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JLeslie's avatar

Will you give me your opinion about this video regarding the evolution of the abortion issue?

Asked by JLeslie (65975points) May 29th, 2022 from iPhone

In the video Amonpour interviews Frank Schaeffer who was an at the front of the pro-life movement at the time of the Roe v. Wade court case. Now, he regrets his actions.

Here’s the link to the video.

Please, let’s allow each jelly speak in peace. I’m interested in the reactions to the video and not a big argument between jellies.

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11 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

I watched some of it. The guy mutters and stutters too much for me to stay with it.

My beliefs on the subject don’t have anything to do with politics or religion. It is my personal views of right and wrong, nature, and first hand knowledge of situations.
What that man thinks can’t make any difference for me. That he thinks differently now, than half a century ago is no surprise. That doesn’t make him right, just different than his youthful self.

The only opinion I can offer about his process of thinking, is that a lot of people are unable to track the building of their belief system and be aware of just what their influencers were along the way.

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seawulf575's avatar

I only made it through about 10 minutes of the video. But here are my opinions on this:

I hear a number of things coming from Mr. Schaffer that I don’t think he intended to convey. First is that he states that basically he was a dumb kid (at 19 years old) and was easily swayed by the evangelical right. That in itself speaks out to quite a few other topics than abortion. He is saying that children even into their teens aren’t really savvy and can be swayed to do things they don’t understand. Apply that thinking to the transgenderism being pushed these days. Apply it to abortion! Kids are convinced that unprotected sex is okay because they can always get an abortion. Forget that there are tons of other reasons things that unprotected sex is dangerous. Kids are NOT adults and cannot and should not be allowed to make adult decisions.

He then goes on to talk about the motives behind the people that were pro-life at the time. He just told us he was not mature enough to understand the issue of abortion. Yet he suddenly had deep insight into motives that others had? Seems suspicious to me.

It seems to me that he got involved on the pro-life side of things and then at some later time decided to change his mind. Perfectly okay. But to justify it either to himself or others, he starts creating a storyline that doesn’t hold together. He goes so far as to try digging up deep history of abortion in this country. That didn’t happen at the time he was first involved in making the first movie. It was something he decided to look into much later. And things like that were the basis for his decision about other people’s motives. And he doesn’t seem to have any ability to see anything other than his own views of how people think.

KNOWITALL's avatar

To me this feels like the exact same thing the Right did with Abby Johnson and a million others who were ProChoice but now ProLife.

I do agree that the Right can be more supportive post-birth with legislation if they promote family values.

seawulf575's avatar

@KNOWITALL “I do agree that the Right can be more supportive post-birth with legislation if they promote family values.” I agree they need to fight harder, but the left is pushing for the destruction of the nuclear family and family values. When Obama says the village raises the children or when the school districts feel they can make non-life saving medical decisions for children without informing the parents or when they want to make abortions or birth control available to 12 year olds without parental consent, they are sending a clear message that family is the enemy. I’d suggest that BOTH sides need to push family values.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Seawulf575 Only 22% of Americans are growing up with a nuclear family.
Family values needs to stop being a flex of the patriarchy that hurts good people. It should be inclusive!
Perhaps we should revisit family values in another Q sometime.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

I can’t speak on that issue relationally. Not when people are actually making an issue over a fetus but don’t give a freaking rats butt if that precious fetus grown up to be target practice for some insane fuck with an automatic weapon. I’m bowing out on this topic until we get our heads out of our asses.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Rationally I meant. Stupid typos.

WhyNow's avatar

Ronald Reagan once said… ‘I notice that people who are pro abortion have already
been born.’ or something like that.

I am fully pro abortion tho I do have trouble with partial birth abortion… but…
Sometimes we just need the right parts for research.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Here is a 2nd abortion leader, Rev. Robert Schenck, who is claiming he made a mistake, but it’s NOT his fault…it’s the fault of phony Christians!!!

JLeslie's avatar

@WhyNow Right parts for research? What do you mean? Later abortions (D&X) in the second term are usually done because something is very wrong with the pregnancy or fetus. The fetus was dismembered to give the woman the best chance of not having damage to her cervix and less chance of excessive hemorrhaging. As it is her cervix has to be opened to do the procedure. The procedure also has less recovery time.

The pro-lifers have pictures making it look like it was a 9 month baby being killed. No one in the US is aborting and killing 9 month babies. Propaganda.

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