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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever caught a fish with a fly fishing rod?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25143points) May 31st, 2022

I never have.

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10 Answers

hat's avatar

I grew up fly fishing with my father. We’d tie our own flies together and he built fly rods (which I still have) as well.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I have, like @hat my dad was a fly fisherman. I still suck at it though.

zenvelo's avatar

Yes, high in the Wind River Range in Wyoming. My buddy was teaching me how to flycast at a small lake, and a small trout actually jumped and hooked himself!

Zaku's avatar

Yes, with my dad.

JLoon's avatar

I have.

But I’ve caught more fish using other gear.

I think most people see flyfishing as an art more than a sport.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes, first time was Snake River, while staying in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on a borrowed rod and reel. In 1976.
Since then I’ve caught several kinds of Trout, Bass, Mackerel . . . and again on a borrowed rod and reel in Mexico; a Rooster Fish in the surf.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Since the late 1980s my buddies and I have made an annual fall fly fishing trip for trout. It started on the Pere Marquette River in Michigan. In recent years we’ve been on the Arkansas in Colorado near Buena Vista and Salida.

I don’t catch a lot of fish. Some years I net none. For me it’s an excuse to wander in the great outdoors, wade in rivers, explore the banks and surroundings, take photos, and hang out with my pals.

Forever_Free's avatar

Yes. Many a trip to Montana in my youth specifically for that.
Most of my fishing was while baitcasting growing up in the Midwest fishing in Canada, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
A smaller amount of Ocean fishing either from a boat or surf casting.

I recently read “Stronghold – One mans quest to save the worlds wild salmon” that discussed the religious differences between fly fishing and baitcast fishing. A great read!

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Markobro's avatar

Yes, I’m flyfishing almost every Spring and Fall. All you need to do is to grab your rod and some bait, and since those seasons water is pretty cold I’m usually go with at least fishing boots and warm fishing pants(especially in spring). It’s still uncertain if you going to catch anything, but hey, it’s about process, not result!

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