General Question

chefl's avatar

About what is it good to be trendy?

Asked by chefl (917points) June 1st, 2022

About clothes? About music? (Edited)

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11 Answers

RocketGuy's avatar

You get to conform with the people you see every day.

SnipSnip's avatar

I can’t think of anything.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Trendiness is not of value to me. I recognize that some people like it (and live for it) but it’s not my goal. In fact, the opposite. Trendiness is trying to be like everyone else. Why would I want that?

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Being trendy is for people without lives of their own.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


raum's avatar

Being anti-trendy is just the flip side of the same coin.

Like what you like.

KNOWITALL's avatar

The only thing I remotely care about being trendy are outfits and hairstyles. And it’s a conscious effort on my part to care about those two things.

The older I get, the less I care about the opinions of others on insignificant matters. It’s kind of nice as my first 30 years I tanned, bleached and cared way too much.

Smashley's avatar

It’s weird how things like clothes trends are so dumb and wasteful and yet so ingrained at every level of society. They matter, because they matter to others, and what you wear tells a story. Chasing fast fashion may not end up telling the story you want, however.

HP's avatar


chefl's avatar

@raum but if I just happen to like whatever the crowd likes, then am I not just waiting to be told what to like? Not necessarily being trendy is liking what I like. Being anti-trendy would be sometimes forcing myself not liking what I like, if that’s possible.

chefl's avatar

@KNOWITALL Good you stopped tanning though. Cancer they say.

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