fanboy, but I’ve been following him for years now and this desire to dismiss what has been accomplished is a lazy analysis.
I’m with @gorillapaws on this. Very mixed feelings but there is clearly way too much lazy dismissal of the guy as a charlatan.
Personally I think he has aspirations of sorts and he got a lot of hate from the Left over comments about Twitter and free speech.
I don’t think one employee with allegations that already took a pay off once would worry him. She signed at least two NDA’s at that time.
That is such an unfair comparison! Justin Hammer was a much better dancer.
I see thanks for the input. You’re definitely right about some of his accomplishments. He’s definitely laying the groundwork for a new generation of vehicle which is the first step in trying to evolve how we commute.
That is an excellent response and very accurate.
The question itself and a handful of responses reek of political bias and the irony lays in the fact that Elon Musk, with Tesla and Solar City, have done more to fulfill the green agenda that the “left” says they support so I would assume that people should be more aware of the potential political propaganda that is being put out right now and obviously working very well.
In regards to the allegations of sexual misconduct, there was some evidence laid out yesterday of stock option activity of heavy puts on Tesla that expired today. Tesla’s stock was down around 10% at one point today.
Here is the article that discusses this potential stock manipulation:
EVs have the ability to transform way more than just vehicles and driving. EVs, combined with renewables, have the ability to completely transform the grid as we know it and provide a level of security unseen before.
Ford with its F150 Lightning has the ability to power a home in a power outage. The next step up, already being implemented in Europe, is called Vehicle to Grid, in which energy can be taken from a vehicle and given to the grid in times of high demand. People will be able to get paid to do this if implemented properly.
Tesla is already working towards this with its Autobidder software.
Could that be a case of Tesla-driven testosterone? ;)
@JLoon I don’t know what happened on that plane. I certainly think he could have done what he was accused of. It wasn’t so much that I’m passing on it or excusing it, as I simply don’t know what happened. Alleging Elon offered a horse in exchange for a happy ending does sound too weird to be a fabrication, but the timing of the release, twitter stuff as well as the billions in market shorting is a bit suspicious. Sexual harassment is unacceptable. Full stop. If it happened, he should be held accountable.
My comments were a pushback against some lazy analysis that dismiss Elon’s accomplishments. The guy has done some impressive shit. He may also be a piece of shit when it comes to women and other things. Like I said, I have mixed feelings on the guy.
At the end of the day, climate change is coming for us all. Musk has probably done more to actually bend the curve in the right direction than any other individual. It’s not a simple he’s good vs. he’s evil.
I think this question assumes his guilt without anything other than a claim by someone. It is every bit as likely that someone is creating a claim against him BECAUSE he said he would vote Republican. Not to mention that he wants to open up the echo chamber that is Twitter. The left went nuts when he made the bid to buy Twitter. It would not be the first time the left tried smearing someone with claims of sexual assault without a stitch of proof. Nor would it be the first time the media did like this question does….assumes the claim is true without any proof.
He could learn so much from Biden about sweeping those SA allegations under the rug.
After Musk failed to testify for Heard in the defamation trial, it has been alleged that she’s planning on charging him with abuse. So, maybe he’s being a good Republican & deflecting with a storyline he he KNOWS that he can CONTROL!!!
Or maybe after being attacked by rabid liberals for purchasing twitter and advocating free speech, he just wants nothing to do with the lot of you.
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