How many English words do you know?
Asked by
raum (
May 29th, 2022
from iPhone
Ghent University
Center for Reading Research
How many English words do you know? With this test you get a valid estimate of your English vocabulary size within 4 minutes and you help scientific research.
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55 Answers
Can you do just the test, and not the profile? The form (profile) is too long for me.
“You said yes to 76% of the existing words.
You said yes to 10% of the nonwords.
This gives you a corrected score of 76% – 10% = 66%.
This is fairly high level for a native speaker.”
I’m a bit disappointed.
I managed to accidentally press YES once, mistakenly.
And a few I were doubtful about.
By the way what do all the questions have to do with the number of words you know? Are you right or left handed, how old are you, what is your geo location, .... The number of words one knows is the number of word one knows no regardless of any of those things.
You are wrong with that assumption.
I know a bunch. I’ll list them later. Consider this a sneak peek.
Will I take a test? Hell no. If someone wants me to be a research subject, they must compensate me.
I scored 71%. I didn’t say yes to any fake words.
@filmfann and @LostInParadise Nice! Did you guys look at how they broke it down? It was pretty cool that they included a link to words that you didn’t get.
@chefl I’d guess that they would want that information as part of their research. I think they actually broke down the results by gender and it was interesting to see which words one gender was more likely to know.
@rebbel That’s really impressive for your second language. Dutch is your first language, right?
@rebbel I did a quick search and it says English has ~171k words. And Dutch has ~52k. If you know about ~66% of English, that’s about ~112k. That would mean that you know more words in your second language than of your first. What do you think of that?
Okay, I have to applaud @raum for doing that math. I also find that interesting.
@raum I said one nonword was a word, and I saw the word they made up, but it was a word I thought was easily understood, so good for them on their skillfully making it up.
@raum It reduces cheating.
You said yes to 84% of the existing words.
You said yes to 0% of the nonwords.
I was being conservative for sure.
I would not even consider filling out that form and allowing location to do this. I am satisfied with my broad vocabulary that I assume came with extensive education and a love of reading. By the way, Ghent is a lovely place.
I got 76%, and didn’t say yes to any of the non words.
81% and didn’t say yes to any non words. Interesting test! Some of the non-words were very cleverly constructed, I was impressed.
And really, if you don’t want to do the profile for fear of data-mining, just answer with nonsense.
Or do as I did, and proceed to do the test by just pushing the “Start Test” button.
Also, read this >>
”You can continue without answering the questions, but then your data will not be included in the scientific studies we will publish.”
Ghentmuffin!! I like nonwords.
I think if you say them enough and use them in regular sentences, eventually they will be hootpalfered into mainstream convirology. Then we’ll all be inglammed.
Of course this could effect my score, but I say pufkle. Real language skill is not just a matter of coxipity. Especially when you consider all possible vulvariables.
It’s possible this answer could be modsquatted for reldeviance, but you know what I mean.
81% of real words and no-non words
It was harder than I expected.
I got 84% overall (87% of existing words), and the non-word I said yes to was “hematethite”. Must have mistaken it for hematite.
@ragingloli Will you marry me? (And will you tell me if you’re a boy or a girl first?)
You can marry me loli!
It won’t matter if you’re male or female – as long as you’re a hermathlete in bed.
Existing words =93%
Corrected score=90%
I got 81% which is after adjustment for the minus 3 for the one non word I answered yes to in error. I knew disambantaroped was a non word, but I tapped yes in haste.
I am wondering if handedness affects answering yes to non words or no to actual words.
44% existing word and 0% non-word.
I say no to a lot of words. I only say yes to the words I’m absolutely sure of the meaning.
@chefl I see you have never done a research project before.
You said yes to 91% of the existing words.
You said yes to 0% of the nonwords.
This gives you a corrected score of 91% – 0% = 91%.
You are at the top level!
@ragingloli is an alien from another planet and has said so on multiple occasions.
@Caravanfan Yes, but are they a male alien or a female alien? Nosy minds want to know.
I got 70% and no non-words.
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@raum Thank you for that compliment.
Yes, my native language is indeed Dutch.
And thank you as well for the calculation you did there; interesting to see that there’s such a massive difference in word count between the two languages.
I’m less disappointed now ;-)
Even a bit impressed.
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Oh, 84, and I got 0 nonexistent words. Though I got one wrong that I wasn’t sure about. It was barroom. I thought for sure it was two separate words.
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Oh crap! I thought you wanted us to actually count the words we know.
I got “service temporarily unavailable” the link to the test June 11/22
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